So about yrel

This is true, we only have a small part of the overall story of what happened after we left. They could go in a few directions with it.

They are much smaller in scope and their focus was pretty much just on getting rid of the undead. Plus they didn’t seem as intent as trying to convert everyone to their cause. The way they described what Yrel was doing was basically just going around trying to convert everyone whether they were interested or not.

We wouldn’t be here without their help though. We were flat out dead and they brought us back.

One guy went rogue, and the guy in charge was not very nice, but they don’t make up the entirety of heaven.

I don’t know enough about starcraft to comment.

The common theme I see them use is a couple of bad apples in ‘good’ organizations, but that is a stretch to make them saying there is never any white. I agree it isn’t terribly original to always have the corrupt cop trope but again, having a bad titan or angel here or there doesn’t mean it is all evil.

And they are trying to show nuance to the other side too, shadow/void isn’t inherently evil, the alliance even has void elves now so it is blizzard trying to attempt to show the cosmic forces in a more balanced way than just void = evil, light =good.

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That doesn’t change the “oh wait, god is dead afterall” spiel, nor the original implications that the Titans were happy to cleanse whole starsystems that stepped out of order.

Actually, it’s infinitely worse than that. Unfortunately, the evidence for this is in the Sin War Trilogy, a book series which is so abhorrent to the idea of the Sin War, Diablo’s Lore as a whole, and the entire concept of literature itself that I’d rather cede the point than direct you or anyone else to read it.

Except… no?

They’ve never once at any single time successfully managed to make the Void out as anything but pathological and dangerous. It is inherently corrupting, maddening, and fundamentally evil. All its major characters and entities are flagrantly malicious, and any Void user who isn’t is explicitly as such in direct opposition to its nature.

The Void Elves are in a constant state of struggle against its influence, and only exist because they weren’t completely corrupted by it. Their existence doesn’t showcase the Void as “good.” It shows that it can be resisted by willful and determined individuals who would use it but not be used by it. The Void Elves who are good are so in spite of the Void and its influence, not because of it.

And that’s just one major instance. Every single showcase of the Void, its users, and its influence highlights without question that the void is 100% 2D evil. Unless they’re going to do a full 180° and showcase the Void as being just as capable of good as it is evil, unless they can actually prove that the void is anything other than everything they’ve shown and featured it as, unless there is a massive coup in its depiction… the Void is evil.

They can claim all elements are “neutral” all they want, but in terms of following through on that sentiment? … There’s nothing to actually back it up. And so long as that’s the case, turning around and making the Light evil as well just lapses back into obnoxious nihilism.

From my perspective, they were alive enough to help out when we needed it most. As far as the them wiping us out, I think the plan was to start over, which is a common theme in a lot of real religions. Wash everything away in a great flood and start fresh. I don’t think that makes them evil, just not very compassionate.

I have no knowledge of it so I will take your word for it.

My own interpretation of it is they are trying to evolve these ideas and add more depth to them so they aren’t just flat 2d ‘this is good, that is evil.’ Whether or not they will be successful in doing so is too early to tell yet I think.

Exactly my nature loving friend :smiling_face:

Lets hope so!!!

I was so excited when I learned of the Mag’har story arch. Talk about turn of events and some creativity on the side of the Blizzard writers.

I just hope if they do create an expansion with this story plot that they don’t turn Yrel into a Garrosh and Sylvanas 2.0 because that would be so out of character for her and the Draenei of Draenor.

If I remember correctly isn’t the alternate timelines fading away? They have the plot and the reason to do this expansion in my opinion.

Y’all best be ready to be kissin’ some hooves.

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