So 9.1 is gonna be terrible

Maizou, you’ve made it pretty clear by now that you hate this expansion passionately. Nothing they do is going to make you happy now. Why not just take a break until 10.0?

I’ll never understand why people make themselves miserable like this :man_shrugging:t4:

Let’s be honest - most of the player base left and they aren’t posting. SL is terrible and 9.1 isn’t going to change this from being the worst expo of all time by large margin.

They might now be taking all the feedback on how terrible gearing and elitist systems were and designing a better 9.2 but that’s the earliest anything about this piece of crap called SL is going to improve.


So far not impressed but it’s not like the patch notes are anywhere near complete.

i just don’t really get this, most of the feedback from BFA was acted upon. A lot of people seem to think this expansion isn’t alt friendly but i still think its better than in BFA, all you really need is legos. You don’t really need to catch up on renown realistically. People asked for less mandatory content and i generally feel the only content like that is torghast and you can be done with it within a month.

What exactly is so terrible? The only thing i don’t like right now is the content drought but i just take a break until there’s new content.

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Lol, the only thing wrong with it is … there’s nothing to do. Ya, that’s kinda a big deal.

They made the game so there’s no path to progression if you aren’t in an organized group and most of the people puggin have quit. That’s terrible and way worse than BFA.

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It has the same content as BFA at launch… What did BFA have? The raid, Dungeons and Warfronts + Islands and finally the reps. What does Shadowlands have? Raids, Dungeons, Covenant Torghast Maw and Reps. Almost identical, as for path to progression outside organized groups… yea maybe, if you’re talking about the free titanforge hand outs which the playerbase was specifically asking to be removed

BfA had six zones at start, plus another two that were added later.

SL has five, four if you don’t count the maw as a zone due to the jailor’s eye mechanic. So with the removal of the eye, and the new zone, it will finally catch up to what BfA launched with.

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Maybe but you still had 4 reps, 3 zones were still dedicated to 1 rep. And no i dont think adding more World Quests was the clutch shadowlands needed

Yeah, I really dont get this “ME NO WANNA GO BACK TO MAW! :angry:” nonsense.

You dont like the Maw because of the Eye and the mount restriction. Thats gone in 9.1.

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just one look at the ptr patch notes and I knew I wouldn’t be coming back to play. I can’t stand half the content in this game and how it greatly influences the other half of the content that I used to enjoy. mmorpgs are dead until ashes of creation comes out. feelskinoman

FfXIV is doing fantastic right now

Can’t remmber if I posted here or not yet

Nah 9.1 is going to be great. The real issue is how long it is taking Blizzard just to release one content patch which is also the first one that’s going to be released so far. It’s taking way too long. Besides that, looks good

Well,it is too early to tell op,just hope there is more content<always hoping and waiting.

Believe the jailers eye is going away. But they are adding a timer to torgassfart :rofl:

And ,the torments again.

TBC classic can’t get here soon enough.

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Not a fan of a timer their unless they add a pause button…

You’re right.

I am surprised that Blizzact can’t learn from the past and have a plan B ready to go if an expansion angers a majority of the player base.

Can they simply not learn at all?

I can’t imagine they will keep on getting the benefit of the doubt after two expansions that fractured the player base opinion so completely.

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Big surprises in store for those that complain about daily and rep grinds


You know I honestly think 9.1 is going to be one of the better patches we had in a while and the maw is exactly how it should be I mean it suppose to be hell of the warcraft universe and that’s how it feels like down to the T