I doubt it. The Horde has been thoroughly beaten into the dirt with repeated hits of the villain-bat so that we don’t have any major characters to actually appear in the story anymore. All that matters in the story now is God-King Anduin’s sadness and the Night Elves perpetual victim status.
If it helps any, there’s apparently an Earthen city inhabited completely by Goblins who claim that they came upon the city and all the Earthern “were already dead.”
So there you go. Horde representation.
I agree with this statement. I also agree that by them playing favorites, there is a bias.
the favorites being!
/points too the “Azeroth Friendship Squad”
This thread points out exactly why I feel the rigid two-faction system should have never been put into the game. Instead of being able to tell “Warcraft stories”, players now demand “Alliance stories” and “Horde stories”. If there is one “side” over the other, players complain. Also, if they try to mix Horde and Alliance together, players also complain.
People would just be complaining about night elf and human stories then instead of calling it Alliance stories.
The fundamental problem doesn’t change. Certain characters and groups get way more story development than others.
blizzard hate horde, dont expected anything, be like me, who switched to alliance in legion
Factions have no importance. You guys should not have let the forum minority complain enough to remove their importance along with race/class combos.