So, any plans to remove/fix greater pyroblast?

This has nothing to do with game design though. CC and interrupts are irrelevant. If something is bad for the core aspect of the game and badly designed then that is that. What you do against it is irrelevant. You can’t counter bad design because it’s there when you log in. It just makes the game bad and when you log in you have to experience the bad design.

No what is important is we don’t have another expansion with really bad designed talents or abilities. Ones that players have hated for years and want the Devs to fix. Ones that have made players either re-roll or quit all together.

Things like Greater Heal, Gpie make players not want to play the game. That’s on both sides too. I have friends that love Hpriest and quit because of Greater heal. They have been asking for better design. Same for mages. Removing them and having great class design will make players want to play the game and their class.

This is a really unenjoyable situation for the players that the Devs can fix in SL. It needs to be fixed and it is as simple as that. The game can be so much better.

Can you show me where the governing documents for MMOs are? You seem to be trying to spout stuff as facts but they’re just opinions :woman_shrugging:


Prot pally wants percentage based attacks to be removed from the game.

I wonder why.


Where did I list an opinion instead of fact. It’s just better to use facts.

Can you show me where the governing documents are for why water is wet? What I said is obvious for people that have experience in RPGs or MMORPGs. Just as you know water is obviously wet. I have been playing RPG type games for 20 years and I only play RPG/MMORPG type games. If a game loses the RPG nature of it. Then it isn’t worth playing and it’s time to find another game. That is why I have spent years away from this game the last 2 expansions. Hopefully SL is better. Legion was the worst though.

To make the game better obviously. Since Prot Pal is the only spec that Gpie doesn’t affect I actually have the least biased opinion. It isn’t just attacks as % heals need to be removed too. The game design needs to be better than that because it creates horrible core issues with the game.


I’m sure you don’t mind a fire mage spamming gpies on you. Or multiple fire mages spamming gpies on you.

You probably feel nearly invulnerable against most players in random bgs, until you see that the other team has multiple fire mages.

We must remove the one ability that can bring geared tanks back down to earth in random bgs.

Gpy is getting a 15 second cd. That’s a fix.



Hope this clarifies.

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They don’t do any dmg so no I don’t mind. You obviously don’t understand the game mechanics. One of the reasons Prot is a spec that uses over corruption is because Grand Delusions also do no dmg.

Grand Delusions do 35% of your HP and they do zero damage or many times 8-30k to Prot Pal.

Fire Mage is my favorite spec to fight because Prot hard counters them. I rather fight casters all day lol.

Giving bad design a CD is not a “fix” just stop.

It is a fix to exactly what the OP wrote:

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I can’t, because water isn’t wet.


It doesn’t fix bad game design that ruins the core aspect of the game. Lets strive for better class play and work on removing Greater Heal, Gpie, and all % abilities.

Again not sure why people don’t want the game to improve and have really great class design. I think we can get all the changes we need to make SL better. Removing % abilities makes the game better for everyone.

Gpy is fine with a cd.

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Because your opinion =/= ‘improving the game’.

I get that you’ve been playing MMOs/RPGs for 20 years ( like most of us have… ), but it doesn’t make you some authority on them like you seem to think it does :woman_shrugging:


People who didn’t leave WoW and played both expansions in their entirety will tell you that Legion PvP was better than BFA PvP.

It’s no contest, especially if you compare the later seasons.

BFA is the first expansion where I tell friends that PvP is truly in a horrible state and they’d be better off waiting until the next expansion.

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Even I agree with that.

Of course it does. I have played this game when it was good. When it had great class design. I clearly know the difference between good and bad class design for an MMORPG type game. Not just with my experience in this game from TBC but other games as well.

Right now class design is definitely not good and % abilities and talents make it worse.

Wrong Legion was unplayable because of Templates and I have stated this 100’s of times. I came back for 8.3 because of interesting build options because of corruption and it is Waaaaay better than Legion. If I can’t theorycraft of make the build I want in an RPG game then there is no reason to play. Right now in BFA this is the most PvP I have done since WoD. It’s been a lot of fun.

This is an RPG game and it has no place for templates or scaling ruining PvP.

PS- No response to me stating that Prot Pal is the only hard counter to Gpie? Thought not you are usually speechless when wrong. Like I said since Prot hard counters Fire Mage and Casters I have the least Biased opinion on it. The only goal is for the game to get better for everyone.

Legion PvP was SIGNIFICANTLY better than BFA PvP.


^^^^ facts