So 9.1 is gonna be terrible

It’s in game on the PTR.

Hm ok. Being on the PTR it could change I guess, many things do. Just have to hope it’s not quite that long.

have you seen the raid weapons?

this alone makes me hype

While that sounds like something I’d do, I deny all allegations…/s

i mean the writing was on the wall at blizzcon, i mean they barely covered it and the highlights alone were bland and left a lot of that’s it? now here we are months later and we get easily one of the worst looking first patches after an expansion ive seen yet, just more of the same garbage NO ONE wants to do anymore, i mean assaults again? more Maw, more Torg, oh another drab, grey bland small zone with more rep grinding oh joy… oh 40 more garbage renown levels that have no meaningful rewards oh boy I mean this patch is still months out and this is what we get to look forward to more of the same crap everyone is doing now and is sick of.


There is always a lot of folks who get bent out of shape when FF is brought up as a comparison.

If you think for one second that a person who plays WoW can’t enjoy, and play other mmo’s then not only are you misguided but are also mistaken.

Go have a cup of water or something, anything…then re-evaluate your blind loyalty to a game gaming company.


Source please

PTR currently has flying at renown 59 so 6 freaking weeks, same amount of time it takes to grind rep… Yup and thats why you dont believe anything Ion says.


What unlocks flying has not been confirmed yet. I wouldn’t doubt if it were renown 59 or 80, but it’s just assumption right now. Renown 41’s reward has not been revealed yet.

Most of my unenjoyment of the maw is not being able to mount, except on certain mounts. In 9.1 we can mount on any one of them, so I’m fine with that.

The rep I’ll have to look into. I’ll only do it if I want something from it or need it.

The thing I hate is timers in Torghast. Didn’t like it the first time they proposed it. Still don’t like it. Not everything needs to be Mythic+.

Pathfinder or the current renown cap?
Edit. NM you edited your post.

no pathfinder etc, you just need to get to renown 59.

oh okay, i get why you’re upset then, since there won’t be a new raid in 9.1

Didnt he also say it would be tied to renown and be part of the first major patch? I’m not seeing where he lied. How about we just celebrate the fact we are getting it in .1 and not .2 like every other expansion.

You must have a special edition of the ptr that I don’t have. Renown 59 mentions nothing about flying.

And this is precisely what blizz counts on… for people to draw the logical conclusion that there IS, actually, a light at the end of the tunnel. That light being, a NEW expansion that “will finally resolve all the worlds problems and make a new shiny WoW right as rain”… so they can keep bilking people for yet more money.


I think that hiccup we got with legion being pretty okay threw a lot of people off giving them hope. in reality they just got lucky. The passion just isn’t there anymore.


That’s the thing that puzzled me. People are saying ‘level 59’ but Wowhead hasn’t changed its page for Shadowlands flight and I’ve seen nothing mentioned in the news on either wowhead or MMO Champion confirming that. I admit, I haven’t searched every source possible but I’d have thought if it was so there would have been more about it out there. Admittedly, being still at the PTR stage Wowhead may not include it as fact.

well its kinda weeby doe

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Whether they count on it or not, that’s just the reality. They try to reinvent the wheel every expansion, but whatever they come up with is what we’re stuck with for 2 years. All they can do is tune whatever they’ve managed to come up with. Anyone hoping for a radical shift is going to waiting a while.

It’s weird that they seemed to take all the wrong lessons from BFA. I was quite happy through that entire expansion, but I’m really bored with Shadowlands. I guess I’m waiting until 10.0 now.

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