So all this gear was reworked for us to not use it and stack fire resist

I’m glad I’m in your thoughts but I don’t care for it.

You’re a :clown_face:

Even full tier set plus enchants isn’t the required res needed. You’re clueless.

If you were taking an exam for a class named “Semester of Surprises” based largely on the aspect of not providing a syllabus, rubrics, alerts on upcoming assignments, or the curriculum beforehand- being upset about surprise homework would not make sense either.

There is a reason we did not have a PTR to test the raid.

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Stop playing the game the way you want, and play it how it’s asking to be played.

You sound entitled, you do realize this?

This might be among the dumbest things I’ve ever read. I genuinely cant tell if you’re trolling or not at this point.


You probably also whine about Elden Ring bosses being too hard because you haven’t done any prep work for them.


Get better, or get prepared.

You don’t need 226 FR for heat level 3, just don’t take any Fire Damage.

But I assume you’re not that good, so buck up and get the FR to cover for your lack of skill. I know I am.

Blatantly incorrect. 226+ or the first instance of fire damage received one shots you. You sound like an idiot.


You are a bad player, confirmed.

Got it. Just a forum troll. Hope you ate :clown_face:

Do you actually understand how the heat levels and conflag work?

You only get one shot if you don’t have the FR requirement while taking any source of Fire Damage. Hence the Org bug atm

There will be groups clearing this place at h3 w/o Fire later in the phase. They may need to swap to it for certain, unavoidable fire damage spots, but I bet through good play you can avoid most Fire damage in there.

251 fr without juju, didn’t sacrifice much, its possible, just not anything people want to do

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Correct. And above certain resistance thresholds, you ALWAYS resisted a certain portion. I cant remember if it was 10% or 25%. Thats what tank resist fights were balanced around for Classic and TBC(Hydross being the pinnacle of this design and later Illidan’s Flame tanks). If the tanks came in under threshold, they were at a risk of being onetapped. But above it, theyd take hard hits but SURVIVABLE hard hits.

Patchwerk was an example of a physical version of this. If your tanks lacked sufficient armor and health, they’d simply pop at random if they got a bad roll.

Great example. The FR gear is supposed to be an opportunity cost. It also gives us new BiS that don’t have a carrying power level increase creep with them.

If you do not have the fire resist to achieve the necessary amounts for H2 and H3, then play the normal version until you do.

This is a “gear need” concept expansion of the Onyxia cloak being required to survive and kill the 3 drakes and Nefarian. It requires more than one piece but it allows you to be flexible in how you achieve the threshold.

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it goes up in 105 breakpoints for guaranteed resists


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At no point did I say it was impossible. You realize what you just sent me, your character has less spell damage than we had in ST right? That’s the issue. That’s the problem. Being forced to sacrifice all your damage upgrades to meet an arbitrary fr threshold is lazy and awful design. I’m well aware you can be 226 fr with no buffs. I have the set in my bags. I don’t want to wear it. It’s bad design.

No it’s not lol

That is your solution to not being one shot.

You’ll still use all the other upgrades in everything outside of high heat levels too.

And again, you don’t need the Fire Resistance if you’re good enough at avoiding the fire damage in there.

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the character has 462 shadow damage, which is like 150 higher than i had in ST, you didn’t just look at the raw spell power on a character and not the shadow damage on a class that’s entire tier set is devoted to shadow did you? oh no

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I absolutely looked at shadow dmg. Pretty wild you would try to assume I didn’t, but I guess this is the internet. I did however assume you had selected your raid buffs, which I still haven’t bothered checking bc it’s actually irrelevant to my point.

so your priest had 462 shadow damage in st?