So Arthas is forgetable too, give us arthas back
They wont make a model for her just to kill her off in one patch. Sylvanas is here to stay.
Inconsiderate to smother my theory in the crib. Cool model though.
Although saying that, she pretty much is a ghostlier version of ranger-general Sylvanas. Right down to repaired gear.
They have already established she has done unforgivable arocities, and admits as such. And that she is going to have to face judgement for her crimes.
I expect she will sacrifice herself to save anduin and become a ghost, and then be judged by Arbiter Peligos.
Being a ghost is a server side effect. They can apply a ghost overlay to this model easily.
Awwwwww poor Grand, I pity you so so so sad. Anyway I love this!! /fistpump!!! ahahahahahah
Y’know, I thought there wasn’t anything good about this cutscene, but the fact that you hate it so much means it’s not all bad.
Guess we will see.
My experience with Horde characters facing justice is a stern lecture by a human paladin and off they go to do whatever they were doing before.
I know, its okay buddy. You should just focus on the things that make you happy, real talk. /pat
Erevien being upset makes me happy.
That’s… not healthy.
Baine needs to live.
Probably not.
They did some really good work with this cenimatic, not gonna lie.
The details of a gold and blue Silvermoon in the background was really good; its how this half of her remembers it I suppose.
I want a ruthless warlord who defeats her enemies with every dirty trick up their sleeve possible. Not a crybaby who is on her way to join the alliance.
Her face seemed uncanny a little.
its too big for her tiny blood elf body.
she looks like a bobble head.
He is a disgrace needs to be killed.
I don’t even know where to start! I’m gonna need a drink tonight. I really wished I could pull my post and threads from the old threads that date back longer than most of you even played WOW.
As always, Erevien, nobody cares what you want.
This gives me hope for Night Elves.