So about yrel

We ever gonna address the fact shes basically enslaving everyone to the light or what?

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100% she’s coming back. The new Dranei race description hints at a villain-batting for them as well.

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I am hoping she slipped over the same way Mag’har did to make for one hell of a start to 10.0.

Her and turalyon…horde for once will not be the ones to throw the first punch. It be nice to see that, imo.


They will forget about it. Like the giant sword sticking out of the planet too since Legion. It’ll come up as a plot device if they get desperate enough for a story that hearkens back to those to get away from the Avengers wannabe crap we have now with larger than life alien lifeforms of immense power villains constantly rather than a genuine Warcraft feeling thing.

Honestly there is not a lot lost to do that approach except bruise some writer egos which means it wouldn’t happen, but players would be a lot happier if game design was fixed and the game kind of felt the same. I know people who were turned off of retail in my Classic guilds simply because it no longer feels like going through sentimental characters developed over the RTS games you were familiar with. Something we last had with Sargeras but Legion was when we started to go full-on superhero. Prior to that we were a side character that took place in the events but were never the center of the entire story. Things just happened, you engaged with them. They didn’t happen because you. Take the player character out of it, 5.1 (another really awful patch people forget about when they reminisce about MoP) still goes on. Now we’re so woven into the story that us stopping means story just gone. Hypothetically you don’t play 9.2, Anduin as far as your character’s story goes never gets rescued because those NPCs are side characters to me, they aren’t clearing the fight without me let alone seeing it.

Far as it looks now, 10.0 is very likely to be a Light vs Void theme. Or us tackling Light full on because it’s getting out of line. Yrel happens, Turalyon tries to seize the throne in Anduin’s absense, an internal civil conflict. Eventually he and Yrel need to be put down. Then Void the other expansion where they will reuse the Dragon Isles, Emerald Nightmare, Void Elves will learn why Ethereals exist and where their loyalties actually are. Perhaps Alleria goes nuts over Turalyon dying and that sets it all off.

Jk that would be a halfway decent expansion concept, this team can’t do that.

Nope because soon you’ll all be one with the light willing or not

I’ve wanted for the Alliance to be the villains/aggressors for so long. Enough of this weak, Kumbaya, hippie King Anduin.


Or alleria.

We needed a void expert. For some reason she just wasn’t good enough.

What are you qualifcations alleria.

Well I ahve been void powered for a bit. Trained by an expert mentor. oh and you can ask your champion for a reference. they watched me take in the essence of a void corrupted naaru.

and you Wrathion?

I am an 8 year old dragon, come from long family history of succumbing to the void. But I look good. I mean look at my hair. Its fabulous!

Sorry alleria…we are going with dragon.


Yrel’s thighs don’t lie and neither do I.

wiggles toes


I can see them saying that the Naaru managed to keep their world from being completely destroyed while they worked to reopen the portal so they could cross over into ours.

Considering that timeline was collapsing onto itself, I hope not. Although I’m sure they’ll do something stupid like have the Light pull her out of time itself so she can be a zealot alongside Turalyon or something dumb.


It’s really a non-issue. She and victims are trapped in a fading alternate timeline. It’s going to disappear back into non-existence eventually. Without a shard of the Vision of Time they really can’t do anything, so it’ll sort itself out.

The main point of that story arc was just to rescue the orcs and bring other native races to Azeroth for potential future stories and playable races. And to be an epilogue for WoD. I don’t think we’re coming back to it.


I thought the point of Warlords of Draenor was not to marry our mother so we keep existing.

I’m really bad at lore


Same goes with Turalyon who’s enslaving everyone with the power of both the light and mediocrity.


DrAEnOr iS fReE.

wiggles toes

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He’s kind of cool now. Bored one day I swung by since I never actually talked to him as acting king.

He has lines like well we reclaimed Arathi. Wonder what else we could reclaim.

Hey turalyon…lets walk over to the map. See this place called ashenvale? yeah…while you have been on argus this place went to hell really. Been infested with horde for years. Hell it was the staging for Darkshore push.

Boy blunder didn’t fix this before it became a problem. I think you can.

He goes you just think I can?

Okay turalyon…You can do it.! I double dog dare you to do it even…

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Yrel is a champion of the light. After what the Iron Horde did to her and her people I don’t blame her for trying to tame the savageness of the Orcs in Draenor.

They should be lucky she only wants to convert them rather then slaughter them, SMH.

Horde always playing the victim card when its obvious they’re the agressors and the savages of this wonderful universe. :wink:


Maybe. WoD was such a fever dream I don’t know how anybody can begin to think about how to addressing it other than just writing it out.

She will probably be a minor raid boss or dungeon boss at some point. I would really rather not kill her, I liked her in WoD.

Yrel did nothing wrong.


Not to mention I am sure she learned that this is not the first time the Orcs tribes of a Draenor nearly wiped out her people. So I wouldn’t blame her for using the one weapon they have to help ensure their survival.