You left out the important part, how long does it take you to do that?
Long enough that he doesn’t have time to actually play the game, afterwards.
We are? Damn. No one told me.
Well we all know that the real game is measuring the temperature of the floor in Ansurek’s chamber on mythic difficulty.
Basically always been my philosophy. Prior to WoW tokens I was always broke, now I can play the game how I choose to because I can ignore most everything I don’t feel like doing.
Not sure if anyone is aware. But the reputation caches for the various reputations from the Shadowlands expansion still reward 3-5k gold. Also, Shadowlands World Quests still give pretty decent gold along with the treasure chests you can locate in each zone!
The only gold that was nerfed by Blizzard to my understanding from the Shadowlands expansion was from the mission table.
Make a grip the first few weeks of an expansion.
Coast on your windfall for the entire expansion.
Rinse and repeat. Never need to give Blizz a dime extra and my hours can be used to buy a few more presents during the holidays instead of tokens.
To do stuff like 5 world quests, world quests in Azj Kahet, Siren Isle etc, etc? Maybe 2 hours a week? Maybe. Probably less?
Once your reps are maxed the reward boxes can have 1-3 gold in them. This is all pretty passive stuff. I’m doing it anyway for bountiful keys, pet currency, ring upgrades and so on.
So 2 hours per character to make…lets say 15K since its in the middle.
Based on current token prices, that means it takes you right at 40 hours of doing gold making chores to buy 1 token.
I guess it will cover your in-game costs…but to the OPs point, thats still highly inefficient when for around 1 hour of work you could spend those 40 hours with your family or doing activities you actually enjoy.
Doing Professions is a Game.
Hunting for Mounts is a Game.
Farming for Gear is a Game.
I don’t go to WoW to use RL money to buy Profession items, to buy Mounts and to buy a Gear. I come to WoW to play the game.
If ever I buy Token, I would use it to level up my Professions so that in the future my Professions would cater gold for any of my WoW needs. It’s awful to have Zero Professions the whole Expansion.
Same. I could spend eight hours farming or I could spend 30 seconds buying a token. i’d rather buy the gold from somebody who has the time to farm the gold and give them a free month of playtime in exchange
Well, there we have it.
Purchased from AH to exchange for BNet balance when the price was really low. Bought a bunch of items from the cash shop.
Purchased from Shop to sell on AH when the price was really high. Recouped my gold investment and maximized dollars on the cash shop.
Closest I’ve come to playing the stock market.
I make more money in real life. It just makes sense for me to buy a token.
15 to 30 min of my time invested for almost 300m gold.
I don’t even know how many days it would take me to come up with 300k gold in game.
I know a lot of people that do this but I’m too much of a cheapskate. I also don’t see a reason to. I play 2-3 characters typically and I only raid on 1 two nights a week. Every season I’ll do the world quests and such until I’ve gained exalted with whatever reps are there but after that I don’t do any world quests. I would normally do 8 mythics per week but I recently became a father so I’m typically lucky to get 1-4 in weekly on my main and nothing else. I also very rarely utilize my professions to make gold. With the limited amount of things I’m willing to do anymore I still come out profiting every week. I keep around 700k total combined across all my toons and do nothing with it but pay for enchants and repairs. So I don’t understand this spending cash for gold so I can just make a bigger amount of gold that I won’t spend lol.
This shows that a player-run capitalist economy will fail every time. There should be some sort of regulation on how high things should be sold for on the marketplace, much like real life.
The only reason I have enough gold for this xpac is I had a little stockpile from previous xpacs. I feel bad for people who didn’t have that, since prices this xpac even for casual PvP are terrible - unless you play only one or two toons. That said, if people come back for season 2 I may be able to make some gold those first few weeks.
I buy one every couple of months or so, maybe a few for an AOTC carry at the end of the expansion. Most of what I typically want is RNG based anyway so I don’t really sweat making gold too much. What I earn passively isn’t terrible.
What even do you NEED gold for?
If you cannot afford R3 enchants, buy R1/2, or none at all. If you cannot afford consumables, just, don’t buy them? Unless you are pushing mythic raid or M12+, there is no need to buy literally anything.
And if you want to buy something shiny, mounts, pets, mogs, instead of buying gold for them, go farm them yourself. If you want something crafted, go farm the mats instead of buying from the AH, and if you cannot afford to pay someone a tip to craft for you, go level up your own profession.
Sure all this takes time, but that’s the point of this game, to play it.
no they don’t - I play more than casual and earning that takes blatant effort at trying to make gold and most people aren’t that concerned about gold to put effort into making it