So about SL lore interview

Let’s see… cynical alert

Trying to learn from narrative stumbling blocks of BFA.
One example to do better - have less ambiguous moments at the end of patches, they know some people were disappointed with BFA. They want people to feel like at the end of a patch, they are at a cool place and have enough ideas to do cool speculation–in a healthy way, vs a “lost and uncertain” way. They want to give players more ideas and hints.

Funny they mention some people disappointed. Well I’m glad that Blizz learned it now. Because… BFA was the first expansion?
Anyway, I’m glad. At least they recognized what the problem was.

It’s been fun to throw all the “bad guy eggs” into the Jailer, after BFA was ambiguous where the villainy was more spread out.

Why did they throw all the “bad guy egges” into the Jailer? Don’t we have another villain that we have to deal with? The one that has all the villainy. Hope you did throw the bad guy egges to HER, too.

The expansion will be driven by the Jailer and how we stop him and what he’s after. There’s more to him that first appears.

I start to think that they confuses Jailer with Sylvanas. I literally have zero interest about what he’s after. Of course I’m willing to learn about who the Jailer is, but tell me what Sylvanas’s after and how to stop her.

As you learn things in Shadowlands, you should look at stuff you experienced before through a slightly different lens, like how Chronicle is written from a POV of the Titans (not written specifically by the Titans though). You’ll have a better understanding of the big picture in Shadowlands.
Chronicle introduced a good framework, and in Shadowlands the devs can put “meat on bones.”

One of my concerns has become reality. So Blizz will give us their own interpretation about Chronicle now.
Ah… yeah… okay…

Her (=Tyrande) story is a thread from BFA that couldn’t just be wrapped up neatly by the end of the expansion.
The loss of the Night Elves is a huge story and the team wants to give it the proper reverence.

“proper reverence.” They don’t use word “revenge,” but this is an interview.
So… I’ll wait and see. I hope it’s revenge.

Tyrande is also grappling with the huge influx of power tied to the Night Warrior.
There may be some cool cinematics that tug at the heartstrings!

It reminds me of someone. One of my favorite characters who had some cool cinematics that tug at the heartstrings in BFA… wut?!

Q. Will the Forsaken be explored a bit more in Shadowlands?
A. It will be a part of the story, it is a story that will not be rushed though. When a kingdom undergoes as much turmoil and change as the Forsaken in BFA, it takes some time for those things to play out.

No Lightforged Undead in SL. Got it. /relief
What about Calia leading the Forsaken? well… that’s kinda undead players’ business though. Do you guys like it?

Bolvar is very key to the storyline, interview hinted that he could play a Magni and Khadgar -esque role in this expansion.

I liked Khadgar. I don’t think Bolvar would be funny like him, but fair enough.
Ah doesn’t mean I don’t like Magni. Just… I figured out that Magni is very workaholic.

Bolvar’s past will also be explored as well - we know that Taelia is his daughter, and she doesn’t know who her father is.

Something already expected and… something should be dealt with well.
We’ll see.
It’s kinda surprising that Blizz let Lich King get up from his throne and walk around the ground. Hope he’s character won’t be mocked in any way.
Oh wait, wasn’t he…?

The choices made are for deliberate reasons. There are lots of stories left to be told. The ones pulled into Shadowlands help illuminate the story experience and the jailer’s plot.
Steve is overall satisfied with what characters are returning.

Soooooooo you are satisfied with SMURF Uther.
This ‘charater returns’ was the one that I really expected. Shadowlands is literally NEW zone with NEW world-class villain, so I thought ‘returning heroes’ can establish some connections with Warcraft lore I knew.
But it seems they already severed the connections… when it comes to Uther.
How about other heroes?

Expansion philosophy now doesn’t limit a story to one expansion.

Expansion philosophy… wut? You just said that you learned something from BFA storytelling. Didn’t that mean that you learned that it’d better to limit a story to one expansion? At least, important story, right?
Don’t tell me you are willing to leave players in darkness at the end of the expansion again. Without the conclusion, there’s no difference btw ‘cool’ speculation and ‘lost and uncertain’ speculation. They are just speculation.

TL;DR This 9.0 lore interview is really not tempting.
I’m not going to see Sylvanas or relevent story until 9.2 or so, I think.
They had a huge loose-end and won’t deal with it until… idk, 2022?
I’ll check the story then. again.
Good luck to all the players who will enjoy Jailer’s story and covenant.


tl;dr something something slap in the face something something Horde bias NEXT THREAD

? what’s this nonsensical reply?


