Another reason why WoW storytelling sucks…they just forgot about that sword like its nothing.
Yea don’t worry we took care of it with all the Azerite we collected and our sweet necklace plugged the hole.
If you join the Night Fae, it gets mentioned in the play.
That’s for 10.0 most likely.
That’s like being stabbed, going to the hospital with the weapon still in your back, and having the doctors say: ok, we already desinfected the area and you are not bleeding. We are fairly certain the is closure
But like what’s not to understand??
Goblins are going to turn it into a theme park
Sword? What sword? I see no sword.
Now I can get on board with this.
Maybe it will push its way out like a giant splinter. We will find it laying on its side all covered in pus…
In reality though, it will probably be just stuck in the dirt. No different than an oil rig stuck in the dirt.
Shh. Dont spoil the surprise.
difficult when we can see that puppy 5 zones away. xD
Pretty sure that the whole sword thing was written by a new writer who didn’t last past their 3 month probationary period and that exactly zero people at Blizz feel like dealing with the sword thing.
Blizz’s new writing prowess is probably not going to be retroactive.
You’re a fool if you don’t think Azeroths gonna wake up and rip that bad boy out as her own weapon.
I don’t know if we really forgot about it. The world ending crisis was stopped but the faction leaders were abducted before we could send out the clean up crew.
Sometimes you just let the rubble stick around when there is a world ending event every year.
You think the sword is a plot hole right now? Wait till it’s pulled out…hic!
It would be cool to see Sargeras’ sword restored if Azeroth ever awakens.
Just imagine all the gold we’ll make
what’s needed to be closed about it?
Sword went into Azeroth…we drained it with our artifact weapons…the blood was used to fuel a war…
we helped Magni heal Azeroths woons with Heart of Azeroth.
I mean it’s pretty much shut now.
Oh, didn’t hear?
Azeroth’s woons have been healed and the planet soul is like, okay also or something.
…yeah. No need to worry about the sword.