So about that sword in Azeroth

It was sort of talked about in the Night Fae covenant. Suffice to say it was super convinent it hit a zone without any major population centers/it seems improbably that it didn’t have a larger consequence to the very fabric of Azeroth environment. Also, how the hell did Sargeras get his sword anyway? Did he actually forge it using an entire world as a base?

My theory is that the sword will just gradually sink further and further in Azeroth and Azeroth will just digest it or something like that. Not sure what the implications of Azeroth absorbing Sargeras sword would be, could be interesting.

What’s going to end up happening after Shadowlands is that the Titan Azeroth awakens and fully matures. No, the planet won’t be destroyed when that happens, it just means they’ll be able to physically manifest themselves.

Azeroth will pull out the sword and transform all of Azeroth into a perfect version of itself which will finally end the war between Horde and Alliance forever unifying us going forward. Azeroth will join the rest of the titans and together they’ll be able to revert Sargeras back to his former self redeeming him of his evil ways.

The new threat from the darkest part of creation called the Void will now become the main baddies as they wage open war against the titans by fusing the two dimensions together.

To be fair. Azeroth is more of a fetus at this time.

I think the problem with the sword is that we literally have no means to remove it.

It will require a Deus Ex Machina to solve that.

And we are kinda lacking in the Godly department, seeing as we keep killing every God we meet. The Titans are busy holding Sargeras and Illidan prisoner, etc.

I reckon once we save the Shadowlands, the Pantheon of Death will thank us by destroying the sword or something.

Maybe the jailer is trying to help us remove it? He’s just misunderstood.

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Why not let Gnomes & Goblins figure a way to get it out.
I’m sure they’ll come up something safe.


You’d think they’d start breaking that thing up for the massive amount of refined material.

Unless it is made of something that cannot be cut or re forged.

We had closure in legion for that. We drained the corruption and sacrificed our artifact weapons in the process. Did all these people asking not actually play legion and just watch vidoes of the expansion?

What would you like us to do with that? It’s not like anyone currently has the power to pull it out and, basic trauma protocol, is to not pull out punctures like that unless you’re prepared to close up the hole immedietely.

yanking it out will most likely kill Azeroth right now so we leave it in until we can do it safely.

Ah yes of course. Naturally, basic trauma protocol applies to a fantasy video game.

The sword is still there because none of you champyun’ed hard enough.


Maybe the sword becomes a new world tree.


Yeah bro. We’re going back to Azeroth after Shadowlands or during Shadowlands.

Got me in the first half :joy:

Not gonna lie, this was a successful troll, my eyes rolled all the way in to the back of my skull :fishing_pole_and_fish:


thinking intensifies

the sword is still in the “earth”
the neck is still in my bank
so is the cape

magni trolled us.
damnit magni.

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Doh! I champyooned when I should have champyuned.


A female Titan rising up to end the patriarchy of the First Ones.

:rofl: :ok_hand:t5:

How do you know Elune isn’t a First One though?