So broke buy wow tokens

Anyone else so bad at making gold in this game they buy a WoW token to sustain their gold needs? I have absolutely no clue how to make any amount of gold that’s enough to maintain all the enchants, flasks other consumables etc. Also it seems like prices are pretty crazy in season 1 for things at least the rank 3 ones. I work full time so forking over $20 here and there isn’t to big of a deal. I just wish I knew how to make a profit


I buy a token because id rather spend half an hour for a token instead of farming and grinding the gold. Lets me spend more time with my family


Buy r2 mats, craft r3 high demand consumables. It is not that it is gonna make you rich but better than nothing.


Almost everybody should be, yeah. It’s very dfficult to make more gold per hour than cash to buy a token. If it’s gold you earn along the way or passively then that’s great but “grinding” gold at a rate of like a dollar an hour (or worse) is not worth the time.

Unless one enjoys the grind, like if it’s herbs and you like it.


Not my business how other people spend their money. Buy a token. Don’t buy a token. Not really my business.

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Just doing dailies is about enough to maintain all of the enchants, crafting and repairs. But unless you are an AH goblin you will almost always find the best way to farm gold is by paying for it. For 1 hour of overtime I can get about 1M gold and there are no normal gold farms that come close to that as far as I know.

I’m pretty sure its intentionally designed this way to get people to spend more money though.

When I get low I usually just go in for a 6 hour overtime shift and use it too buy a ton of gold over the following months.

Golds from gathering professions early in the expansion will probably last all exp.


Hell the weekly’s & epic chests give 1500 gold those add up quick. But I’ve bought a wow token when I’ve needed it.

how often do you enchant?


OP. You’re not alone. I’ve been buying tokens for years now due to work and extra curricular obligations. I’m of the mindset that I’d rather spend 3s swiping a credit card if it will save me 3 hours of time spent in game performing monotonous tasks.


How much are you spending?

Like… do you pug every night non-stop?

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Yeah, when I could play 30-40 hours a week it was easy to make millions in a x-pack…but I definitely cant do that anymore, so I ended up having to buy my 1st token

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Most casuals making 500K gold per month nowdays not sure what the issue is?

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How are you defining “casual” here?

People who play 5-10 hours a week? Highly doubt they make that amount.

People who do no end game content or very little? Its possible, but doubtful that “most” make that much

Or people who do end-game but take months to get KSM/AOTC? Again, possible, but doubtful.

Overall, I highly doubt “most” of any player group is making 2 tokens a month except maybe carry sellers or AH goblins


Lol yeah thats not happening.

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Typical casual gatherer 9 hours most weekdays and up to 19 on weekends. Plus weekly events and other great content. What else is there?

I hear there’s this weird green stuff on the ground outside that casuals are supposed to touch once a day for a vitality buff.


I can do 100k-150k a week from just old content in WoD, Legion, BFA, and SL. I don’t do the AH stuff either.

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There’s no way I’d ever do that. If it ever reaches the point where I can’t afford repairs with casual game play, I just won’t play.