So are the horde going to be doing anything next expac or no?

People that act like it’s not the time to give feedback are simply wrong bcz now is the time to give feedback as loudly and as much as possible. And if the convo isn’t ur vibe then the convo probably isn’t for you, and I’m sure other topics might be, not everyone has the same criticism if any at all, or the same hype if any at all.


Baine, apparently.


Im going to have to assume he was meant to be part of the drust raid that was definitely not cut.

YES, you get it! we are in PRIME FEEDBACK TIME now is the time to start talking about things like this. I’m pretty sure that’s a big reason why the PTR exists. Now is the time to start popping up and discussing this. Because if we don’t then who knows what will happen? Thrall is already getting mike wazowskied, and he (so far) is the only real character in this expac that is a horde race. Feedback now is important, don’t forget that. without it things like the scrapped alexstrasza quest happen. So speak up and say things because from what its looking like, the forecast is calling for Dwarves and Humans with a high chance of Alliance Elves and us hordies don’t seem to have an umbrella.

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There was an interview in which they said thrall is there for part of a story they cant talk about yet, but hes to act as a sort of guide for the earthen.

Just because hes not a key player in zones 1 or 2, doesnt mean hes sitting the whole expansion out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did we both play bfa?


The entire story was “Horde wins prepatch, then loses every single battle going forward, including their whole story quest line”

You are right. Outside of Baine sitting in the corner. Following around multiple Alliance characters. Pretty neutral.

And Alliance players need to remember things accurately.


Youre complaining that you didnt particularly like the story.
You thinking it was good or bad does not change how heavily horde it was.

There was thrall, voljin, and sylvanas for the horde.
Basically just jaina for the alliance.
(Edit: whoops forgot shandris)

I do. Thats why im pointing this out.

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Horde have been put in time out next expansion.

Green Jesus will have some cameos.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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In Shadowlands Sylvanas was not a Horde character.

Are you seriously going to say Jaina was the only Alliance themed character in Shadowlands?

Even Shandris.


I edited her in while you were typing.
I did forget to mention her at first yeah.

Shes still a horde character and will be back as a horde leader soon enough.

Bolvar. Mograine. Tyrande. They don’t exist?

If you are an enemy of the Horde you are not a Horde character


This is quite the reach and highly unlikely since they put Calia there in place literally from the Alliance and for the Alliance.


Neutral characters

She spent the whole expansion as a grump on the run.
She didnt come back to normality until the expansion was over.

I really think she will return in midnight or the last titan.
I dont think she will reclaim the leadership of the forsaken, but probably a seat on the council.



But Sylvanas counts as a Horde character?

Ok my friend. This conversation isn’t worth happening. Iconic and legendary Alliance characters dont count. But someone who is literally the enemy of the Horde is Horde representation.

Have a great day.

Does not matter what you think when there is no in game evidence to support that.


I approve of this message

Yeah, the lich king that has the loyalty of the dks of both factions is totally alliance :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah she came around and you worked along side her

You too! :slight_smile:

The horde will do nothing. You can’t trust them.
and without the horde, the alliance will be overrun.

So get everyone to the gunship.

Bolvar is forced to be neutral since he was acting as lich king, Mograine never joined the alliance willingly like the others.

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But Sylvanas counts…

The double standards.