Oh so renewal means giving up all of their zones to the invading Horde. You could’ve tried hiding it better that you’re just trolling. Now you exposed yourself.
No it means stop fighting and holding vengeance in their hearts so the renewal can actually happen. Oh wait you’re going to reply and probably say something along the lines of renewal can’t happen blah blah blah until this that the other blah blah blah despite the fact Elune thinks it can happen and Tyrande does too. Thats the story and you don’t have to like it.
Exposed myself…? You’re the one thats bias about all this. How the hell do you come to the conclusion I’m trolling? Believe me I wouldn’t waste my time trolling you. Confronting irrational people for the sake of truth isn’t trolling, btw.
Stop fighting means giving up their remaining territory to the Horde.
Try harder.
You really aren’t.
Blizzard have literally doubled down on their character assassination and you, for whatever reason, are twisting it to fit some weird, unsubstantiated headcanon that goes against over 15 IRL years’ worth of evidence of who the character is/was.
Do you want the night elves to survive and do the renewal thing or not? Also I’m quite sure horde/alliance territory is going to dramatically change after SL given the faction war is over. Its funny you think you have a rational stance on this.
The Night Elves are fighting for survival in their own zones. If they stop keeping the fight up, they will lose those last remaining zones to the Horde. It’s in the book.
you are reading in a lot of stuff they dont say to fit your perceptions. But that seems to just be what you do.
So you do you, I guess.
It would work if the voice file Ethriel has been posting about isn’t Tyrande talking to a Horde player, but to Thrall for keeping his word from Shadows Rising.
Oh my god, I’d forgotten about that promise.
Damn it Amadis, why you gotta do this to me? Now I’m wanting that to happen, even though I doubt it ever will.
you are reading in a lot of stuff they dont say to fit your perceptions.
Uh no? Did you read the relevant pages? The Horde is still fighting and defending their outpost in Ashenvale, and Zekhan and Rexxar are traveling in it and making these and other statements.
Oh my god, I’d forgotten about that promise.
Don’t worry, Blizzard has too. They already forgot their 9.1 story too
There is a reason this cinematic is framed and storyboarded the same as Vol’jin making her Warchief. I’m here for it.
Banshee Sylvanas is gone. The character we used to love was replaced with a shell of a character that has not be part of the game since Warcraft 3.
You got so much hate, but you were right all along.
Thanks, I definitely feel like a winner today. Yayyy I win the forum speculation game, what is my prize lol
Reminds me of Tyrathan Khort. He didn’t get to kill Vol’jin’s killer like he promised.
Bit of a non-sequitur, but as this is a Sylvanas thread, it seemed the place for it.
Not sure if anyone’s already noted it elsewhere, but upon investigation it would seem the wound on Sylvanas’ new model above her collarbone isn’t Blizzard forgetting about or ignoring the proper placement of Frostmourne’s wound and does add up, because it’s not actually meant to signify the wound from Frostmourne. It’s the point of entry from her violently returned soul fragment, as one can briefly see that very spot glowing as she collapses to her knees and clutches her chest during the final Sanctum of Domination cinematic.
So presumably she sports a wound from getting killed by Frostmourne and the newer one near her left shoulder from being pierced by the returned portion of her soul.
Her frostmourne scar is the reason she no longer wears midriff revealing tops. It was replaced with a corset when fans called out the inconsistency of her not having a wound from Cata-WoLK. Since then and even in her new model she has a piece of cloth/leather covering her stomach.
Is that the same for Uther? When did he get his soul fragment back?
Is that the same for Uther? When did he get his soul fragment back?
He regains it through some ritualized questing and stuff, as part of reconciling his memories while cleansing the fragment of the damage caused by Frostmourne. Conversely Sylvanas’ fragment was forcibly returned all at once and in its still-damaged state by way of Zovaal basically launching it back into her like a projectile.
Hence why she’s left a comatose mess while his reunification coincided with him being"fixed"; reconciling his burdens was part and parcel of restoring Uther’s soul, while Sylvanas has had her soul’s pieces violently forced back together despite them still being damaged.
CDev is having Ranger General Sylvanas blame herself for what Banshee Sylvanas did, because Uther said so.
I honestly think this is all RG Sylvanas; she was horrified at the things her fractured soul did, while it wasn’t 100% her it was still a part of her. It only feels logical that she would feel quilt even if she isn’t responsible for those atrocities.
As I said in another thread, Ranger General Sylvanas would obviously voluntarily carry Banshee Sylvanas’ sins to see justice for them carried out, as Ranger General Sylvanas is a literal martyr, after all.