I made an educated guess as to the contents of your post, considering that it’s longer than the lorepiece itself, having skimmed it though I do apologize as I was wrong. Not to be beat around the bush, but posts this long and this wordy that start with “Not Blue eye elf lore” and with no tl;dr will just get lumped in all the other High Elf threads. dial it back a little with the commentary and you’ll get more discussion.


That’s not why I mentioned NOT elf lore at the start. /sigh Didn’t think it would be misinterpreted in that way.
And if you really READ my post, you would’ve known what I’ve intended.
Just want to know how other people think about the interview.
No need to dial back coz I need people who would read all of them. Not my commentary, but the lore interview. If there is none, well, I’m fine with no replies. Thanks for the tip, though.


It was interesting the topic of Wild Hammer dwarves but they wouldn’t get a starting area. That the players would have to create that narrative themselves. So why not just unlock all classes for all races and let us build our own narrative?


Sigh…why would they ruin a perfectly good chance of a lore video by involving Taliesin & Evitel?

Absolute excitement for it went down the drain in a heartbeat.


I feel the post was well written. I appreciate the included interview which I read completely. Both were educational. Thank you.


Why you gotta beat me to it. :rage:

That’s my go to line outside of crusading.

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Honestly them 2 are just as bad as “his name can’t be spoken” just totally other side…Taliesin and Evitel are darn near wow Apologist…
Blizzard could take a healthy dump on their porch and them 2 would justify it …

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Thank you for saying sth like this. Didn’t mean to be edu…cational though… just wanted to express that I was disappointed about what they have said in the interview.

I really hope the SL to be a success. At least Legion level success. But… Sylvanas, blue eye thing, and the interview- I don’t see any improvement in storytelling skills or lore. Or reading player’s mind.

Is obviously another tragic event coming, but with a horrible cutscene like the Night Warrior transformation one.

No ressources will be wasted for Tyrande’s death.

Ahhhh I didn’t know that.

Thus this post. : )

It’s disturbing that they mentioned proudly about cinematics. Doesn’t necessarily mean that they do sth tragic to Tyrande, but it is disappointing.
I do hope that they have a plan that Nelf would feel ‘we got our revenge.’ And really good closure about the massacre. Of course without Tyrande’s death. Sylvanas’s death will be enough for the entire xpac.

Well from how they worded it, it’s most likely something sad and tragic, and we have to consider how bad all Night Elf cinematics were in BfA in terms of quality.

Also, 8.1 was already the revenge for the Night Elves as they confirmed.

They will make up for it. From the interview, at least they recognize they have to do sth to Nelves. That’s something I can think of little bit of positivity.

What? What have we done? Battle of Dazaralor? That’s for the Alliance vs. Horde. Sylvanas isn’t ended yet. Nelves and worgens need new home, too. Really do hope Blizz don’t think it’s already done.

Ruining everything and telling people ‘just accept it’ won’t work in SL. Well, at least they want it to be a success.

I can’t, because they always fail the Night Elves so why should that suddenly change? Especially if he hints at something sad happening to them - and we both know which kind of cinematic it will be.

I made a post (well actually a ton of posts about that): The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

Yea, that’s why they swept Teldrassil under the rug so they can continue the story without having to address it.

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Woah… sometimes I really don’t believe what they say officially.
It’s not about faction bias, if they really think it’s done… Well, I see little hope in SL. I mean, they don’t know how players feel and don’t know how to wrap up loose ends. Which means they are clueless about how they would handle Sylvanas’s story - which would include a lot of things becoz they said that Sylv’s plan started at what, Wrathgate?

Personally I think good xpacs comes with good story. Don’t have to be perfect, but acceptable one. To the majority of people. Blizz said they won’t limit the story to one xpac. Then they must know that how to deal with those massive storyline with several xpacs.
I hope they can do that with Sylvanas and Nelves in SL :disappointed_relieved:

Wildhammer tatoo is good : ) i like those lines.
Well but… isn’t it like getting gnomes their home would be first thing to do? Haha. They share the same starting zone with Dwarfs still. : P

The ship has sailed for me, it’s clear that they wanted to dismiss those that hoped for a conclusion with that 8.1 statement. They never wanted and they never had plans to actually continue the Teldrassil storyline for the Night Elves.
It only happened so that Saurfang could become sad, I mean look at the difference in effort:

and then we have…

This is also most likely the type of cinematic they’ll do for Tyrande’s death, because they hinted at a tragic Night Elf cinematic in Ardenweald so that will likely be it.

Well considering that Sylvanas will be redeemed, I don’t see much hope for Night Elf revenge or justice.

I feel like sylvanas haters are focused on her even more than her fans

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no, we’re not some light loving goody two shoes puppies, we love to blight and cannibalise. And feed dwarves poisonous beer