So are the horde going to be doing anything next expac or no?

Lol, I love how you put stuff sometimes, just saying.


And/or kill off more of our characters, but this is supposed to be considered something great to us that we should be thankful for because we had some focus in the story. Nevermind how it destroyed all faction fantasy and Thrallā€™s Horde.


If this is the case then we paid for it 10 fold with having to deal with Sylvanas for all of BfA to Shadowlands.

Thrall will be in it and presumably there will be two factions of Earthen, one for Horde and one for Alliance and presumably the Horde ones will be doing something.

There wonā€™t be any stories about war and conflict between Alliance and Horde, and so much of the Hordeā€™s identity is wrapped up in starting fights with Alliance so it will be difficult for them to find any footing in a game post inter-faction conflict.

The Horde will be playing a large part in Midnight, which is a couple years away.

Do we have any characters left to kill off at this point? Other than Bane, who Iā€™m starting to believe is immortal/invincible at this point with how long heā€™s survived.


ā€œThank you Alliance, for saving the planet. And thank you Horde, for making it somewhat difficult for them due to a misunderstanding.ā€ Roll credits.


For fun? For finally answering questions that should have had answers to a long time ago? Like as an example, thanks to Chronicles 3 we finally find out why Deathwing didnā€™t just torch all of Stormwind, he was hoping to turn its general populace into his cultists.

Look, you play a race born of a retcon, this has always a caveat emptor of lore, Blizzard will change it if the think it will help the story(whether it does not is another question)

Baine is immune to dying since heā€™s more Alliance than Horde, I mean he literally follows Anduin around like a lost puppy and is even in the throne room when you are on Alliance, lol.


A Tauren Warlock? You have my respect. Off topic but how is warlock? Iā€™ve thought of making one for Pandaland if I donā€™t go the Tauren Paladin route.

Yo thanks, Iā€™m a big fan of the Grimtotems haha. Itā€™s pretty great, one of the easiest classes to level for sure. I only played demolock so far. Rotation is very ā€œhit the buttons that light upā€. Definitely do roll one, we need more tauren period :cow:

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Yeah and heā€™s also openly betrayed the Horde soā€¦we all knows where his loyalty lies. Theyā€™ve been writing him so horribly itā€™s honestly sad to see. I mean I used to have hope for Baineā€¦ but lately I want nothing more than to see him end up killed off in the next expansion or so.


There was some datamined stuff in TWW alpha that indicates possible 11.1 content.

some weapon icons have the name ā€œā€¦ā€ indicated for 11.1. saw it posted on mmo champ. Not if itā€™ll amount to anything but we may get a follow up to Gallywix


I think it makes the game better and the story more quality when they just focus on a single,refined story.

How many times did you talk to Sylvanas in BfA?

(Horde players only talk to her twice; sheā€™s barely in the expansion.)

And whom did we interact with more in Shadowlands, Sylvanas or Jaina?

Sylvanas or Bolvar?

Sylvanas or Shandris?


The Horde need to establish their own version of the Klaxxi, so that next time their supreme leader goes full supervillain they can be dealt with quickly.

Look if you are somehow including Anduin getting dropped kick into the Divine bell as ā€œinteractionā€ then I am including everytime we are forced to have Sylvanas taunt Alliance heroes, talk to Anduin, get Strangled by Tyrande, get Uther to bring her out of her nightmare.

And yet somehow Sylvanas gets enough screentime to equal those minor apperances of the Alliance. You set the term here. I am just showing how hypocritical you are.

I would also point we had to interact with well, Thrall and Volā€™jin again in Shadowlands. Again, its no so much the Horde doesnt get screentime, the problem is the number of good aligned Horde is shockingly(not) small.

Donā€™t worry, Midnight will be Horde only. :stuck_out_tongue:

We donā€™t have a ā€œsupreme leaderā€ anymore. After BFA, the position of Warchief was abolished and the Horde is now governed by a Council with a rep from each race.

The status quo is fleeting, my friend.

With the current Blizzard writing team, Midnight will be Lorā€™themar and Thalyssra begging Tyrande for forgiveness and saying she was right, all along.

With Baine standing in the background and nodding.