So are the horde going to be doing anything next expac or no?

Based on how the Worldsoul Saga sounds (from the information provided to date), sounds like most of it will just be tidying up loose ends. Since Horde essentially tidied up most loose ends as of SL, I don’t think Horde-aligned characters will get much attention until… the Midnight expansion.

It’s less horde and alliance now, more of a combined “For the Azeroth”, in either case.


Thrall and Anduin is supposed to be symbolism of hord and alliance uniting.

This is also hinted at horde and alliance being able to be in a guild together. So I’m pretty sure factions aren’t a thing anymore lately.

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And the races that volunteered for the literal suicide mission were all Allied Races, so they could show how loyal they were, which was actually kind of funny in the case of the Void Elves, because it was them going “We’ve only been in the Alliance for a few months, and we’re still canonically incredibly limited in number, but we’ll gladly throw 50 of ourselves into a meat grinder so that Anduin likes Umbric a bit more.”

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Anduin has always been incredibly naive so I get why he thought it’d happen but I don’t know what possessed anyone else to actually believe Rastakhan would ever surrender.

There was mention of Lilian Voss in a spoiler, so she’s there.

Yeah it’s not people demanding it be Horde / Alliance. But that characters which are alliance centric w alliance centric themes are getting all the focus.


From what I’ve seen of Thrall’s presence is that he dips out early and isn’t seen again, yet. Since only one area is accessible it’s hard to know if he comes back later. But it seems like Dorn stuff is mostly Alliance stuff.


Don’t worry. Thrall is there to be the token Horde character.


Are we going to pretend that most of the xpacs haven’t been Alliance centric, I mean personally I got tired of it long ago but now I mostly just ignore it because I know the game is Alliance bias so I kind of expect it.

The only thing that really bugs me that way now is like anything Tyrande or Malfurion and at this point and after that whole be a servant at Tyrandes tea party my vibe is like just go away forever and never return either of you.


What can the Horde do these days? No really, we have no characters left that could do something. Thrall does what Jaina says. Baine does what Anduin says, Calia is Alliance, Lilly wants to be every Alliance’s BFF. Talanji is doing her best to forget that Jaina murdered her daddy and Lor’themar is still honeymooning I guess. So who is left to do anything for the Horde?


I’ve heard rumors that Gamon will save us.


Omfg, I’m so ashamed of myself for forgetting that line.


Anduin and Alleria will be there and Golden is on the writing team. I would assume that Thrall is just a supporting character.


I noticed there are still some areas in Orgrimmar that are empty of spikes.


Budget cuts.


The economy hasn’t been so good lately


The answer is ‘no’ and we knew that ever since the promotional artwork, with Anduin & Alleria front and center and Thrall in the background covered up by the logo.

Or when they showed us that Delves are done with Brann Bronzebeard and they didn’t even bother to make a Horde version.

Not a lot. But Blizzard could do something. Namely, they could make a Horde writing team that handles the Horde story and Horde quests.

(They already have an Alliance writing team.)


Honestly, Thrall has become a neutral character and isn’t really part of the Horde anymore. As an orc fan, it’s a disappointment that the depressed Thrall takes center stage, even though there are much better orc characters than the loser we have now.

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I bet that Thrall is just there to appease Horde fans, although his role will likely be very small.
Blizzard is just doing it to say we’re not ignoring the Horde, that’s why Thrall is there. We know it’s a lie.

  1. Like Dragonflight, the Horde and Alliance as factions do not play a major role.

  2. Earthen are literally joining the Horde.

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