Make this your job or spend money. We’ve gone full mobile. Enjoy.
Buying a token is the equivalent of maybe 10 minutes of work IRL for me and I tend to have an excess of money since I don’t really spend much. When it comes to gaming the value proposition for me to farm greatly declines since my time is more valuable than money.
Having said that, I don’t really spend much in game either. At one point I was making millions of gold simply playing the game due to selling carries in Dragonflight. For the most part I tend to waste gold on stupid stuff when I have too much, so I could easily play the game and naturally make enough gold for necessities if I need to.
If you’re a casual WoW player, doing weekly quests, casual dungeons/raids, and some daily quests should net you more than enough gold to survive. You don’t need max rank enchants, consumables or anything like that. It’s easy to make tens of thousands of gold with little effort.
100% this.
Id rather spend more time with my wife and kid over grinding something for hours that I can make more in 30ish minutes of work
Yep, juggiling work/wife/kid its a no brainer for me.
Just run the world quest that pays 800 gold (a dozen times on your alts).
…oh nevermind, those AWESOME Warbands made it once per account…(we were tricked into the gold sink).
Yeah, that and the huge nerf to dragon races pretty much killed my main ways of making gold from DF.
Do dailies, do gold world quests, run old dungeons.
Get two gathering professions and sell the mats on AH.
But if you’d rather buy tokens that’s fine too, it’s your time. I’d rather spend an hour in game farming mogs than gold.
This past month I slowly gathered enough to buy another month. This was achieved by selling pvp bloodstones, performing tailoring/jewelcrafting work orders, selling a rare bfa pet, and selling the first “grunch” on the auction house.
Whenever new content drops, look for chances to sell things asap. Prices are unlikely to increase as the patch wears on.
More hours played gets you more gold. World quests, gathering mats. It’s easy. But yeah it does just take more time.
If you compare the cost of a token to your own hourly wages, a lot of people will probably find it is very cheap compared to the number of hours they’d have to play for an equivalent amount of gold. So in that sense I completely get why they’d take that option. Even if to me it’s basically paying to not play the game.
I have no beef with the tokens. Actually I think it’s a great system for legitimate gold purchasing since you’re not buying the gold from blizzard. You’re getting it from another player. Thus no new gold is being conjured from nothing and borking the economy.
there are free youtube guides on how to make gold trading in the AH. buy cheap, and sell at a high price, basically
Have you tried these free youtube methods?
I can’t imagine that information available to everyone would be a great way to try to run a successful flipping business…and obviously, commodities are out the window now, so you’re down to flipping mogs and mounts. And that’s also assuming you have the time to compete with the actual AH goblins.
And just… not play the game.
I don’t know how someone that can’t spend time making gold can find the time to spend so much of it on consumables and repairs. Like…if you really aren’t capable of playing the game that much then how are you actually burning through this much gold?
Have proudly never purchased a token.
How can you not understand?
Say you can play 15 hours a week. Raid 3 hrs a night, 2 days a week = 6 hours. Another 3 hours doing M+ = 9 hours. (assuming you have a premade, longer if not). And 2 hours doing delves = 11 hours.
You can’t make enough gold to pay for progression repairs, enchants, crafting, etc in the remaining 4 hours.
Doing weeklies, skinning and mining I make around 20k gold on day one after reset and around 7-10k on other days as the amount in the chests reduces.
I also do tanking / healing in heroics when they give the bonus and sell what I get for 1-2k.
How much are you spending each week?
I mean…you can actually if you’re smart about how you spend that time. Crank through quests with decent rewards and run some heroics while CTA is up. You could also like…not put 5 hours into delves and M+ weekly. Some weeks you could spend that time or at least some of it padding your gold.
It’s just managing your limited time a bit better.
Or…you can spend some of your extra money on tokens so you can actually focus on the parts of the game you enjoy instead of squandering your limited play time on chores that may not even cover your base expenses.
How many times do you wipe each night on Mythic Queen Ansurek?
Just doing the weekly rounds on a lvl 80 is worth 14-16k per character. What are(n’t) you guys doing?
Yep. You can do that. It’s certainly an option.
Not much more than 95% of everyone else. Sorry man I don’t enter most conversations thinking “But how does this problem influence how barely anyone plays and how can I use that tiny minority to make it seem like a universal problem?”
Playing the game outside of instances. Apparently at all.