So 9.1 is gonna be terrible

So this is blizzards idea for a patch everyone is starving for? More maw, dailies and rep grinds. Flying after 40 more renown levels…and a new raid?

So many people are dying to get back to the Maw!

Yeah blizzard at this point is literally just trying to kill their game and keep players unsubscribed. Their burn out is showing with this franchise.


I’m sure this stuff was planned out before the expansion was even announced. It’s too late get off the path.


Subjective, I’m sure there are people who will enjoy it. Personally I dislike what they are doing for 9.1 that only having friends etc to run end game with would save it for me.


I think it’s what they wanted to be honest. They want to put this game in matenience mode and move on. The burn out from devs are showing


I’m going to enjoy the Maw a lot more with a mount and without a death timer, that’s for sure.


I don’t even think it’s that. Whatever vision they had for the expansion, be it covenants or the maw or torghast or whatever grindy new system they’re about to unleash…that’s all we’re going to get in shadowlands. Any brand new, system-wide changes won’t come until 10.0.


And a mega-dungeon. That plus a raid makes this a pretty hefty patch for a X.1

Also they’re fixing everything that people moaned about in the Maw, so it’s just going to be an endgame zone.

Dailies and rep grinds are literally the game. Like. I don’t know what you expected. An FPS?


Probably best then to move on since you already seem to know it will be terrible and have your heart set on it being bad. WoW is likely not for you anymore. Plenty of other mmos out there for you.

“A turtle made it to the water” wasn’t enough apparently.


I am looking forward to it personally. Sorry you are not… maybe next patch.


Ironically I didn’t even hate that like other people seemed to. I always did the Tortollan quests while they were up because they were quick, easy, and a nice gameplay break from “mindlessly murder 20 mobs”.


Same. I like the minigame WQs. Quick and easy.


Considering the no Mount and eye of the jailer parts of the maw are going away along with a new zone in the maw that changes it quite a bit.


I’m not burned out… Yet. But then again, I don’t have SL.

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Lets unpack this, the maw is bad why? Most people dont like that you dont get a mount and the eye of the jailer (And i agree with this). This is being removed, what is the difference in the new zone from their typical rep quest hub? They have been doing this i think since wrath of the lich king.

The maw at least wasn’t the generic World Quest tracker rep.

Their .1 patches since legion have typically included a mega dungeon a raid and sometimes outdoor world content. The content in these isnt mind blowing but its ok.

I also don’t get the comparison to FF, they use a cookie cutter patch release. So much so there’s almost no surprise.

What exactly do people want from this patch? A completely new game? Revolutionary new features? This is beyond a patch scope/

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You realize that could have been an hotfix change right? But instead we get time played metrics mattering more and have to wait several months for 9.1 to fix this.

Um no. I’m sure you got a big ego because of your post count and think you know it all… But dailies and rep grinds are not the game. Raiding, Mythic, and arena/rated bgs are the game.

My main mmorpg has been FFXIV for a long time. WoW was just my first true love in the genre. To bad the developers have trashed it bleeding out what ever money they can while it’s still alive.


If final fantasy is your main game, then maybe you should stop trying to turn WoW into Final Fantasy. Different people like different things. What if I went to the FF forums to complain that there isn’t enough pvp in FF and there’s too much story?


I love this response…

Considering it’s a lore/story based change, especially the eye (I don’t want to post spoilers), no?

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There’s a whole swath of people who do no raiding, or pvp, or mythic dungeons. Just because that’s what you do doesn’t mean that’s what everyone does.

And you say Briselody has a big ego?

You’d probably get banned. :smiley: