My understanding is that it is it’s own other pocket realm and not actually part of Ardenweald.
There’s some reused Nazmir/troll assests by the Other Side’s dungeon entrance. That seems to be about it though
I feel like calling Ardenweald a Night Elf zone isn’t really accurate. It doesn’t expand on Night Elf lore at all. On an aesthetic level it’s similar, but culturally it’s completely different, and doesn’t touch up on Night Elf lore all that much until you join the Covenant.
I will say, the race that seems like it would mesh best with this zone and it’s inhabitants is hands down, Night Elves.
Well…I got some stolen mojo as an anima WQ reward today in Ardenweald. There’s our Troll stuff. That and De Other Side dungeon entrance.
There’s literally nothing about Ardenweald that makes it a Night Elf zone. The denizens don’t even know what Azeroth is. This thread is silly. Trees =/= Night Elves.
Yes it does. One of the Night Warriors explains that it’s the afterlife of Elune’s worshipers, of whom Night Elves are her supremely chosen people.
nevermind that we had literal night elf cutscenes and themesongs playing while the dragon that bound only one race to the emerald dream (the night elves) was turned into a wild god who states that she would’ve fought for the night elves.
I can’t say I came across this character while leveling.
Ye did not. Is part of the Ardenweald covenant.
Ardenweld itself isn’t really a Night Elf zone even if there are some mad Night Elf vibes going down.
Now the Night Fae campaign? There’s an argument to be made there. The Trolls do get some attention, but unlike the Night Elves their story ends with Bwonsamdi and Vol’jin completing their chores and peacing out (Quite literally in Vol’jin’s case). It’s Night Elf from here on out most likely unless the Tauren get a surprise story arc.
They did, even if it was said off-screen, they did won two warfronts and the sword of Anduin was the trigger for Sylvanas
I don’t know how to say it while being polite but are the neutral npc from Alliance backgrounds?(Khadgar, Illidan, Velen, Turalyon, Alleria, Magni)
If the answer is yes then you have your answer in which side gets more spotlight and the Saurfang cinematics doesn’t count as you don’t see them in-game and aren’t forced to watch them anyway
I don’t know, I interacted more with alliance characters than Horde ones since Legion and this hasn’t changed much.
Why is so hard to understand we don’t want to see Alliance races in a story that could be perfectly divided for everyone to enjoy and see more NPC.
Easy to say when you aren’t at the end of the stick and let’s be real, the Alliance isn’t interesting nor ever will be as long the game presents them as the most flawless beings in the universe, not even their own players can digest too much oatmeal at breakfast
I love how you downplay others and called them biased but when someone actually calls you act you act offended even by a word that is not even an insult, are we sure you aren’t the alt of Evelyssa?
Lol, savage
Campaign is a bit 60%-40% as the few stuff from the wild hunt is mostly send them to search a cure for Tyrande and another sad moment to see a Highmountain being a side-kick of a nelf storyline
Still feel sad we aren’t going to visit Cairne but maybe that’s for the best
This thread is dumb and makes me think of anti-vaxxers.
“OH but that kid who got a vaccine shot fell ill, all vaccines are poison! Vaccines kill people, not save them”.
Yes, you are using the same logic.
I would say Ardenweald is a very nice mix of themes. It kind of involves most nature-related races in some sort of way. Night Elves obviously get story with Tyrande, Shandris and finding a cure for the Night Warrior (And we discover the huge scope of Elune’s influence). Then we have Bwonsamdi and Muehzala’s story with De Other Side, along with really many notable loa appearing in wildseeds.
We even end up saving some loa from the Maw, including someone that may be considered more of just a wild god. Then of course we have Huln Highmountain’s appearance which is honestly a very nice surprise, which gives the Tauren(specifically Highmountain) a little bit of presence and story. And this is only the first part of the campaign- there will be more added in patches.
I would love to hear your reasoning on this. Please do explain.
The reasoning should be pretty obvious- if I take total quests in the zone, and count the number of night elf quests- I get … one?
Are all the other quests night elven because you are in the midst of saving Ysera? A dragon NPC who only recently was put into the night elven story in game? Even the quests with Ysera do not really deal with her story except 1 or 2 of them.
Where do you draw the line? That’s a really poor line to draw because most of the story is 1) has no night elves and 2) isn’t focused on Ysera until the end. And using Ysera as a proxy for night elves because she ever had any relation to night elves is absurd. Is Velen a blood elf character when he shows up? Is Ardenweald also a Kul Tiran zone?
What is the standard for judging a questing zone and its affiliation? Because if it’s the one used by OP and several posters on this thread, it’s a really poor standard with screwed up logic. I can understand the Bolvar situation for example, which is way more obvious, but this is kinda ridiculous.
So I’m guessing you’re new to the game. Cuz if you weren’t, you’d know the dragon aspects have been tied to the night elves since they blessed Nordrassil, which has been a thing far earlier than “recently”. You’d also know she tied the night elves to the Emerald Dream, which has also been a thing in-game far more than “recently”.
So, since you must be new, welcome to Warcraft!
No silly, Velen dealing with a dead Naaru is still tied to draenie lore, but also helping expand the blood elf story.
