So all this gear was reworked for us to not use it and stack fire resist

so in MC heat 3, if you are hit by ANY fire damage, it checks to see if you are between 0 and 225 fire resist and if so, it kills you? is that really what you’re saying :expressionless: i mean, I guess it’s possible the SoD devs are this awful. it seems more likely that you’re just not likely to hit the dice rolls needed to survive fire damage below 226 FR though.

You dont have to do heat 2 or 3. You can just do heat 1 and use your .5 pieces!

Ok so what mechanics would you have put in? What are you capable of programming for the company.

how about… the way resists always worked in classic? :expressionless: don’t fix what’s not broken, as they say…

That is exactly what I’m telling you, yes. There are several YouTube videos up stating that to be the case and I witnessed it personally last night doing heat 3. It’s garbage.

this is exactly how it works

every boss has some little splashes of damage or aoe damage auras, if it isn’t absorbed by priest shield or gfpp and you are below 226 fire res, you get hit by a giant conflag which does hundreds of thousands of damage

we 19 manned the entire instance because one of our players was below the magic 226 and got blown off the map

Well ya know what by that login you don’t even have to do mc. Just go run stratholme with whatever gear on you want right? Same thing?

well if so then I agree, it’s really dumb :expressionless: but needing to stack FR for MC is still a good idea in principle. don’t know why they had to mess up the way resists work but that’s SoD devs for you

ya whats the point of progression if I am stuck wearing fire res gear.

If you dont need MC gear to clear MC then why do MC?

Farm your blue FR gear just to get gear you cant use from MC

They will do this nonsense for naxx too. So just start farming your cold res gear and you dont even have to clear MC/bwl for your best chance at clearing naxx.

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because classes (rdruid, spriest, healing rain from shaman) are grossly powerful at healing rot damage, you can see in the nota log that they brought 4 spriests (1 per group) because they thought they’d encounter aoe fire damage that was healable and spriest is just so powerful in those situations

I’m fairly certain not a single person expected this. Nor, does anyone want this. What was datamined was a ticking aura, which would have been player controlled on how much dmg you would take - need to take less dmg? Equip more fire res. Have crazy good healers? Equip less fire res. INSTEAD what we got was this heaping pile of garbage conflag mechanic that just one shots you unless you’re at an arbitrary fr value. It’s lazy. I get it you don’t like SoD, dude. But coming into every single sod forum post just to talk about stuff you’ve absolutely zero clue about is just wild. You don’t play it, you have no idea. You want era, so go play era. Being upset at SoD players bc blizz shafted era somehow is between you and blizzard.


true. funny how when we pointed out how good shadow priest healing was the shadow priests kept crying over and over about how it doesn’t matter, they still deserve to do more dps lol :expressionless:

yes, I apologize for underestimating the stupidity of SoD devs :expressionless:


i am a shadow priest player in sod and i knew it way ahead of time that everyone would have tons of spriests for prog, we are friends with some nota (the gm of sod nota is welcome’s old gm, i’m the current) and we already knew his roster was full of spriests

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You don’t need to do H2 or even H3. With no power level difference it’s really just a preference thing at this point.

I’m gonna convince my group to do H1 first week, cause why do we want to stress out about MC?

Plus, there’s plenty of gear to build high FR sets w/ your caps still. People need to stop trying to play the game the way the want to, and instead think about how the game wants to be played.

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the issue isn’t needing FR, it’s that if you don’t have X FR then you instantly die :expressionless: you don’t see how that is dumb and lazy design?

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Why do you need to do the higher heat levels when you don’t have the FR requirements?

People are upset their planes with 1 wing aren’t flying properly. Get the requirements you dingus.

Why are you answering my question with another question :expressionless:

It’s not a lazy design at all.

They even go into why they changed it.

Ok, well, I think you have been deprived games with good design choices :expressionless: sad but many such cases.