So are M+ players screwed?

Is that a problem? Some people pick herbs all day. Some do every LFR lockout on an army of alts. Some do the same in old raids for gold and transmog.

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I mean when we said to get rid of tf, it was kind of implied that we wanted to get rid of it and have something better take its place, not remove it and replace it with something similar for mythic raiders and leave m+ players with nothing…

Your idea of better isn’t everyone elses idea of better.

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O yea you’re right, I’m sure someone out there doing m+ loves doing keys with a 15 ilv penalty. This is soooo much “better”.

Nah, you just want to be hyperbolic and not put any effort or thought into what you say.

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That’s how I play this game.

The basic premise is such:

You roll one of 11 bonuses, then roll for strength (tier1, 2, and 3), then corruption rolls how much negative stat you get based on strength of bonus. The more corruption, the more debuffs you get and the stronger they get.

We’re basically swapping 1 rng roll for 3.

edit: corruption is now a static stat and won’t vary. so 2 pieces of rng instead of 3.


a lot of people do


I used to push keys in Legion because I enjoyed the challenge. I didn’t do it for the gear or rewards.



M+ as it is has hurt raiding. It’s far too lucrative by comparison, and the removal of tier gear has made running anything outside of Mythic pointless other than for trinkets. I’ve hated it all expansion, but mostly because I loathe Titanforging.

Honestly, someone in another thread brought up fully separating how gear worked. So things that drop in M+ have benefits to help only M+; I.e. something that reduces damage taken by explosive or increase damage on bolstered mobs. And bring back tier for raids. That way M+ doesn’t just replace raiding as the optimal gearing path and they can exist side by side instead.


Yeah, but you hit a ceiling without them. Nobody is going to play perfectly for thirty minutes straight. At some point you’re gonna need some extra stamina stat.

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You’ll get the gear as you play. Mythic+ should have never handed out gear like it does. You can take a fresh 120 and have it geared pretty amazing in a short evening.


You can get 430 gear quick if you’ve got the equipment to get to a 10. But then you’ve got to wait for your weekly chest, or get lucky to get gear. It takes a long time to get 450 gear. Also not everybody has the time to just spasm M+ dungeons.

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You can get a group of friends together to gear share with you for a handful of runs and you’re good to go. Next step is the weekly lockout for the raid.

How many people really do high level keys? Not many.


Yes they have

It actually used to be like this for pvp. A fully decked out pve player would pretty much always lose to a fully decked out pvp player because of the resilience stat that was unique to pvp gear.

But blizzard for some reason removed that and we end up with the sad state of pvp is today. My mythic raider friends stream casual pvp sometimes and it’s sad watching him run over 2k+ players just because he outgears them. The guy knows nothing about pvp. Doesn’t know other classe’s defensive/offensive cd’s, doesn’t know how to adjust pvp talents on matchups, none of that. His group picks the lowest hp target and just does their usual pve rotation on them until they die.


RIP M+ Dungeons



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Looks like everyone but mythic raiders are going to be unhappy with the titanforge removal.

Gear ilvl for a mythic raider will be 45 or more over a non raider. That is excessive. Not everything is on the ptr yet, but what is there looks bad for non raiders.

People on the ptr are in raid gear saying the content is either too easy or tuned good. Others not in raid gear are saying the difficulty is brutal. We should know in a few weeks if raid or quit is back.


I would wait to see if they dont make any adjustments to the item level relative to other content, but for sure you should be looking to supplant gear from raiding even now.
Trinkets alone speak those words clearly.

In the end, mythic raiding gear is better than mythic plus dungeons give now anyway, so wouldn’t be a hard adjustment to make but i do believe this is how its supposed to be and even with a disparity the frequency you can receive loot in mythic plus will still make it very attractive for quite a while.

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