So are the horde going to be doing anything next expac or no?

so ive been poking around the news for the upcoming expansion and havent really seen much of any sort of horde rep. kinda just dwarves,humans and elves from what ive heard. apparently thrall only shows up for like a few minutes in the start and then just dips out. if all this is true and the first bit of the war within is just alliance, then why should a horde player care? unless the next patch is going to focus just as much on the horde as the first on alliance, why would hordies really be interested at all in stories about anduin and alleria windrunner’s light based adventures at all? I mean come on it feels like we have been on night elves and titan junk for who knows how long and im just wondering if an horde race is going to get a fraction of that attention.


Thrall’s going to be doing…something, I think, going by the cinematic trailer, but that’s all I know.

These expansions have zero to do with Horde or Alliance.

Let’s all learn to separate overarching larger stories and the characters from a faction.


They will be doing their usual Horde evil things. Pulling wings off of butterflies, burning ants with a magnifying glass, burning down innocent cities……



You can come hang out with the Draenei, we haven’t done anything since Legion.


Dwarves are now Horde members

Some Horde Elves are also there in beginning.


I was planning to main with my regular MM Blood Elf hunter. Are you saying I’ll have to use my Void Elves instead?


We are going to be “walking the Earth (WoW) like jolly green giants…with guns”!

Bro is going to spec into the therapy spec and give all the characters therapy.


The War Within is already confirmed to be nothing but Alleria and Anduin.

You wanted Horde-aligned characters to share the spotlight or have a chance to exist? Too bad.

The War Within’s story very clearly leans toward the Alliance with Alleria, Anduin, and even in the Eathern of whom the Ironforge Dwarves are connected to.


well you had a light forged guy in bfa help lead a illusion assault in those weird blood troll swamp area.

because the planet is 'sploding - or something.

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Just one of Anduin’s many, many mind boggling stupid military decisions. Yet for some reason we’re following him around again in TWW like he’s not missing 90% of his brain cells.


Meh, it’ll settle down the Alliance players who have screamed bias for years. Their leaders are now the primary focus.

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tbf it worked…
make the horde go into one area using a volunteer force, then invade the capitol while the army is gone, capture the king of the zandalari.

then it would of been a quick easy victory, no staging ground for horde armies, they dont get the naval vessels and dinosaur power of the trolls.

but nobody expected the target too literally drink too much death god mojo till he turned into that one alien raisin meme.

just means we’ll lose a few leaders, and the horde will start losing cities/towns more now!

All is fair in love and war. >>

The whole siege of Zuldazar was incredibly, unbelievable stupid. There was no strategic value in invading the capital, and even less in having a suicide mission of troops.

yeah but thats just launch storyline we dont know what they have planned for patches

tbh i dont usually think theres a horde/alliance bias.
i just think blizzard plays favorites and holds alliance back cause if they didn’t, wow would be over too quickly.