So all this gear was reworked for us to not use it and stack fire resist

because you get one shot if you don’t have max fire resist. and if you are using pally aura to hit cap and run out of range or they die you get one tapped . fun


Is that one Normal, or Heat 3?

heat 2 96 FR and heat 3 226 FR. if you don’t have the requirement you get conflagged for 400k

Logically, one could conclude that you are meant to do the normal Molten Core until you have more of the Tier 1 set, which includes Fire resist and good stats for your character before moving on to Heat 2 or 3.


Yep we’re doing Heat 2 tomorrow and Heat 3 in a few weeks.

they literally told us how much fire resist you need for each level…


They very specifically talked about how resistance gear can still allow you to take that 4k hit, and isnt the main reasoning for it now.

Its the extra bits they were talking about that you will most likely need the cap for.

Womp womp.

they told us… yesterday. That is equivalent to a professor notifying you of the midterm exam, the day before.


It’s an incredibly lame way to force fire resist. Reach a hard minimum number or randomly have a chance to die is not how resistances have worked, and isn’t fun. It’s not even something you can outgear, imagine coming back to this in Naxx gear for a Bindings run and everyone needs to keep a full FR set or they can just explode.


I mean… all your tier has FR on it soooooo

It’s a horrible mechanic and gatekeeping the heats behind thousands of gold is going to make people quit

Know at least 20 people that quit today alone

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This same lazy a**, ignorant argument keeps being made. Do the math. It’s still not enough FR to not have to sac a ton of other stats to reach the arbitrary 226 fr cap. Useless comment and ignorant rebuttal

They also reworked the Fire Resist gear. It’s actually pretty good if you do the upgrade. But that’s for tryhards; most people should be fine with their T1 and buffs/pots.

So farm heat 1 for a reset or two while you get the FR gear together for heat 2 and heat 3.

Thats… exactly how resistances worked. You eventually reach a threshold where youre always going to resist a certain percentages every time. Resist fights were balanced around this so that blow that threshold tanks risked being onetapped but above it the damage was high but survivable.

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and the levels include buffs… so whining about it is absurd :expressionless:

first SoD players whine about fire immunities
now they’re whining about needing fire resist gear at all…
it’s just comical :expressionless:

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That’s is ABSOLUTELY not true. Resistances gave you a chance to resist dmg and as your res increased, your chance to res increased thus resulting in more damage mit. At no point did the mechanic check your resist, and if under, one tap you. This is the first time it has worked that way to my knowledge.

And regarding your “just hear from H1 and H2 comment, as I mentioned above, even in full tier gear you will be forced to 1. Remove your tier piece and replace it with fr crafted piece, or 2. Remove your rings and neck and several other off pieces and replace them with “…of fire resistance” gear/fr blues w dogwater stats. Stop defending this lazy mechanic ffs. Do you work on the sod dev team or something? What is with you and all the other ignoramos defending this LAZY mechanic? I don’t get it.


lol, that’s not what is happening in SoD dude :expressionless:

You’re so upset era is garbage, you stay in these sod forums. And that is EXACTLY how the heat 3 mechanic works. It checks your FR when you receive fire damage and if it is not 226+ you are one shot. The level of ignorance is astonishing, honestly

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