So about yrel

With any luck they will leave anything and everything WoD alone.

Yrel is not Alliance.

In fact, I think the Humans will be so amazing that they will see through the light’s deceit and be the rightful Paladins (amazing Humans lead by Turalyon and fans) vs the wrongful Paladins (Yrel and Orcs).

You can’t stop the potential of humans. Too powerful.

Is not, I colluded with some Goblins and there is now a turnstile and entry fee.



100% in the future. Maybe not in 10.0 but it’ll build up from there.

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Yeah, I don’t think we have seen the end of this story arc at all. Eventually it will come into play.

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If she gets a model update and suddenly grows two feet over night, then yeah she’s coming back.

Just look at Calia. Model update, grew two feet over night and now we can’t get rid of her as much as we want AND need to.

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i am going to address it permanently. down with the draenei!

It’s just orcs and ogres right now so it’s all good.

Eh? I hate Calia as much as the next guy, but the lore has given her jack to do. Ahe just stands around in Oribos acting 10 times more important than she actually is. And once Sylvanas gets her redemption arc (ugh) Calia will only decrease in relevance.

I sincerely hope so.

The blithe, reeking, “god is bad/dead!” nihilism Blizzard routinely wallows in in all it’s writing is always obnoxious and tedious. A “Light = BAD!!!” expansion would be that, but at maximum volume.

Forget it. Drop the plotline, retcon the Mag’har allied race origins if you have to, but never speak of it again.


Thank you for saying that… we can only hope.

That or she can lead the Alliance as their new better leader, that everyone will love… for reasons… and she’ll try to solve all of Azeroths problems and the faction divide stuff… and succeed over night… for reasons.

Good luck she’s your problem now, no takesy backsies.

She’s trapped in an alternate universe.

Out of site, out of mind.

We did. Blizz set-up and alternate timeline and we played it and took out the corrupt Naru and beat some sense in to Yrel. Only they won and player characters are now like Warhammer 40K Inquisitors who are out intimidating the Legion.

You do remember this? No? Wonderful, that timeline is collapsiing as well. sigh Too bad, the epic onsie was a must have.

Goatler is going to get it

Racks shotgun with malicious intent

What is it with people thinking Turalyon is some kind of Light Zealot to such extremes that even the Scarlet Crusade would go, “Woah, dude, dial it back.”

Just going to quote an old post that nails it.


I got called an “Orc apologist” in trade for suggesting she had gone too far. Wish that was a legit title lol.

Blizzard has planted the seeds that the barriers between all alternate planes are going to come crumbling down. If her people ended up in the “Lightlands” after the destruction of Draenor, she could be coming here once the walls come crashing down.

Where are you getting that from? For a lot of characters, their faith in a higher power is what keeps them going.

All they are doing is showing things aren’t always black and white. Like Illidan uses fel and demonic powers which are usually considered bad to do good things and Yrel is using light which is considered good to do bad things.

To say it would just be light = bad seems like a vast oversimplification. The light is really just an instrument, it’s not inherently good or bad, it’s the intentions behind the person using it that makes it good or bad.

I thought the heel turn by Yrel was a decent plot twist seeing as how blizzard doesn’t usually hit the alliance lore characters with the villain bat nearly as much as the horde characters and would like to see them expand on it if they do the whole light / void conflict.

Honestly, I feel like the jury is still out on this one.

The only perspective we have regarding Yrel going Light Zealot comes from the Mag’har. We don’t know the story from the Draenei’s perspective, or any other race on Draenor.

The Mag’har blamed the Light for the death of their world, but where was their proof? We’ve seen the Light used to restore life to dying lands, so this was always a strange position.

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We’ve already seen that with the scarlet crusade/onslaught though. It’s not new that those who think they’re in the right commit the most wrong.

From, oh… literally every single major Blizzard franchise?

WarCraft? Oh look, the Titans aren’t good after all and liable to actually sterilize and restart the planet if they see fit. Oh wait, now they’re all dead.

Diablo? Oh, sorry, Hell itself wasn’t evil enough - Heaven is now also evil. “The motives of Heaven are unfathomable?” Naw, they’re just gaudy bastards!

StarCraft? They literally retconned the Xel’naga from being well meaning but entirely outclassed life seeders consumed by their own creations to cosmic super-gods just so they could repeat the same, “oh no, god is dead/evil!” tripe again.


It’s the same obnoxious angsty teen BS repeated ad nauseum over and over and over again. Every single major franchise is this one note theme without question or end, inevitable and clockwork.

And no, it’s not of matter of showing things being not “black and white.” Because there IS no white. There’s never any white! It’s always just “black and also black with more black and a side of black sauce on the side.” Over and over and over again, every single damn time. It’s not clever or thoughtful or deep or meaningful - it’s wrote and cliche and repetitive and does nothing to enrich the story.

It’s not clever or thoughtful to have 100% absolute, 2D evil villains and then turn around and make any remaining good also be evil because coming up with new threats is too much to ask. That’s not balanced or interesting or engaging - it’s lazy, depressing grimdark shlock that doesn’t need to exist.

No. “Deus Vult” Yrel is a poisonous idea that needs to go away, the Scarlet Crusade doesn’t need to keep coming back like a ravenous fungal infection, and “Light = Bad/Neutral” is a terrible, stupid line of thought to pursue. So long as the opposite, the Darkness/Void/Shadow/Whatever-they-settle-on-calling-it-this-week is as flat and absolutely evil and pathological as every major depiction of it has been, this line of thinking needs to be shelved.