So any plans to fix tank pop?

And here is the math that he doesn’t have the ability to understand or are they just a troll? Revert the Prot Warrior nerfs next patch - #39 by Tolak-kirin-tor

People on the forums complain too much about trivial stuff. As if like a 3% buff will enable them to jump up 3 key levels. The changes are rather minor to the point of being inconsequential.

I don’t care if it’s a nerf, or if it’s a buff or if it’s net even. It’s not that relevant.

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yep. as i’ve begun to push higher end content I’ve realized that all the QQ about classes is irrelevant unless you’re doing high keys (like 15s maybe even higher). Most people aren’t getting gapped because a class is just good.

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Classes being good is a factor for invites, and maybe 1-2 key levels. (Of pure theoretical potential.)


Yeah, it doesn’t happen. Not in any relatively challenging content or above at least. I’m sure everyone has stories of this or that happening, but it’s not a routine occurence.

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I love how you keep pushing the wrong narrative.
Hero tree =/= class. I mentioned speaking from Mountain Thane
IP works the same regardless

And right here shows how you don’t understand how the numbers work.
30% increase to IP = 30% less energy required to have the same shielding.

One day you’ll understand simple maths.

But let’s look back on something shall we:

To which you replied:

But let’s look at what’s being said shall we?:

Hmm…precisely what I said. But please do throw a temper tantrum.

Now let’s look at numbers shall we.
Based on 10m HP
Current IP numbers = 85,715 damage prevented per rage
Proposed IP numbers = 111,430 damage prevented per rage

To prevent 100 million damage
Current IP: 1166 rage or 33.4 casts (35)
Proposed IP: 897 rage or 25.6 casts (26)

11 cast (31%) difference for the same mitigation, meaning you can put 11 more casts, with the same level of mitigation, into more Revenges.

Did you forget about the loss of healing? And the rage generation numbers were close to a 50% reduction rage, they have been walking back the rage generation nerfs as you could not cast IP or revenge often enough to keep mitigation up. Prot Warrior 11.1 PTR Feedback - #358 by Kaivax as they were not able to tank effectivly. and [quote=“Kaivax, post:205, topic:2041687, username:Kaivax”]
We’re monitoring Protection’s performance, especially the tuning of Ignore Pain and total damage. The Rage income changes affect other talents like Anger Management, and we’re working to keep all aspects of Protection competitive following these changes.

But you made sure to cut off the last part right

here are some of the rage buffs that have been changed from after that post.

  • Brace for Impact stacks up to 3 times (was 5), and grants 10% Shield Slam damage and shield block value by 5% (was 5% Shield Slam damage and 3% shield block value).
  • Punish reduces damage the punished target deals to you by 3% (was 2%).
  • Bloodsurge has had its chance to trigger increased significantly and generates 5 Rage (was 3).
  • Instigate causes Devastator to generate 2 Rage (was 1).
  • *Colossus * Practiced Strikes increases Rage generated by Shield Slam by 3.
  • Mountain Thane
    • Avatar of the Storm has a chance to grant 6 seconds of Avatar (was 4 seconds).

The best way to solve the lack of tanks is to provide incentive to be a tank, perhaps slightly faster rep increases, more gold looted, higher I-level rewards, gotta get people interested in tanking. We suffer the same issue in our heroic raids, tanks are almost always the last to log in too.

Nope, I never bothered discussing that. I talked strictly about the changes to IP and the damage mitigated and how it pertained to the rage required for the same amount of casts pertaining to IP/Revenge.

They weren’t. In order for that to be a thing, everything that generated rage and every proc that resulted in rage generation would have had to be reduced by 50% and that was not the case. Even the part you quoted, was only a 16% buff from their, resulting in only a 16% nerf overall instead of their original 30% nerf (30 → 20 → 25).

Like how you managed to leave out:
Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:

Which also plays into more rage for more revenges/IPs as you see fit.

And none of is the OMG levels of changes to revert the OMG levels of QQ’ing your’e doing.

Like this for example, ends up being a net neutral

Net neutral (also hardly ever chosen talent)

Net neutral and also meaningless as it’s also another talent hardly ever chosen

Like all these “walk backs” are to things no one uses or so small that a buff or a nerf would go unnoticed.

If near instant invites while players are crying about waiting for an hour to get a group together isn’t enough incentive I don’t think any of the other bribing is going to do it.

It doesn’t help it’s a pug 5 man thing, even pug raids rarely need tanks and getting a tanking spot in a guild is almost impossible.

And tanking is kinda shunned in PvP.


yeppp tanks in guilds are usually always officers, gms, a long time player of the raid etc. Might as well ask most if you can get 1 million gold out of the guild bank :joy:

Maybe you guys are doing it wrong? I get asked to join mythic raiding guilds as tank all the time.

Wow nice way to show your ignorance “Devastator not chosen” lol. There is no one who know how to play the class that is not using it I am willing to bet it is Above 95% of all prot warriors use it at max level. And those you posted were buffs after you couldn’t understand the math. The fact that blizzard has had to do so many buffs after that post shows that I was correct. And what you still don’t seem to understand how big of an impact the tactician change was, all of your auto attacks, revenge, tclap can reset from each use with shield slam being the main source of rage generation.

Reading is hard. Lemme point you in the right direction here:

Instigate not chosen. Man this is how you know you’re reaching.

Not sure you understand what net neutral is. When they nerf something, then buff it back to it’s original state (like Brace for Impact for the most part), you end up at a net neutral state where it’s no more and no less than it’s current state.

And again, it’s a 16% overall nerf from current (30 → 25). Hardly the 50% you’re claiming. Even at it’s first iteration of 30 → 20, still a long shot from 50% nerf

It happens. If it doesn’t happen to you, great. But it does happen.

When you made the post was before they reverted some of the nerfs and you are trying to hide the fact that you were wrong. You made the claim that after the nerfs before any of the buffs were implemented. Once again showing that you are outright being dishonest and to argue that you post was made after the buffs to rage generation.

  • Chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam from Devastator and Strategist reduced to 20% (was 30%).
  • Impenetrable Wall no longer increases Rage generated by Shield Slam. “is 4 rage on live”
  • Booming Voice causes Demoralizing Shout to generate 20 Rage (was 30).
  • Champion’s Bulwark no longer increases the Rage generated by Shield Charge.
  • Bloodsurge now causes damage from Deep Wounds to have a chance to generate 3 Rage. (5 rage on all bleeds on live"
  • Violent Outburst has been rebuilt to be easier to understand and track progress towards the next Outburst. Additional Rage generated from Violent Outburst reduced to 50% (was 100%). Not only is the rage gained nerfed by 50% but reduced rage use means less procs.

But I guess Mr. Grey parse can keep on trolling and try to tell other classes that he does not understand how they work when he can’t even figure out to play his own.

Nothing about what I said was wrong. Rage generation was down but definitely not by 50%

You’re the one who brought in the “buffs” argument in which I’m just mentioning that it’s just returning them to a net neutral state.

All of those nerfs hardly equate to even a 30% overall rage reduction. No one claimed the nerfs weren’t steep, but it’s foolish to act like it’s not warranted either. And again, you’re wrong concerning how the buff to IP works.

You really need to learn how to read logs lol

Do you honestly see the 11.0.7 changes and the 11.1 changes as identical? Or are you trolling?

Current 2 and 3 has Xal’atath’s Bargain right out of the gate on top of Enemy Forces and timer. +0 has none of these. It’s a steeper learning curve for new players.

Then why are they moving it?

They don’t have to be “role-specific changes” to benefit tank participation in pugs.