So are you guys fixing the NVidia issue sometime or what?

What about people who have to get drivers from their manufacturers website? Such as Laptop users with Optimus. I’ve had the stuttering problem and the last driver released for me was march of last year, nvidia website drivers will not work. Was something changed that caused all current and previous drivers to stutter?

So I have been having this issue as well. Usually, it’s when I enter an instance (BG, Warfront, and dungeons). Game pauses, then it takes my full windowed mode and minimizes it somewhat… pauses… then I maximize the window… game pauses again… and finally it recovers.

Well, I don’t really know what to do with this mess of replies. :frowning:


Thank you for replying, always feels better when you know someone is looking into things.

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equipped with

Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64-bit)

Intel® Core™ i5-6402P CPU @ 2.80GHz

Intel® HD Graphics 510

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

Whenever I start my gameplay, I can start out at about 100 fps which only lasts for about 3 minutes or so.

After that my screen freezes briefly, I get a black screen, game come back

frozen, unfreezes and is playable again but only at 14-16 fps.

I open my device manager and both Intel Graphics 510 and Nvidia GTX 960 show errors.

Run a diagnostic, and I either get a blue screen and have to reboot or it tells me there is no problem found.

I’m not sure if this is a Windows, Intel, or NVIDIA problem.
I have contacted all of the above and waiting on replies.

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Nvidia recently released 425.31 drivers (Apr 11). Has anyone seen an improvement with this set?

Never had an issue until my computer updated to Windows 10, build 1903, with the NVidia 430.00 driver (bundled with Win10x64-1903, not avail on nvidia’s site).

But, this is what I get for upgrading early, and running pre-release drivers.

With that said though, it seems that at this point 1903 and the 430.00 drivers haven’t fixed the issue with DX12 causing the game to stutter/freeze every few minutes. I’ll drop it down to DX11 and see how that works. Hopefully they’ll fix the issue before build 1903 and 430.00 gets approved for general release.

Thank you. I am still on Win 10 (1809) and getting the stutter/freeze. It was fine 2 weeks ago. No idea what changed.

I’ll drop down to DX11 and hope that it is playable as well.

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Just wanted to say that with the latest Nvidia drivers (425.31), I am no longer getting any 5-10 second freezes, and Event Viewer is no longer reporting any Event ID 4101 errors relating to “Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.” I had been running DX11 to minimize the crashes, but I am now running in DX12 with no issues and better performance (GTX 1060).

Just an update on the Windows 10 (1903) with NVidia driver version 430.00:

DX12 still causes freezes/stutters every few minutes, switching it over to DX11 eliminates the issue entirely. Other games remain unaffected, both Blizzard and non-Blizzard.

So u mean i just switch my wow settings to DX11?

I am experiencing the same thing as the user who posted the Youtube video. I ran WoW fine prior to 8.1.5, but since then the game has constant stuttering, exactly as that Youtube video depicts it. I tried changing my DX back to DX 11 Legacy, but it hasn’t helped. Has anyone found a solution? The update has made the game unplayable for me. :frowning:

I’m running Windows 7, fully patched and was having the blackout spikes with occasional lock-ups. I’ve switched to DX12 and that helped a lot, going from blackouts once or more and hour to maybe once or twice a week. I’d made the 3D Power Management change and haven’t had a blackout in a week.


I agree. my other games have no issues what so ever even at the highest settings and some require more extensive graphics than WoW. Like you if not fixed soon…and I expect will get worse with patch 8.2…I am going to quit the game also. I enjoy WoW a great deal but these graphic issues make the game less fun to play. I have tried every fix support had suggested and ones other player have suggested but nothing works and I run a good graphics card (Nvidia GTX 1060) so should not have these issues.

Since BfA really. You can claim it only happens when playing WoW, but do you play any other Multiplayer games? I’ve had it freeze on me once, just once in FF online. So it is not entirely 100% a WoW BfA issue.

Still I almost cannot play the game without dealing with one or 4 freeze up’s in a 2 hour period.

And as much as I like to claim I don’t play BfA because I dislike it the truth is… it’s the freezing up.

NVidia GTX 750ti

Alright so I’ve been having the issues so far and I’ve tried removing things over and over.

I have removed avg free and so far so good, I’ll report back if it happens again.

Sadly after many hours of play it did it again.

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People who suffer this are you using anything other than win10 and directx 12?

I’m thinking it might have something to do with that. I don’t own win10 so I can’t use directx 12.

Win 7 and dx11, I tried old drivers and got a black screen, went back to the new drivers and issue is back.

So I guess it’s driver, a few other things to try, new graphics card and new power supply and then I got nothing.

I play War Thunder, FF14, and Modded multi-player Minecraft.

No issues with any of them. Only WoW.

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I thought I would post an update to this thread. I managed to solve my issue (ie, the same stuttering issue illustrated by the Youtube video earlier in this thread) by reverting to an older NVIDIA driver from 2018–version I don’t really like reverting to an older driver, but so far it hasn’t seemed to impact anything. I assume there’s something about 8.1.5 that doesn’t play nice with the new drivers, but that’s just a guess.

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At this point I can play for thirty minutes with small lag every few minutes. Then lag every 10-40 seconds for 15 minutes. Then the computer blocks wow from grafic hardware. Then thw game can play screen by screen for a while, the the screen freezes. It doesn’t ever unfreeze, so I just turn the monitor off.

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