So are the horde going to be doing anything next expac or no?

Ok Mr Tyrande-doesnt-count-as-an-Alliance-character-in-SL-but-Slyvanas-counts-as-Horde


Yeah, theyā€™re going to be delving into this new territory and messing with the natural order, just like every other expansion.

And the alliance will be there too, and be upset.

This is the way.


See, the Horde told Alliance this in Cataclysm, WoD, etc. where it was Horde characters/races at the forefront.

But when itā€™s Alliance characters/races, suddenly they think itā€™s a problem

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Who were the Horde characters that had the forefront of WoD?

Now remember. They must be actual members of the Horde.


It is a problem. Both should have story but for their own factions. We shouldnā€™t be forced into yourā€™s and you shouldnā€™t be forced into ourā€™s. If they do cross paths we should be able to get our quests from our NPCs. I shouldnā€™t be doing your chores.


Who else, Thrall. I think the Hordeā€™s problem isnā€™t that it doesnā€™t get time in the spotlight, it is that most of that spotlight just goes to Thrall.

Or goes to just villain batting the Horde. Nice focus.


Thrall hasnt been in the spotlight in a long time. Since probably WoD.


Could have fooled me considering he has shown up in every expansion since Cata. He even gets his own arch of 'leave the Horde/return to the Horde"/"rekindle his bond with BOTH his parents(granted he did this mostly with AU Durotan/his now Margrave mother)

Thrall isnā€™t even Horde anymore. Heā€™s as much Horde as Khadgar is Alliance.



After the death of Varok Saurfang, the orcs have yet to formally name a leader. However, the former warchief Thrall has stepped forward to represent the orcs on the Horde council, while other veterans like the famed warrior Eitrigg serve to keep their people strong.

Khadgar is fully neutral. Thrall is an actual member of the Horde now.

Thrall was in Frostfire Ridge leveling quests (if you were Horde) and is in a handful of quests in Nagrand.

And then he vanishes for the rest of the expansion.


Taking Mists of Pandaria as an example, Horde players spend about 30 times more time with Anduin than with Thrall, in MoP.

But you donā€™t even take that into account, because Anduin is an Alliance character so in your mind OF COURSE EVERYONE SHOULD SPEND TIME WITH HIM AND HE SHOULD BE CENTRAL.

The hypocrisy is staggering.


You mean you spent time with Anduin while he was a PRISONER of the Horde? Gee, that must be so humbling for you.

Back in Frostwall, he asked the commander to assist Draka and Drekā€™Thar in Farseerā€™s Rock with their elemental problem. The trio entered Magnarok and freed the fury Exurotus. Thrall got there and witnessed the merging of the fury with Drekā€™Thar which he commented as the start of Draenorā€™s greatest shaman. Right after that, he sent the commander to Warmaster Zog to send Horde forces into the area.

Thrall was ultimately seen in the Throne of the Elementsas he watched the elemental blessing passed on the Horde commander and their ring.

Actually, a lot of Horde players were opposed to sharing Thrall with the Alliance in Cata. Alliance players should have been working with Malfurion.

(And of course the Alliance whining about it was so severe that Blizzard felt the need to RUIN Thrall, afterwards.)


Except that is now what they told us:

To this day, like it or not, is Blizzard current stance on faction stories.

We can guarantee an unfair and inequitable treatment of both factions for now and in the foreseeable future. This allows us to have richer long-term story arcs, another idea that weā€™ve been experimenting with since the build-up to Cataclysm. To see the factions ebb and flow as their leaders get embroiled in all manner of heroism or skullduggery is like a reward for long-time players.

Speaking of faction leaders, thatā€™s one area where I think we can do better: Giving everyone a chance to interact with their heroes throughout the story. In creating this universe, Iā€™ll admit that we at Blizzard often fall into a trap of thinking of our main characters as ā€œworldā€ characters and not individual faction characters.

When he was still calling the shots? :rofl:

He was also hanging around with Wrathion during all the central stuff after that. And popping up out of nowhere with that silly Bell storyline, etc.

If you say so. Was this in-game? :laughing:

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Donā€™t worry, Blizz will hand us the evil villain ball before TWW is over. They always do.


Wait, your counting Anduin being crushed by Garrosh with the remains of the bell as a positive thing that you were forced to endure? Delusional.

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Iā€™m counting it as Horde players having Alliance NPCā€™s constantly inflicted on them, because Blizzard refuses to tell a Horde story that doesnā€™t involve the Alliance hogging the cameras.