So, any plans to remove/fix greater pyroblast?

You can say it 1000’s of times and it still won’t make it true.

Legion was clearly playable for many of us.

You seem worried about them. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re a high priority target for fire mages in random bgs. Maybe they also CC you and kill all your teammates with gpies.


Templates ruin RPGs and have no business being in them just like % abilities. Legion was like playing Heroes of the Storm. Sorry but I want to play World of Warcraft. Templates ruin the core aspect of this game and it is why Legion was the worst PvP expansion.

Sorry but I need to enchant, gem and stat a build that is custom to my play style or it’s not worth playing.

Is corruption broken? Yes. Is the gearing system bad in BFA? Yes but at least it’s fun once you get a lot of gear and can make a build you enjoy. Thus making 8.3 BFA PvP the best PvP we have had since WoD.

It was playable for people that don’t like RPGs. If gear doesn’t matter there is no point in playing this game. That is why we play WoW. If it isn’t why you play WoW you are playing the wrong game and don’t like RPGs.

Bad game design should concern everyone. If you don’t want better class design that is your choice. I rather hope we get it.

Ofc he is, just won’t admit it.

Enlighten me Juga why should I personally be worried about an ability that doesn’t damage me? Serious question. I know you like to troll but please give me one reason why. Since Prot is the hardest counter in the game to Fire Mage and dot classes.

Can’t we just want the game to be better so our friends will return because class design is awesome.

Oh it does, that’s why you are complaining about it.

Reading through his comments, he can’t be this dense. This is a pretty good troll thread, 3/10.

Gpie doesn’t do damage to Prot Pal due to mechanics. I explained it above but I’ll link it again. I can go into detail and explain the math if you want too.

I am not complaining… I want the game to be better and remove Greater heal and Gpie % type abilities.

Maybe the first one or two, but eventually you will take that damage and you don’t like it. it’s okay, there will be a 15 second cd next expansion so there will be no spamming it.

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That’s not how it works :rofl:

A mage will never…ever…ever kill a Full Mastery Prot Pal spamming Gpie. It just mathematically can’t happen. Due to damage reduction %, Block and both of those are calculated before absorbs.

Gpie doesn’t do enough damage to be effective against Prot due to mechanics which is why they get FULLY absorbed a lot of time.

You need big Chaos bolts and sustain pressure. Now 300-400k bolts they can hurt sometimes.

They don’t kill anyone when you have good players interrupting them.

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You keep saying that but you’re the one who keeps leaving WoW.


Maybe you’re playing the wrong game?

You know this is basically what you are advocating for, right? If gpy isn’t %based, it would see levels of CBs

Of course I keep leaving. If the game is bad then it’s not worth my sub money. If SL is bad I won’t play that either. Why would anyone? We are only supposed to play games we enjoy.

It’s cute since you were wrong you deflected. They also don’t kill Prot Pals either because they don’t do damage due to mechanics. Keep in mind these are the very mechanics that I want changed so that way the game is more balanced. So class design actually feels good.

I know what I am advocating for I have said it repeatedly in this thread. Go back and read it?

I have never once talked about the actual damage of Gpie but only the design. I guess people only see what they want. Lets fix the % design flaws in the game. Thanks.

Obviously I am not becuase 8.3 PvP is the best PvP we have had since WoD. I actually enjoy PvPing every day. It’s been a lot of fun.

Nah, gpy is fine with a CD like is coming in SL.

Agree to disagree.

Classic Juga when you are wrong on a point you deflect and go to a different point in hopes that you can’t be wrong about that too. You make outlandish biased points time and time again to get proven wrong on them so you move onto the next.

It’s a dance you enjoy doing and wonder if you know you do it or it’s actually subconscious.

Either way you said this already and I already responded.

If you just repeat that same thing Juga that clogs up the thread.

The issue is % abilities and Greater Heal is just as big a problem. We have to get off this road of bad design if SL is going to be great. % abilities don’t belong or fit in the core design of this game and ALWAYS creates massive problems for the players…Not to mention for the Devs to balance it.

All that needs to be said in this thread.

Of course you don’t agree and I don’t think you have too. You don’t love RPG games like I do. If you did you would of hated Legion and uninstalled because of Templates.

I love Gear… The reason I log in is because of Gear. I love enchanting, gemming and finding OP combinations of builds to play something that fits my playstyle.

I have spent hours already theorycrafting builds for SL because I love RPGs and Gear. I love making builds. For me theorycrafting a build is as fun as actually playing the game. Then when you pull of the build nothing is better.

This is why 8.3 PvP is a blast. It’s because I am fully gemmed, enchanted and have full mastery Amps and Azerite traits to play a build that is amazing. It’s the most fun I have had since WoD playing Glad Stance and Globaling people with Shield Slam.

This game is only as fun as the builds you can create because that’s what RPGs are about.

I’d like to login because of fun and balanced PvP.

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