So you’re unable to see the correlation between the .07 changes and the changes being implemented in S2. Well guess this conversation is over then.
WoW doesn’t have new players. M+ has been out for over 8 years. M+ isn’t getting a wave of new players trying it out for the first time.
To make people feel like they’re better than they are. Just like every other change in S2. Again, people aren’t dying because of Challengers Peril. They’re going to keep dying and bricking keys, with or without CP.
They do. Because as blanket benefit, it increases everyones participation. By doing that, it effectively does nothing.
100 tanks
100 healers
1000 DPS
Everyones participation increases by 10% due to these changes
+10 tank
+10 healers
+100 healers
End up with the same problem of “tank shortage”
Have u tried being nice to the ones learning?
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The tier sets seem objectively worse for tanks. Random procs of a DR isn’t what tanks want.
95% of that time its going to be overlapping with another DR, but free of cost. So it just makes you extremely tanky at certain points for X amount of seconds. This will give plenty of breathing room and reaction time for tanks/healers to do what they need to in that moment.
While it’s nothing great, it’s not horrible. It’s better than 3% damage reduction + 3% damage increase
Ah, you’re an elitist gatekeeper. Guess this conversation is over then.
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There’s easier content in the game. It’s not gatekeeping to want difficult content with tangible rewards to remain.
Nothing i’ve said has any relevance on gatekeeping. But you’re right, when you’ve got nothing to retort with and start throwing around buzzwords:
If you couldn’t hit a reward level in S1 and they’re making it easier in S2 so you can, how is that not:
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Keep in mind, any more “gatekeeping” is the cry of “they get gear that I want, but they work for it and I don’t yet I should get it”
Consistency is important important than getting lucky with an RNG proc to live imo
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You still have all your other defensives and can continue to play as normal and have your consistency.
This is just procs for insane damage reduction. 4 seconds is a lot of breathing room
The point is we could have a tier set that gives us more survivability consistently over a proc. If the proc happens when you’re not in danger it does nothing.
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Ion knows the problem, still no solution.
Git gud, how bad are you at your job?
We already go that with hero talents. We don’t need to go backwards to DF S3 degen play levels of tanking
Yeah, the problem is people dont want to play tanks.
Cant force people to do it.
Are tanks lacking in survivability? agro? no.
they have plenty of tools to accomplish their role.
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Yes from what I’ve seen and experienced. Tell that to the bear druid in my m7 that got globalled by three mobs in stone vault
True. The DPS skill floor needs to raised substantially so people stop flocking to the role that has no responsibilties.
The bear is either doing content way beyond what they’re skilled enough to complete, or horribly undergeared (like below 580 ilvl type of undergeared).
Option 1 then. If he overgears it he’ll be able to go beyond his skill level.
TWW started with heavy tank nerfs. Likely one factor in where the tank population went. It also means you need liberal defensive use in higher keys if you don’t want to faceplant like a dps. Outside of defensives, the base durability of a tank isn’t great. Part of why prot paladin ended up as good as it did. Its really spoiled for choice when it comes to defensives.
You didnt push your buttons