So all this gear was reworked for us to not use it and stack fire resist

Your point is you want to play the game you want to.



This is without ST buff so yes. Yes it did. Add that to the end of sixty upgrades idk how to link it here

What a joke rofl

You’re still under 462 and you have full consumes.

Not only are you entitled, you’re obviously bad too.

spell power: 430
from buffs: 99

ur trolling me right

Again, as I previously stated, I did not look to see if you were world buffed in your fr set you linked. I assumed you were.

M: “Hey Bob you wanna go to the pool, snorkling or deep diving tomorrow?”
B: “Deep diving”
M: “Okay bring your swim gear!”
Next day:
M: “Hey Bob wheres your scuba set?”
B: “I’m wearing just a speedo and no air tanks cause that’ll make me swim slower”
M: “But you’ll drown”
B: “Well thats dumb! Why swim if I can’t go fast?”
M: “We can always go back to the pool I guess”
B: “No. I wan’t to deep dive in a speedo.”

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Bad assumption.

And where did you assume that 430 > 462?

At least the paladin aura is 30 yards. Fire Resist Totem is only 20 yards!

This, actually. The obvious intended flow of MC in Phase 4 is to start at either Heat 1 or Heat 2, and then build up fire resist over a few weeks with MC drops and the crafted/upgraded gear you can get from Thorium Brotherhood.

You can technically get enough fire resist right now to do Heat 3, but it’s way sweatier/more expensive than just building it up organically over the next few weeks.


I never said the tier gear was sufficient, only that the tier gear all had FR on it. The reworked gear isn’t useless as the OP states. You’re getting yourself worked up over nothing because you’ll be forced throw on FR items in your other slots.

So you need 226 FR, and you want to use your Tier gear. Cool. Wear 8/8 and that’s 61 FR.

You’re a Mage, you can talent for 10 more FR and get solid returns out of that talent given all the indiscriminate sources of fire damage.

But let’s assume you’re just really really bad at staying near your Paladin friend so you only get Mark of the Wild, so you’re now at a grand total of 91 FR before we consider any other items that either happen to have FR on them or can have FR added to them…

Onyxia Scale Cloak w/Hydraxian Enchant = 36 FR
Drakefire Amulet = 15 FR
Tidal Loop = 20 FR
Seal of Ascension = 10 FR
Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas = 10 FR

Now you’re up to 182 FR using just Tier 1 and the most basic attunement rewards. The DM class books are getting cheaper and cheaper if you don’t want to farm them yourself.

So you need 44 FR still, have a weapon, trinket, and ranged slot still available, and the ability to slap on librams.

Engineers can make 18 FR trinkets and even double up on them if they want, otherwise you need DFC for the 20 FR trinket or wait for one of the 15-20 FR trinkets to drop from MC or Onyxia.

For a wand, there are two BoE wands with 10 FR, or you can wait on the 10 FR MC drop.

And we still haven’t even looked at or touched the craftable FR gear because you can drop two pieces of T1 and still get all your set bonuses.

Get to work and stop crying.

This is literally the equivalent of making the bosses have more and more health and take longer and longer to kill. All Blizzard did was make it so you had to do the work of actually tailoring your gear to meet the challenge.

Or grind to Exalted like the pros did and spam the trinket for a boatload of FR.

Or don’t, and cry that you can’t put 8 Int on your pants and are “forced” to put 20 FR instead.

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If this bothers you so much go blast heat 1 with your new gear.

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While I understand all of it, SoM was a complete failure that was hated by the vast majority, so it makes zero sense for them to make SoD’s MC after SoM.

It just feels bad to neuter your damage simply to not die to a 1 shot mechanic. It’s as lazy as it gets.

If I had a say in my guild, I would only do heat 1 without FR needed, and enjoy myself with good damage.

This is unfortunate and it shows they have no idea what they’re doing.

SoD has been super casual and now they think it’s a good idea to make MC like SoM, which everyone hated? That makes zero sense.

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Heat Level 1 is your solution. MC is face-roll easy without the FR requirement with the sole exceptions of Baron and Rag because you actually have to adjust baseline strategies a bit. Ironically those two fights become easier with FR because that’s the only damage they deal.

You’ll get all the same gear as everyone else, with perhaps a slightly slower acquisition of non-tier drops depending on your luck. My raid last night doled out 2-3 items per person minimum. Another two weeks of this and Onyxia farming and folks are going to be incredibly strong, smashing through bosses super fast, and doing Heat 2 without breaking a sweat.

Only Heat 3 will ever require a bit of ‘effort’ to wear a nice crafted set that’s optimized with the rest of your tier.

I don’t get to make that decision.

I have to roll with what my guild wants, which is heat 2 start then heat 3.

and did you not think you’d not need fire resist in MC or something???

Yep just bad game design.

8/8 dungeon set with 176 unbuffed fire resist (236 with Pal/Sham aura)

Gotta get a crafted piece or 2 if you don’t want to rely on an aura. But wearing your full set of tier is definitely possible.

Name them.

So you would rather Blizzard not to implement challenging optional stuff just because you need special gear to do it?

Blizzard can never win, can they?

I guess the only way they could have made people happy would have been to put heat 3 on a seperate lockout.

Oh wait, that’s mythic raiding.

Didn’t they just add +1 agi +1 stam and call it day anyway? I would hardly call what they did a rework. I think we need to manage our expectations and realize this isn’t blizzard it hasn’t been blizzard for a long time. This is activision and these are actvision employees . The blizz team left a long time ago