So... can shadow priests have some love in pve?

Mana regen is brought by druids, shamans, and paladins. AOE healing is brought by, well, healers. If your raid isn’t dying because healers are going OOM, then both of those are covered, and there’s no reason to bring a Spriest. The only real thing I can think of is shadow weaving, but the only other people that benefits is affliction warlocks. Granted, aff locks are doing fairly well right now, so maybe that’s a reason to bring a Spriest along, but idk.
True, but your healing priests can do the same thing. If you need a healer, bring a healer, if you need DPS, bring DPS. Spriest is in a weird spot where we can technically cover a lot of roles, but we don’t do any of them well enough to fit into thriving raid groups, only surviving ones.

Shadow is the best at it from a party perspective.

Right… which makes it a UNIQUE benefit of the dps priest to do that, a thing no other DPS role is doing. And doing well. That is incredibly valuable.

Which is their actual utility. And again, dispel magic is incredibly powerful. The only class with a defensive one on Horde, and offensive one on Alliance.

I mean, sure, I guess, but raid-wide mana regen is better than party regen, and if you’re not going OOM either way, then the mana gain is worth nothing.
AOE Party healing is incredibly valuable if and only if it’s the difference between dead players or not. Tanking and healing are pass/fail roles, only DPS has variable efficacy. If a raid group can clear content without a Spriest, then the benefits of having one are basically zero. You’re better off picking up a different DPS.
I agree dispel is valuable, but it’s brought by other classes. Mages can also dispel defensively through advanced warding rune.

I am fairly positive that one of the first Heat 3 clears was running 4 shadow priests, one in each group. it’s insanely powerful. I think you should look into the logs on it.

I understand that it’s powerful, but it’s not efficient. I think you’re misunderstanding me, or maybe I’m just doing a poor job of explaining.
Bringing a bunch of Spriests is very safe, it increases a group’s ability to survive an encounter quite a bit, and if surviving a boss fight is your raid group’s top priority, then Spriest is a fantastic choice for your roster. However, just surviving a boss fight isn’t super difficult, and once a raid group knows what’s going on, the goal shifts from just surviving a fight, to pumping damage, or parsing, or whatever your raid group does. There is maybe a spot for one Spriest in a high-performing raid group, but that’s a maybe, because every piece of utility that a Spriest brings, can be better accomplished by a different class. Outside of that, the spec is best assigned to PUGs and lower-skilled raids,

I think you are the one misunderstanding. Replacing your raid healers with a dps that does 80% of other dps classes damage AND provides just as much healing is a parsing raid’s wet dream. The faster the boss dies the better, and a raid healer doing 80% dps and 80% raid healing is better than a healer doing 100% raid healing and 0% dps.

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That only applies to high unavoidable damage raids, which granted, might be true for MC to some extent, but I saw lots of parse guilds bench their Spriests, with a couple exceptions on the alliance side for dwarves (Fear ward) during ST

I think you are speculating without evidence on an outcome you personally feel is true, and the reality of the logs and the population size is not matching up to that.

Shadow is currently the 6th most represented dps class in Heat levels 2 and 3, and the 7th in Heat level 1, only overtaken by paladin.

The data just isn’t bearing out your argument.

Mostly speculating based on what’s been true so far. P4 is fresh, 2nd reset only just happened, so it’ll be up in the air on what happens until we’ve had a fair few resets to see how things play out. I mean, they’re still tweaking MC in general. For all I know, Spriest could end the phase at #1 DPS, and stacking them with zero healers could be the meta. I just don’t see the minor amount of changes that happened to Spriest for P4 being enough to make the difference though. We’ve been worst, if not incredibly close to worst DPS every phase up until now.
Boomies have been in the same boat as us. Spriest and boomie had pretty low representation for being available to both factions, looking at ST stats.

??? druids single target, once a fight innervate does nothing compared to shamans and paladins.

More often than not im using innervate on myself as a boomie, because im oom after a couple minutes while whoever is in a shadow priests group is free casting.

Shadow priests give 100-200mp5 / 300-600hps to everyone in their group which is S tier.

I beg to be in a shadow priests group in raid, but we only have 1 for the healer group because of mana regen alone.

You do know you can bring less healers because of shadow priests right? You can bring more dps players. You can actually bring 1 healer to MC if you have enough shadow priests. Shadow priests are replacing healers already.

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shadow priest healing is amazing and extremely useful (used a lot by the world first heat 3) and you get to do it passively while dealing damage, so no, you can’t just compare it to other healers :expressionless: your dps is thus fine.

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Paladin is unironically giving way more mana than VT.

crying about needing a buff but is topping meters currently. Checks out!!!


Newsflash, you don’t have to recast your dots when you get PI. When you get PI it automatically buffs Ur dots. Plus the head rune refreshed ur dots anyways. When PI ends, your dots lose the buff. Stop baiting people on the forums, extremely bad look.

i mean the log is right there, the guy who pi’d me got 46k damage and he pi’s me twice, so if there was no lasting effect i would have to do 230000 in 30 seconds for him to get 46k, which is 7666 dps

take a little listen

have you been doing it wrong the entire time? :skull:

this is why when the 2nd pi hits me, my dot damage doesn’t go up

Spriest healing nerfed 50%…no dps compensation.

Spriest down bad, because they might be too good in the dead pvp mode . LUL DEVS

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They are pretty mid in pvp too. You dont have time to wait for rot damage to work in pvp anymore.

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This is wrong. Stop giving incorrect info on the forums, extremely bad look.