So any plans to fix tank pop?

After discussing this at length with many people, I feel like the kernel that needs to be at the top of the todo list is to make the number of mobs linearly correlate to tank TTL.

However they do this, if there’s a floor or a ceiling or they add mechanics/remove mechanics, whatever: until this is true, tanking will suck.

poke a tank with a pin


I feel cheated.

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Claiming you talkes to people to try to push your agenda doesnt mean anything.

You can do this yourself by playing with a set group/better people.

What did they ruin about it? I don’t like playing current Prot Warrior because it feels like I’m facerolling the keyboard and it’s why I play Arms instead. Current Prot feels way too spammy.

Slowed it down by reducing rage generation so youre not spamming IP to stop from capping Rage.

Now you actually have to plan out your IP/Revenge spends

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Hey, I know there are a lot of tanks that are around at all times of night, making noise, but I don’t think spaying & neutering the tank population is the issue!

(responding only to the subject title, as a joke)

Did you fix your forum bot or can I still get it write me poems?

Gonna get any better at the game or gonna keep asking for blizzard to nerf it to your level?

This seems like it will only work if mobs just auto attack, and largely ignores things like aoe stops, rotating defensives, burst aoe increasing pack kill time, healer cool downs, how some tank abilities scale with mob count or damage taken, kiting, and likely many other variables.

I also don’t think this has ever been true in 20+ years of WoW, so I guess tanking has always sucked.

I don’t mean it has to literally plot a straight line, just that the correlation should always be linear and never exponential.

The miniscule 11.0.7 bandaids not having an effect on tank participation is to be expected. Putting aside that they barely did anything to tank busters in this season, the other structural issues I highlighted are still there.

And learning them is going to be a great deal more accessible/less punishing. Having a difficulty where you can JUST practice timer + enemy forces is huge.

I agree graveyard positioning is a big deal, but there are still tons of keys that were failed by a slim margin owing to a wipe followed by some ad-hoc deaths, due to CP.

Agree to disagree then. We’ll pull up the numbers next season.

And hey, even if these changes don’t have the intended effect, the nice thing about a live service game is that… they can make even more changes.

I’ve tanked or healed in every MMO I’ve played. I don’t tank in WoW currently, however. Why? In other MMOs, tanks felt like tanks. They could survive not being healed for 2 seconds. However, here, if a tank is durable, people complain for them to be nerfed and it happens. There was this big discussion about class fantasy once upon a time. We need to have a discussion about role fantasy now. When someone plays a dps, they want big numbers. When someone plays a healer, they want to keep the party alive. When someone plays a tank…they don’t want to be a missed gcd away from death at all times. Fix that, and you’ll see more tanks.

Of course, this is not to say M+ is without problems. Tanks not needing to look up a map to run the dungeon would be a start.


Don’t pay any attention to the troll who posts nonstop garbage all day, when someone has 20k+ posts on a forum. If you look at their logs you will see that they should probably spend more time learning, their own class before pretending to know how other classes function. If you want information on the class changes Prot Warrior 11.1 PTR Feedback

Tanks aren’t that fragile. Healers for the most part aren’t healing tanks, but most tanks can’t survive with absolutely zero healing from a healer.

Learn to play.

People who don’t push buttons, find game is hard.


Well they’re making those changes as blanket changes for S2, so as such, the changes in S2 will not have an effect on tank participation, as per you.

Nope. Same accessibility (people really need to learn what this word means) and same punishment. No one is “learning” in 12s

So current 2-6…

Sure. But theyd have only beat it by sheer luck without CP. CP isnt a make or break scenario people are making it out to be. If youre barely making it by because 1 wipe caused you to miss the timer by a few seconds on 7+ keys, your DPS is overall too low.

The intended effects are to make m+ as a whole easier. These arent role specific changes

Your experience is not everyone’s experience. And M+ is not the only content in the game. In fact, it’s a very small portion of the game.

And yours is? You’ve got heaps in here agreeing that DPS pulling for tanks isn’t an issue in any remotely challenging content.

Who in their right mind would actually care if DPS pulls in queued content, as that can be tanked just fine in a DPS spec? It’s not even worth discussing.

Again, you don’t know anything about the topic you so desperately voice your opinion about.

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While it’s not everyone’s experience, it’s better than no experience.

It’s the LARGEST group content in the game and one of the main sources for tuning. Your TW dungeons are not even considered when it comes to those things. Those are considered no-fail content that doesn’t even need a tank.

Quite the contrary, it’s a very large part of the game and holds the highest participation levels where a tank is concerned.

Aww, are we still butt-hurt about not knowing how numbers work? Lol

Your tanks want to pretend they’re needed when they aren’t, and don’t want to do content where they are needed so they complain about people acting as if tanks aren’t needed.

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Someone who is so inept at the game probably shouldn’t talk about numbers. If you look at blizzard slowly walking back the nerfs each week as the rage generation nerfs were too much it shows that you were wrong and shows still have no idea what you’re talking about. here the troll admits he doesn’t have a clue, but they keep on posting anyways without understand the class. Revert the Prot Warrior nerfs next patch - #34 by Grizzle-eredar