Even if she was thanking the Horde PC, it still wouldn’t make sense.
The Night Elf souls were mostly obliterated and the Horde is still fighting the Night Elves on Azeroth. How is anything set right? It doesn’t make sense, the souls would need to be freed and Blizzard really really really doesn’t want to do that.
I hope dearly that the NE get everything they desire including everything they lost. No cap. I feel like I’m going coocoo for coacoa puffs with Ethriel’s constant complaining.
Edit: I hope cdev thinks twice before touching them again after they get their every desire.
The Horde at large is allegedly still fighting on Azeroth, but the Horde PC isn’t. They, somehow, proved themselves to Shandris and helped her try and save Tyrande. They canonically saved a bunch of souls in that scenario (80 to be specific), then kept going into the Maw to save more specifically night elf souls. Then they went and helped with the Night Warrior depowering business.
Tyrande’s not thanking the Horde, just a single Horde PC who, somehow, showed they’re “not like other Horde”.
Which again, I fully agree is in bad taste.
Personally speaking, I don’t want a special thank you from Tyrande. I’d be much happier with an intense glare before she turned and walked away, nothing spoken but the silent message of “I guess I won’t kill you, but you probably deserve it”. Anything more than that feels just wrong and weird.
This is not true, but you’re going to reply to me and say it is anyway as usual.
Also not true unless there are some orcs somewhere that didn’t get the memo that the war is over. But I’m sure you’ll also reply to this and say it is true with no proof.
The weekly quest is there to imply you in fact saved more than the 80 you think we only saved. Thats… literally why that quest is there. Also I didn’t think you cared about the books because in another thread when one was mentioned you didn’t seem to care about that.
Again, there is no update on the souls other than in 9.1 where we’re told that the Jailer still has them, and absolutely nothing regarding them in 9.2.
When? It’s literally part of canon that the Horde is still fighting Night Elves.
This is impossible Ethriel. You made it clear that the entire Night Elven race was extinct and damned to the Maw and nothing we did would prevent them being obliterated.
After reading your replies about the night elves I’d conclude that you don’t think there are any left but maybe like 5 or so. I’m sure they’re putting up quite the fight against those horde that didn’t get the memo back on Azeroth. So hey maybe there are enough night elves left for this whole renewal thing to work out quite well eh?
Honestly, I really do hope they write into the story a way to bring back all those night elves you keep talking about… it seems like that is the only way you’ll stop posting about it. Are you convinced they’re not or what? You sound like a broken record with how much you’ve mentioned the same thing about them here. What are you trying to accomplish? We get it. You hate what happened at Teldrassil and that a few night elf souls got turned into jailer fuel. How many more times are you going to keep mentioning that here?
Almost extinct, and this is repeatedly stated in books and interviews.
Just like it’s repeatedly mentioned that there are far too few of them left.
Well, we didn’t do anything to prevent that. Blizzard wouldn’t let us get most of them out of the maw so obviously they were obliterated.
In the book it’s also stated that they can’t heal.
Uh yea, maybe if such an obvious thing was addressed people would stop complaining about it?
Because that’s by far the most gross part about Shadowlands for me. That Blizzard had the perfect opportunity to let us free the night elf souls and just obliterated them out of spite.
You’ve been so irrational about the night elves and Sylvanas here that I can’t take you seriously when you say the book states they can’t heal. I mean maybe it does, I haven’t read it. I just can’t take YOU serious about anything anymore after all I’ve seen you say. You think Blizzard obliterated night elves out of spite. Out of spite of what? Your feelings about what happened to the night elves doesn’t prove a damn thing about your claim of them hating night elves.
Don’t take Ethriel seriously. They do not argue in good faith, they never have, and they take in more suckers than I can count here, on Reddit, or any other fan site.
The book states that they don’t even have enough numbers to patrol in in their own zones, and this is why the Horde is still holding onto their outposts in Ashenvale and Darkshore.
The same paragraph also paints the Night Elves as the aggressors, by the way. The aggressors in their own zones. After having a genocide commited again them.
Because they don’t like Night Elves? They knew that they’d let the Horde and Sylvanas get off scot free, but instead of using a perfect opportunity to let us free the Night Elf souls with Ardenweald, they instead wanted the Night Elves to suffer as much as possible and obliterated their souls so that there’d be no happy moment for them.
Would that include Sylvanas’ head? Seemingly Sylvanas is going to die so the Arbiter can judge her. Most obvious solution to this would be to let Tyrande do it after the Jailer is defeated. It would work if the voice file Ethriel has been posting about isn’t Tyrande talking to a Horde player, but to Thrall for keeping his word from Shadows Rising.
You should know Ethriel has many pseudonyms. If someone is being overly obsessively pro-Night Elf on Reddit or on the story forums, chances are it is Ethriel. They’ve given themselves away as a bad actor over and over again. It’s a shame so many still fall for it.
Doesn’t seem like it. Especially with her encrypted model being visible now, there’s nothing that would suggest her actually dying.
Also even if she died, she’d probably get an afterlife in Bastion or some nonsense like that so that she can be with Uther, meanwhile her victims have been obliterated in the maw.
I’m not so sure about that. The only things that do happen in 9.2 are Anduin getting freed and the Jailer defeated, not so much the Night Elf souls getting a resolution or happy ending at all.
Elune wants renewal and they’re going against what their goddess wants. Maybe they haven’t gotten the word yet from Elune? I guess not if they haven’t been to the SL. Or maybe they really do want vengeance despite what Elune has said. Either way, whoever is speaking in that passage is right. Its not going to end well for them if they keep fighting.
Prove Blizzard doesn’t like night elves. No your feelings about what happened at Teldrassil and in the Maw are not proof. NEs got the best character customization options in the game. I guess they channeled all that hatred into those very creative ideas for them.