So are the horde going to be doing anything next expac or no?

This is super false if this was true we wouldn’t of had to put up with Night Elves, more of the seemingly unending Night Elf story and once again Tyrande and Malfurion because they never seem to actually go away.


it was either make him come willingly, or let em fight till he run out of steam.

but he chosen to use death voodoo to fight.
could of just used jaina to freeze em temporarily tbh…

Key words: Night Elves. The rest of the Alliance had little-to-nothing to do with it.

Believe me, I share your umbrage with it, especially as someone who is unfortunate to play on a roleplaying server where Night Elf players have the temerity to compare the Burning of Teldrassil to the conflicts happening in Ukraine and Palestine.

Even if people take a cursory glance at The War Within and view it as the “dwarf” expansion I would bet my lucky dime that Blizzard will somehow shift the story narrative to elves in some capacity.

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We either get night elves or humans, or sometimes both. Both races need to take a long, long break from being front and center.


:notes: Shakes maracas :notes:


That’s the thing: him coming willingly wasn’t ever going to happen but supposedly intelligent characters (eg. Shaw, Jaina) thought that there was even a chance that the famously arrogant leader of a famously arrogant empire would just give up after they sacked his capital and desecrated its sacred halls.


It’s not even a dwarf expansion. Blizzard somehow managed to shoehorn an entire group of humans living under ground out of no where to go along with Anduin being the main character yet again.


The main thing the Zandalari had that was a threat to the Alliance was the navy. The navy that was already sabotaged with bombs that were blown up at the very start of the raid.

There was absolutely 0 reason to invade Zuldazar at all. Just blow up the ships and move on. It was just a massive waste of lives, time, and resources.


And you know what? There’s already speculation that they’re half-elves.

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No, the Horde isn’t going to do anything ever again. You might as well quite and go play Conan Exiles or something.


Thats been what has happened since Legion.


gods i wanna play that game again sometime…

Youre forgetting that bfa was a 50 - 50 faction split expansion that somehow managed to give the whole spotlight to the horde and their leaders. Including every cgi cinematic being about the horde and staring the horde.
Even giving horde players a branching story depending on their own loyalties.

Shadowlands had a slight lean towards the alliance sure but in general it was a neutral story.
And dragonflight was completely neutral other than tyrande being around, not as a member of the alliance, but as a night elf.

So really, the last time factions mattered the horde got the limelight.

Horde players really need to chill XD


No we need to leave our feedback. Just like Alliance did about the Horse mounts and PVP during BFA. And us getting the focus in BFA is not a compliment. That’s the problem. In recent expacs when we get the focus, we are villain batted. That needs to change. There is nothing wrong with asking for our own quests or to get quests from our own NPCs.



aggressively sits in a corner somewhere


Nothing wrong with leaving feedback about wanting to see more from the horde leaders.
But some people do get a little too… passionate lets say :stuck_out_tongue:

You dont have to like it, but its wrong to deny that the story was there and mainly about the horde.
(Not saying thats you, but some certainly do)


I get what you are saying. I’ve seen those posts. And for the record I do not want it to be zero sum. I do want Alliance to have their own story path. And I feel like it gives double the gameplay to those that play both sides too.


/dramatic montage of baine sitting in said corner happens for solid minute


I totally agree on double the gameplay.
Thats why i feel that if they dont scrap the factions, they need to go all in on making them worthwhile.

Ive not played both factions since bfa because there has just not been a point.
You go off to the current expansion and the whole thing is identical on both sides.
Whereas in bfa i played both factions each patch as there were exclusive stories to see with little overlap.


Yeah im not actually sure what he was doing in that expansion.
They could have given him at least one side quest to justify his inclusion.

What kind of lazy character sits around afk when the whole universe is at stake… :stuck_out_tongue: