So @ Blizzard- Be honest and transparent with your customers - Is Xmog next?

Which post? I didn’t see a blue in this thread. I’d like to read it if you direct me.

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They haven’t decided yet, it all depends on if they get sued more.

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Thanks. /10 char

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I assumed there was more to this story, like the woman in the painting was a staff member or something and she had a co-worker stalker that put her in the painting.

Yeah, exactly. They said they don’t intend to change transmogs but you never know.

We can only hope for one of those tall fruit hats. I would never mog anything else.

The problem isn’t having some revealing armor available for chicks… the problem is that pants on a dude look like underwear on a chick

Just make all revealing armor look equally revealing on everyone (aside from chests, of course lol)

Cmon blizz give us more revealing armor

The fact that they added an incubus instead of wrapping the succubus in a burka would suggest they’re not inclined to do it at this time.

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We also want players to be able to express themselves through their characters, so we don’t intend to change existing player looks or cosmetics. Instead, we want to ensure that we’re offering a wide range of options for players to represent themselves.

So right now the decision is no changes. In the future could they change their mind? Sure. But I honestly doubt any lawsuit would be affected by what happens to ingame changes so the change they are making is based on what their value, whatever that maybe.

jfc lol

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What you call a “woke philosophy”, I call common sense.

Well, it all depends if and when [insert legal team] submits another lawsuit

Off topic but I love your character name. Malazan references are always good to see.

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I am currently praying someone turns Malazan Book of the fallen into a TV series like has been done with WoT!

I’d watch. I think you could get a whole season out of each book if they do it right.

Yeah, I know I posted this before that blue post went out: And once I saw the blue post (points above) I acknowledged they addressed it. Times are weird how they work with the posting before any official word is giving and such. :slight_smile: