So 9.1 is gonna be terrible

“more maw” despite it not being the same way that made people hate the maw at all anymore. No eye. mounts. Its just a new zone. Pretend to look at it objectively.

So your friends are just like you.

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Yeah, it’s grindier than BFA with less reward.

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wow, what a well thought out and eloquent post Mr. lvl 14, you sure did call out Blizzard on their…

[checks notes]

doing exactly what they said they were going to two months ago at Blizzcon…

It’s the Japanese artstyle though… Calling this or that “weeb” is the same as appropriating Japanese culture. “Weebs” refer to Westerners that completely reject their own cultures and make Japanese culture as their own. Again, FF14 was created by a Japanese company for Japanese players. Just because Westerners are enjoying Japanese culture, doesn’t mean that that content is “weeb” content. Take your toxic mislabeling somewhere else.


it kinda does doe =x

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I think you may have missed the point i was trying to make.

My point was, that they count on that type of response, that every 2 years the shift will be so “radical” that it will be just the lipstick on this pig that is needed for people to kiss it. The actual reality is, that people are so addicted to this game that they can’t see what’s in front of them - no paradigm shifts, merely a change of masks.

Grinds have been the meat and potatoes of WoW since 2004.


What did you want them to do that is different from every other content patch from as far back as legion. Each patch came with a new zone and a new raid with some new dailies, née seasonal affix (at least in BfA), one mega dungeon for expansion, and adding more to the existing systems.

This seems pretty par for the course.

So, again, what we’re you expecting?

I don’t think that the point you’re trying to make really matters these days. We live in an instant gratification world. MMO’s are a niche genre now. The days of 12 million subs are gone and they’re never coming back, no matter how “fun” you make the game.

All the work and all the changes that went into SL are already done. Whether those things are good or bad doesn’t matter. That’s all we’re going to get. The next 2 content patches are probably already planned out. Our feedback just doesn’t matter. They may take it into account for 10.0, but it is what is for the foreseeable future.


So, I wonder how much actual content for casuals there will be in the new zone. Well new, fun, and engaging content that is. Blizz best focus on the casual content at least as much as the raid and Mythic plus stuff otherwise I foresee more casuals leaving even quicker.

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this is so stupid first they delay the launch then when they launch it late it still sucks… we are now lab rats and there just giving us busy work… I 'm more hopeful for burning crusade classic…

20 levels. The 9.1 campaign ends at 60 Renown.

If you’re going to be a troll, at least get the details right.

Why is this post flagged? This game is in a horrible spot. Give us a better experience if you don’t like these posts on the forums. Next there’ll be a snopes fact check telling us posts are fake when people say the game sucks.


LOL No it isn’t. They did it with WoD, pretty much leapt right off the path and left it half finished to start working on a new one with Legion. It’ll prolly happen again if 9.1 is any indication of what this expansion holds in the future.

Everyone LOVES more time-gated renown, Maw dailies (at least we can mount there now) and Torghast. Plus they really went and “fixed” PvP gear where anyone who dabbles in both PvE and PvP is now forced to choose the stream they want to focus on with only 1 vault choice and the different gear being worse in one version vs the other without even addressing the real issue with PvP gear in PvP, ilvl disparity.

I’ll be switching to my 5th Covenant on my Rogue because of the changes happening to MA in PvP where Sub is now going to be such a niche spec because it lacks any real pressure without a busted leggo, I pretty much have to play Sin in PvP, and Necro is looking the best with the new traits on top of being the best for PvE Combat…

Honestly this expansion is shaping up to be everything I thought it would be where I feel bad about most decisions/rewards vs feeling good with things like M+ loot, PvP gearing systems, and the Vault.

I know some people get excited no matter what the rewards are in their weekly vault but for me I either feel extreme disappointment when it’s bad or just relief when it’s something I can actually equip. The only real joy I get from this game is interacting with my friends/guild mates in it.


Look on the bright side, you’re padding those time played metrics.

Ion thanks you :blush:

How do you know? Are you playing the PTR? It hasn’t even released yet

We should not have to wait almost a year for flying .

technically it was confirmed that flying will be unlocked “once we finish the new covenant campaign” which the last of the 5 new chapters on the PTR unlocks at level 59. this would suggest flying is unlocked at renown 60, not 80

The flying is getting unlocked after 19 renown levels. It unlocks at renown 59