So are M+ players screwed?

I doubt everyone will be happy with the removal of titanforging because of the new bonuses. Crit bonus damage on a mage for example in all 3 specs is valued at 90+ item levels. So it’s like, how much of an advantage would certain guilds have over others with members that got lucky enough to roll crit dmg?

the weekly chest will only be 5 ilvls below the mythic raid. Those 5 lvls are not game breaking for m+ players, your just being hyperbolic.

and casuals will only be 30 ilvls behind raiders, not 45. Emmisaries award 415 ilvl gear while the mythic raid drops 445. I dont see them changing that spread for 8.3.

ILVL is going to be meaningless if this launches as-is, anyway.


Youre trolling is magnificent.

Even Rastlin(RIP) would stand in awe of your abilities.


Surprised nobody mentioned so far but historically when they launch a new tier mythic dungeons also get boosted. So M0 is going to be harder now. Baseline? I’m not sure maybe 430 for M0 and 460+ for a +10 key weekly chest.

Edit: Titanforging had to go. It was an awful concept in practice.


Then again, that guy would stand in awe if you just jingled keys in his face.


I’d be cool with this tbh.

i think the weekly chest will be 470, with the raid being 475. A +10 should award 460 with the heroic raid.

Yeah that’s good. It’s not like raiders don’t get a unique transmog out of the deal. So 5 levels isn’t a big deal.

Were it not for corruption and absurd scaling, skill would be more of a factor after a certain milestone.

Hopefully these RNG systems are gone for good in 9.0.



  • upwards mobility/opportunity for everyone (including casuals)


  • be a Mythic raider or get left behind, haves vs the have-nots

Yes, I think it’s pretty safe to say that M+ players are screwed :-1:


m+ wasnt around for 13 eyars i think players will be ok and if you want the best gear in the game raid or join everyone else.

thats how it should be.


I’m guessing the M+ community is much larger than the Mythic raiding community, judging by the sheer popularity of M+. Even a lot of casuals (myself being one) dip their toes in M+ pretty regularly.

If the M+ community is unable to get the good gear that they NEED for pushing high keys (due to titanforging being removed), I can totally see a lot of M+ players just losing interest in the game and unsubbing altogether.

I don’t think a lot of these particular “M+ only” players are gonna be happy being “stuck” at Heroic level iLvL loot for the whole expansion… just a prediction :thinking:

Incentives matter. By removing the carrot-on-the-stick of good gear and possible upgrades, a lot of people will lose interest in running M+ as repeatable content (since there’s no point due to the rewards being watered down/gutted).

No reward? No point in doing the content.

Incentives matter, people need some form of “motivation” to get them to work. For all it’s flaws, titanforging is an AMAZING motivator for casual players and hardcore/high-M+ players alike.


of course you dotn have to raid to get raid ilvl quality gear there is no point to raid for most players.

no one is going to push over a m+10 except a select few now and they can raid to get gear to push higher m+ times.

m+ wasnt around for 13 years i think they can adapt and a lot more people are happy that the best gear comes from raiding.if their sole purpose is to push higher keys then they can raid to get gear to do that.

but we know what they want to do m+ to get the raid ilvl gear from not doing a raid and this is why they are whining now.

if incentives matter and you really want to push keys raid get the raid gear then run m+ in your off time.


Except most people are not gonna “suddenly” take up or commit to Mythic raiding in response to this, the more likely outcome is a significant drop in M+ participation.

Mythic raiding = hours and hours of wiping during progression, being “required” to show up at such and such time, multiple days a week, requires coordinating/organizing 20 different players, requires lots of pre-prep and consumables, etc

M+ dungeons = a small time investment of ~30-40 minutes, can be completed on your own schedule/at your own leisure, extremely easy to PUG (only 4 other players needed), can be done with total strangers and no pre-prep at all

^^^^ It’s no surprise that M+ is much more popular with the majority of players - it’s not even a close comparison :thinking:

In my opinion, they are making a mistake “appeasing” the tiny % of the playerbase that raids Mythic… these changes won’t go over well with the (much larger) majority of the playerbase that regularly runs M+


the mistake from the start was adding m+ and with the removal of wf/tf m+ will be run much less after a m+ 10.

they mite as well take m+ out the game imo.

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Please, M+ players will still be higher ilvl than heroic raiders and only 5 ilvls under mythic raiders. Your making a big deal out of nothing.


I’m sure you’ll be perfectly fine to run M+ with the ilevels you’ll receive. Would it be easier with corrupted gear? Sure. But I doubt it’ll be impossible.

I am of the opinion that M+ gear should be different from raid gear. The type of gear you get should support the type of content you’re doing.


Lfr hero says what? Talks out his rear about something he never does.

Actually it will be. Purely on the basis of not having the stamina that comes from high ilvl gear certain unavoidable mechanics (golden spit in KR for one) will become instant one shots on high keys due to the scaling.


You’ll still be able to get high ilevel gear. You’ll get the same ilevels as you always do in M+. That’s not changing.