I did, the first time I said it. You’re reading issues are the problem honey.
Because Velen’s “ties” to the blood elves amount to him trying to rescue a naaru, and when that didn’t work, fulfilling the Naaru’s mission. Once you’ve gotten around to looking into the lore, you’ll understand the difference.
You are right. I look at the amount of evidence, look at what makes those pieces of evidence part of the larger whole, then address the whole as a whole.
That is pretty common debate tactics, sweetie.
Must be your reading issue acting up again. Just scroll back up and you’ll see the rest from that post you quoted.
But still yeah tho.
I do not paint, I show what is already painted. You however, love your paint stripper so you can say the paint never existed.
I never said it did sweetie.
You used one because you couldn’t make a rational disagreement. Instead, you look at the evidence, try to present it as something it isn’t, deny it exists or claim it’s not even a big deal.
You, sir, are the actual anti-vaccer. You’re so busy denying, you even deflect away from your own wrongdoings by saying “nuh-uh, mine’s not as bad because I don’t think their arguments are right tho!!!” You present nothing to back up your denial, not even proof to the contrary regarding NPC alignments that the game itself acknowledges. Your entire argument can be boiled down thusly;
“I don’t like that Ardenweald is night elf-ish because it’s not the kind of night elf-ish I WANT, so it cannot be at all night elf-ish!! And you’re all a bunch of jerks for saying otherwise!!!”
Besides, calling you uneducated on the lore is legit when you flubbed up each of your lore points thus far.