So... can shadow priests have some love in pve?

Spell power coefficients aren’t by spell, they are by cast time. Based on a 3.5 speed formula for 100%. ALL spells follow the exact same rules regardless of class. All dots have a standardized spell power coefficient based on tick rate at 3 seconds. it’s all the same rules for everyone.

The only leg up any class gets is reduced cast time on spells. Classes that have talents to reduce their cast time, such as fireball or shadowbolt, gain the base cast time coefficient of the longer cast on the spell with the lowered cast time.

The main thing hurting SoD shadow is no spell haste, as shadow and dots in particular scale incredibly well with haste, but considering the 3 spike 1 MB rotation shadow has in SoD, that would not really help us but rather hurt us, as we would be casting faster than the CD on MB would allow for.

Wrong. Shadow has the same values that everyone else uses. Shadow lacks two things specifically most other casters have access to, increased spell crit multiplier and reduced cast time on long cast time spells.

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You’re all ignoring the most important point. Shadow does insane trash and AoE damage. Not every class is or should be single target damage equals, just like not all classes are AoE equals. The thesis of this post is bunk.

We do less AOE than a hunter does in 2 instant casts by standing still and channeling mind sear.

You do more AoE dps than a warrior doing literally everything they can.

Uh yeah? Warrior have no uncapped AOE attacks. It’s the one thing they don’t do.

Just like, get this, shadow priests don’t do a lot of single target. Weird, right? Almost like it’s a trade off.

My point is I have to play like a totem and a hunter gets to play like an AC-130 while doing roughly the same AOE dps.

Isn’t the end result of this that other classes benefit more from spell power than spriests do?

Why do you think damage should be even between classes?

I’m just done hearing people cite balance as the reason priests need to be in the dumpster like they are now when all sense of game balance is out the window when paladins/hunter/shamans are concerned.

The spell power coefficient on Mind Blast is 42.85%.

EDIT: I figured out why you were confused. All spell ranks below I think level 12, but possibly level 20 have a lower spell power coefficient to stop people from downranking as effectively. So Mind Blast being a level 8 spell for rank 1, has a rank 1 spell power coefficient significantly lower than normal, but the higher ranks do not.

Also 42.85, because the GCD is 1.5 seconds, treating them as 1.5 second cast time spells.

Yea because it erroneously had a higher spell power coefficient than normal, notice the new value is now even with other instant casts.

Other classes benefit more from crit when they have a multiplier. The spell power coefficient increase is too small though, at .5 seconds they are getting around a 12% benefit ONLY to that spell. Most classes are casting more than just one spell now, limiting the impact. We also have dots, so we have more damage ticking while casting than other classes.

The two biggest issues with shadow in SoD is the clunky rotation and the backlash damage of SW:D. All the dots have different durations which makes uptime awkward, especially with VT being a cast time. And SW:D backlash damage has always been dumb. Every version of SW:D forcing into a rotation has felt bad and been bad.

Is this your first time playing an MMORPG? The only way to explain your lack of understanding is if it’s your first time.

This might sound crazy to you, but in a role playing game different classes have different strengths and weaknesses. Crazy, right?

One of the most sought after dps classes for pugs and guilds right now is shadow. Nearly every guild on my server is recruiting one, and most pugs I see want one for world bosses. Really weird to see such high demand for a spec that’s “in the dumpster”

Weird that people chose a support based caster dps and expected to be top damage.

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You’re right about the spell power coefficients. I used rank 1 mind blast’s number.

I guess the main difference is the crit and the low base spell damage from our main filler mind spike.

We have a rune that lets us completely ignore refreshing the dots now. I don’t find the rotation clunky. I just think it sucks when I parse a 99 on a boss and still end up doing half the damage of other players, and less than some tanks.

Thanks for correcting me on the sp modifiers.

Maybe the 6 piece T1 that buffs mind flay will be enough that we can keep up with the other casters better. Or if the vamp healing and mana return are actually valuable in the raid. Vamp embrace was not worth the global on several of the ST bosses.

Yea, I think in 1.10 they nerfed downranking which led to what you see with rank 1 MB.

As for mind spike, it’s in a really weird spot. Definitely still the best filler, but I don’t know if they are trying to make mind flay more relevant or something in keeping the damage low. That’s a rune spell, and THOSE have some wildly different rules to them.

I forgot they added that, didn’t get as much to test with on that with the PTR. Since my Horde guild died I haven’t been spending much time on the priest but instead the pally.

We don’t have parsing for world bosses yet correct? The logs aren’t showing anything for me.

I could have been less snarky about it, I think I came off harsher than needed. To be frank I was a bit salty over something dumb that happened in game that really wasn’t that big of a deal and let it affect me in other ways. I apologize for the tone.

Embrace and VT is AMAZING for raiding right now. A lot of groups don’t have the damage to kill Kazzak before the enrage, so you get about 20% left to burn him down and that extra healing is INSANE.

There’s usually just a lot more raid damage in general in MC and BWL.

I don’t know about the T1 impact, if the flash heal effect is still on there it feels weird, way more a PVP thing than PVE imo.

Overall shadow is meant to be a support/utility caster and not a prime damage dealer. As long as you are doing enough damage to remain relevant AND not ooming in 45 seconds, things are working as they should.

Personally I hate how powerful ret is. Absolutely should have gotten more buff/utility and less damage. But it is what it is now.

Maybe they will give shadow the ZG buff as a mini raid buff like they did Ony for warriors.

its simple Shadow Priest are not brought for there damage theyre brought to the raids for the Utility they bring. if you wanna be on the top of the meters roll anther class its that simple

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No logs for world bosses. I’m talking ST logs.

I’m cool with spriest being f tier dps as long as the utility is needed and valuable. It wasn’t for ST outside of full speed runs where mind sear on huge trash packs was great.

For Kazzak, I did more healing than the actual healers and middle of the pack dps 1.3k not using full consumes or DMT buffs.

The dot refresh rune sort of made the spec brain dead. Apply dots spam mind spike, blast, and death.

They are fine damage and utility wise but being a short ranged channeler with no pushback resist feels miserable. Not to mention having to choose between our main attack and dispersion.

I would not use anything from ST as a metric right now AT ALL for gauging things. Different raids, different meta, way different setup. Too much change.

Mind Spike has like a 42 yard range, you are not a short range channeler in raids. I don’t think anyone is using flay in raiding.

Checking our logs I see shadow priests around 1400-1500 dps easily. You probably just need to learn your rotation a tad better.