So Blizzard is done adding customization options?

Spoken like someone whose never looked at code in their life. There is rarely ever as simple as someone like you thinks. Adding quivers and librams to all the character models so it fits with every piece of armor in the game is a lot more daunting of a task then you think.

Why haven’t they done these things? Not all resources are unlimited. Their teams have a priority list, cosmetic additions aren’t high on that list.


There are quivers and Classic WoW. Conversation ended.

They did it 15 years ago, they can do it again.

And you act like they care about clipping. Heritage armor clips. Racial mounts clip.

They had 4 years of development time when the game wasn’t live to work on them. Back then there weren’t nearly as many items and animations as we have now.

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They are adding Covenant back transmogs, they added 2 different backpacks already. Quivers aren’t some mythical thing that can’t be coded, you are being ridiculous.

It could even be an item like the Highmountain totems.

They said we “probably wouldn’t see” class accessories “until the expansion after WoD”… during MoP.

That’s a HUGE timeframe for plans to change.

And plans did change.

The resources got funneled into Artifacts for Legion instead.

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You might make better progress banging your head against a brick wall. I do admire the tenacity though. :grin:

Ya, but it’s not like it takes a ton of resources to give Hunters some quiver options. That’s just an example of a simple thing they could have done with little investment, that seems like the obvious move, but they never did.

Just like they won’t add more customization options in Shadowlands.

Just like they are done adding Heritage armor. It should have been done already, because Heritage armor is by design, the easiest armor to make, because you don’t have to make it work on every race, simple, no bug testing, just check male and female of race, nothing else to do.

The code seems like its already there if it worked for some artifacts :man_shrugging:

They throw the clipping concern out of the window when it comes to most helmets so just let the player decide on if and how they want to use these options.

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Ya, I don’t buy the “we can’t have quivers because they might clip” excuse. This game has so much clipping. Almost all my characters clip on almost all of my mounts, my Dwarves and Gnomes are digging ruts 2 feet below them with their weapons.

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Yeah you’re probably right.

I think Ion said they had plans to add more throughout the expansion.

But that could be one of those “Ion Promises” that never bear fruit.

I don’t think we will get anything of substance. Maybe some more hair and eye colors, but I think Nightborne and Mechagnomes will forever be half-done monstrosities.

They should have been the first priority, the fixes should be done already.

well if its any consolation, a male mechagnome won asmongold’s transmog+mount contest, a couple days ago. and that was without being able to mog his legs.

anyway, i’m mentally pacing back and forth over this customizations thing. its driving me crazy that i can almost almost allllmost look like a high elf but not. argh.


I just wish the customizations, at launch, were more fairly spread out. A bunch of races are getting scars and tattoos, some races just get a couple new hairstyles, and some races literally only get the ability to be bald.

“Oh, great, I can be bald now, 15 years into the game, just in time for me to start balding in real life”.


clearly they aren’t done. theres no way to justify 26 different types of eyebrows for one race, and like you say, just automatic stuff for others.
26… eyebrow styles… eyebrows. haha

I’m convinced that it will never be fairly developed, some races are going to be forever shafted.

All races should have scars, we have all been fighting in this World of WARcraft for 15 years.

I guess I’m a little too worried about virtual systemic racism, I could probably be putting this energy to better use in real life.

sec. i have updated list.

/carries sign.


  • dark ranger/san’layn customizations for belfs
  • farstrider tats and runic tats for belfs
  • sun elf style fx, like sunlit mana hair and other light fx for belfs
  • full beards for belf males
  • botanist druids for belfs


  • more haircolors, beards and hairstyles for velfs
  • ear/eyebrow resizing for velfs.
  • paladin class for velfs.


  • paladin class for nelfs.
  • female nelf body tats
  • happy faces for male nelfs
  • highborne customizations


  • happy faces for male nightborne
  • mana hair for nightborne
  • more hairstyles/haircolors
  • nightborne npc eyes
  • non-toothpick legs for male nightborne


  • straight backs for forsaken
  • beards/mustaches for forsaken
  • dark ranger


  • beards for trolls
  • forest trolls
  • dreadlocks
  • upright


  • eyebrows for male orcs
  • blackrock orcs
  • dragonmaw orcs
  • dreadlocks


  • more eyecolors for draenei
  • manari eredar


  • shaved fur designs for pandarens
  • more faces for pandarens
  • solid fur colors
  • jewelry


  • druid class for gnomes
  • gnome females need alot of help.
  • scars

lightforged draenei

  • lightforged draenei need alot of everything.


  • transmoggable arms / legs for mechagnomes
  • more metal colors
  • wheeled feet
  • different eyecolors
  • full body mech
  • wired/geared hair
  • druid


  • druid class for vulpera


  • skinny kul’tirans
  • tattoos


  • run animation options
  • thinner and thicc’er versions


  • more faces

highmountain tauren

  • more of everything


  • tails

special mention: purple npc elf style eyes for everybody that can use them cause those are amazing


Ya, that all sounds cool, but what if Elves had 50 eyebrow options instead?

They’re going to add more, you’re just a debbie downer and Gallows is my favorite forum poster.

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I believe they will add more, but I don’t believe every race is going to get the love elves are getting.

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