So are M+ players screwed?

With the upcoming wf/tf removal, I don’t get how the 1 game mode in this game that needs gear the most ends up dropping the worst loot. What kind of logic is that?

Imagine if this corruption system replaced wf/tf right now. How do you expect players to time a 20 KR with just 430 ilv? O wait that’s right, we’re now forced to raid mythic. By the way… blizzard advertised m+ as a parallel gameplay. Not so parallel now is it?

And before anyone says it, I’ll address it now: I hear so many people saying mythic raiders need to do m+ to do mythic raid. No you don’t. You guys do m+ because you are greedy and want to speed up your gearing even faster. This is not the same as m+ needing to do mythic raid to push keys… because for us, it’s either we mythic raid for the loot or we have a random -15 ilv penalty that will literally never get better because the loot is capped at heroic ilv.

M+ (and pvp too for that matter) needs a similar gearing progression as mythic raid or else the game is just all about how mythic raiders trample over other gamemodes that they barely even understand or care about. If this means to push the ilv of loot to higher keys, do it. If this means gating the loot in some way to make it comparable to raid lockouts, do it.

It just bothers me that this is happening. I have many friends that raid mythic and they run over 2k+ players in arena just because they flat out overpower their opponents in gear. They know nothing about pvp. Their strategy is to literally sap -> blind the healer and then go poundtown on the lowest hp target. And it works because the average player even in the 2k rating barely has over 300k hp. How stupid is this…? And with these corruption changes, the SAME thing is going to happen to M+. The fact that mythic raiders can out-achieve pvpers/m+'ers just because of gear invalidates all the effort that we put in. It’s a slap to the face knowing that a bunch of players who don’t really even care much about these game modes are running us over like that.


All this coming from someone that probably doesnt raid at a high level, or do high keys.

Come back and whine when you have done the relevant content please.


Do you mean 440 ilvl? Because that would be the highest ilvl gear you could get, not 430.


Is that how you play this game? Just running m+ over and over again?



/10 characters


The weekly chest better drop actually fully Mythic ilvl, imo. At some point there was a system where you got more loot in your weekly for higher keys(it may have been in BFA beta). That needs to come back, too.

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This is a great balance to incentivize end game raiding. M+ is much more efficient and needs a lot less coordination, scheduled time and is always rewarded by loot. While you can wipe for hours/days/month on the same boss for pretty much nothing.


It’s hilarious how “mythic+ is dead” with the removal of WF/TF when they are the crowd who was screaming to remove TF in the first place. lol


But hc ilvl will be 460…

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I love these comments. Blindly claim that everyone who asked for one change is the same as everyone complaining about that change when it happens. Your evidence?

Also, not everyone who disliked the titanforge system wanted it completely removed. I always thought the RNG of the titanforge system drives m+ rewards, but that it is stupid for such large titanforges to be possible (like Normal raid gear forging above mythic gear). Removal of the system can work, but they can’t do nothing about how it affects m+ and pvp rewards without negatively affecting those systems.


I haven’t been paying attention at all to this, but has blizz said that corruption is replacing forging? It’s not an addition?


It’s not an addition. God no xd Corrupting got enought rng on it’s own. It’s gonna replace tf.

I’m sorry but I’m not going all the way back to the start of the expansion and linking thousands of threads. You know this is true as much as the next person does. You guys just want to rage about something.

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So can any gear get corrupted?

High end raiding is done by the least amount of players in the game, so ya that makes a lot of sense to tailor to the minority.


So far yes. Maybe not old raids.

You just don’t like what people are saying so try to frame them as having an invalid opinion without backing up that who you are thinking of are even the same people, or trying to understand why they may complain about both things even if they are the same people, hence why you ignored the rest of my post.


That has nothing to do with the senseless rage that people have over the removal of TF have when they’re the ones who wanted it gone anyway.

Ask and you shall receive.

And it’s like benthic gear with an added effect instead of bonus ilvl and stats?

Now you know how pvpers feel.