Given you’re so new, you might have not known him showing up in Sunwell was because of the naaru. So now you know!
When you start to understand the lore, you’ll understand why having night elf themes, night elf affiliated NPCs, a storyline about the ruler of the night elves, all in a zone dedicated to the death and rebirth of wild gods (who are most closely tied to the night elves, since you probably don’t know that due to your newness) makes the zone feel kind of night elf-y.
Ok then, So your entire premise rests on “Ysera is a night elven character”. Let’s examine this instead of using broad strokes of the brush:
For your first point, are you implying Nozdormu is a night elven character? He gave the night elves their immortality. Is any interaction a qualifier to say that a character belongs to said race? Is Ysera night elven because of the emerald dream, which all druids can now access?
If your answer to the above is yes, you should stop playing the game because everything you play is night elven.
Wow I didn’t realise that, thanks for enlightening me on double standards.
Debatable, which you take for granted.
And of troll loa.
No, loa are wild Gods.
Your entire response is just a repeat of the same generalization without actually addressing the questions I asked. You don’t get to use your broad paintbrush and put the purple night elven brush on everything without actually giving real evidence of it.
New to the lore and not that great at reading? Man, this is gonna be tough to help you through.
No sweetie, I said she is tied to the night elves.
No sweetie, I’m bringing up multiple examples that tie Ysera specifically to the night elves. That is why I brought up multiple examples, hon. You seem to be taking a break after each sentence and thinking that makes up the entirety of the point. That isn’t how it works. You present not just one piece of evidence, but multiple.
I guess you didn’t address the rest because you missed them after the one sentence break.
Lore isn’t a double standard, sweetie. If a human paladin uses the Light in a very human paladin way, he’s doing human paladin stuff. It doesn’t become a Scourge story, just because he smote a Scourge. But it’s fair to say his human paladin-ness did have impact on the Scourge.
I made it very simple this time so maybe you’ll get it.
But yeah tho.
Not really.
Nobody disagreed sweetie.
Which is why I said mostly. Because we only see as loa in a sub-realm (Blizzard’s description, not mine), while part of the main story involves Ursoc. Who isn’t a loa, in case you didn’t know that because of your newness to the lore.
I cannot take the blame for this, sweetie. I did answer your question, but since you have trouble with paragraphs and are just starting to learn the lore, it might not be an answer you’re capable of understanding.
Anyway, if this was too much for you, please tell me where you’re having trouble and I’ll help. Also, if you need resources on where to learn the lore of the game you recently started playing, ask and plenty of us will be happy to answer!
Fixed that for ya
You’ve repeated this twice, and it’s part of the reason that renders your entire argument, in my opinion, moot.
I say I want a story about the Alliance that doesn’t involve us being the Horde’s Krillin.
And no, I don’t mean a another story about woe is me the night elves. I don’t mean a story where the main character is a human. I mean a story about the Alliance, how it functions, inter-faction relationships within the entire Alliance and not just the 3 human ones.
But as you say, the Alliance is about as interesting as oatmeal. So therefore, Blizzard doesn’t care to write about the Alliance. Just one or two characters, or a race of whipping boys. Because when they have to write about the faction as a whole it is, again as the Krillins or Gandalf to a Horde story.
I find that just as tiring as the Horde’s constant villain shotgun to the face. But apparently the most I’m ever going to get for an “Alliance storyline” is just going to be “Alliance races doing not-Alliance Faction things” then so be it. At least it causes less whinging than the villain bat they keep subjecting the Horde too. And who knows, we might get lucky and get our turn with the Villain bat and have the entire Alliance faction main characters of their own BfA. Won’t that be swell.
Make up your mind about it. You’re beating around the bush with vague terms to avoid actually defining what you’re saying.
You claim she is not a night elven character but tied to them . I’m asking you where you draw the line with lore characters who have ties to races. I gave you the example of Velen, who is a draenei with ties to blood elves. Are blood elf players supposed to feel happy seeing him? Velen didn’t just show up because of a naaru, he wanted to “rebirth the soul of the blood elven nation.”
Your evidence is compounded and still not worthy of the topic- that Ardenweald is a night elven zone. You claim compounding evidence yet you refuse to break it up into the parts that make it the whole because that allows you to stick to your generalist claim that Ardenweald is affiliated to the night elves.
Im not sure what you’re referring to- I addressed everything that was relevant to the topic at hand IMO. Im also typing on my phone so don’t quote a lot.
Completely irrelevant to the Ardenweald storyline, since as I said, night elves do not show up except 1 or 2 quests, it’s not night elven stuff, and if you go the extreme route and claim Ysera is night elven, even her actual story is contained to a few quests, only 1-2 of which is night elven.
It is, even though you love your broad paintbrushes.
You include tyrande, yet im saying it’s balanced out by troll lore and therefore cancelled. Why is it night elven but you cannot also say it’s troll?
The main story doesn’t involve Ursoc. It’s a backstory. And the night fae campaign features more loa.
Your ad hominems are cheap and deflective. I know I used one too, but in fairness, that was in response to a logical pattern, not an assumption about a player’s lore background.