So about that sword in Azeroth

Azshara frees Sargeras, Azeroth awakens and restores Gorshalach, or maybe Taeshalach initially, and then they have a duel in giant size. Then we go about suppressing and restoring order to the wayward powers.

Doesn’t the Jailer say something like “I’ve come for the soul of this world” (not 100% sure lol)

he’s like the grim reaper coming to take the world to hell cuz it got stabbed

Here’s what I wonder that never seems to get talked about - If Azeroth matures and “hatches” into a full grown titan, doesn’t that mean that the planet and all life on it gets destroyed? It seems like we’d want that titan world spirit to stay asleep pretty much forever. Why isn’t every mage and shaman on the planet researching how to do that?


When I get time, I’ll swing by and pick up my sword. Thanks for reminding me that I dropped it in Sillithus.

What exactly can we do about it beyond what we’ve done? Its a giant sword bigger than pretty much anything on the planet. I guess we could try politely asking it to leave.

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Oh I know! We’ll pry it out with this other sword! :rofl:

Watch us get punished for “forgetting” like the Tidestone…

As others have pointed out, its too big, both physically and for the story, to just have some random thing happen to it.

I am fully expecting some big event to occur after Shadowlands involving Azeroth though.
They talked a lot about time, and there has been a lot of other big lore stuff discussed already within Shadowlands so I am hoping our return to Azeroth is for something major.

Either way, for now its a relic of Legion, like so many other things.

they need something to givem an excuse to make another xpac with a story that challenges most razzy movies.

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Shush. You are not supposed to notice that. Also, don’t say that dwarf bastrds name three times in a row…

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Hitch the Vindicaar up to the other end and let’s take this show on the road!

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I think they were assuming finely-ground Azerite would act as amnesia dust…

Then again, I’m still waiting for an answer on the current state of the unleashed, uncontrolled Scourge.

When the jailer’s minions went back home… was it ever explained what’s going on with the Scourge in the meantime? Like… the Crown of Domination’s now broken and on another plane of existence and if we ever solved the whole, unleashed, unstoppable unending wave of Scourge issue, I must have blinked and missed it.

So… uh, are we just hanging out in the afterlife having tea with vampires and watching fairy plays while Azeroth is overwhelmed with an uncontrolled zombie apocalypse? It doesn’t seem like the kind of question that should have to be asked, but after BfA…


I dont know but thats a LOT of material there for making some cool crap.
Oh lord…guess what the next expansions going to be about :laughing:

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If they are true to their stories, every Gnome, Dwarf and Goblin on the planet should be trying to melt that bad boy down for fun, science and profit.

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Audience: “Wow, so what ever happened with that sword in Azeroth?”
Ion: “Unclear.”
Audience: “But wasn’t that the whole purpose of BFA, to save Azeroth because Azerite was its blood and it was dyi-”
Ion: “-OK, going to need you to get ALL THE WAY off my back on this one. BFA is over, we’re moving on.”


That’s like the play you do at the start of the night fae campaign. They totally riff on how little sense the BfA story made…

they dont hatch like an egg, they just manifest from the planet. otherwise when Argus woke up and we killed him, we would have been destroyed as he woke.

and the sword is too big, we’ll need the titans themselves to pull it out. and the Vindicar… you see how small it was next to Sargy’s hand? it would be like asking a fly to move one of your samurai swords… i know several of you here have samurai swords… admit it. :smile:

I have yet to do a Night Fae character. I will have to try it.





Funny Blizzard lol
They are the ones who told us that the GIANT SWORD caused azerite bleeding. And they are the ones who hid the last boss until the 8.3.

Obviously people had been thinking that GIANT SWORD is the reason for everything. Heart of Azeroth, azerite azerite azerite, CHAMPIONS!!

And now Blizz is thinking like
‘Wasn’t the Nzoth huge surprise? Why people continuously talk about the sword?’
When on earth they are gonna realize that the thing they think as a surprise!! is not actually what they think it is lol

At this point, it feels like Blizzard sees us as some sort of… robots with no thinking ability lol
If the writers are the same ones… woo.