So... About Sylvanas

I am like 100% sure I played wow longer than you

:expressionless: How can this possibly give you hope?

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My opinion is valid. Everyone else is a slave to alliance bias.

The Ranger General side of her is horrified by the Burning of Teldrassil, so once the soul halves merge, she may go on a quest to free the rest of the souls.

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If you’re okay to lap up a story where the world is completely destroyed due to a complete demystification of the world to the point that anything other than horrified nihilism would be weird, where they slap out reference books full of weird racist tropes and plot points they refuse to say are hard canon, more power to you. I doubt you’ve been playing longer than most of us then but more power to you.


Really its neither here nor there but for the sake of conversation. I started playing at the end of Vanilla, started posted shortly after. Wayback Machine is meh when looking for those old post.

Clearly it’s not, your opinion isn’t what happened.

I do think its funny, that people are latching to different things, like people latching on to the parts that sylvanas feels bad means shes gonna be redeemed and other side latching on to the unforgivable crimes means shes not gonna be redeemed, and I am here like great we arent gonna know what happens to her till the end of the raid hell probably till next xpac

No, she’ll be judged in chapter eight of the Zereth Mortis campaign.

How does this undo:

The burned tree.
The people killed off in the living plane. The NE Civilization is still in the nearly wiped out status. “Freeing” the souls doesn’t have any positive effects on Azeroth.
How does Sylvanas’ feelings fix anything?

Perhaps I should have asked what hope this restored for you for NEs.


you brought it up lol I didnt say anything about playtime till you did got you beat then I started like a month after vanilla came out

what makes you say that

I dunno, Seeing Sylvanas argue with herself and admit what she did was unforgivable and she had to face the consequences was sort of cathartic for me.


A stern lecture? Yeah always knew that.
I doubt anything else will come of it.

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Chapter eight on the PTR is labeled “Judgement.”

This game is terrible.


you are dumb, like if we killed her know how would that fix anything either wanting a dbz style and all the nelves are back, is also stupid for this bad story

Saving the remaining souls is a worthy cause.

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Yeah, the Mage Tower is overtuned, and they didn’t bring back the old appearances, and I’m mad.

ah well I hope you are right, but I’ll believe it when i see it since blizzard said 9.1 was gonna be it for her