I mean, it has changed significantly over the past few years, especially the last two expansions. Hence why the people who have been invested and active players for years are upset with those changes, and actively upset that the game is going in a direction they don’t like.
I really have no idea how Streamers fit into this, but I mean, Shadowlands systems does feel more like a bastardized mobile game than an actual AAA MMORPG, but yeah, at least gearing will be slightly better.
not sure what theyre complaining about, its literally only an improvement. maybe theyre annoyed they dont have ksm or something. just straight upgrading gear isnt bad at all
The most difficult part of the system is to get the gear to drop. It took me 30 runs of PF to get Poxstorm as an example.
While you are running said dungeons you can’t farm valor to cap, you’re limited on how much you can carry. So you do those 30 runs and can barely upgrade the item once you get it to drop.
The valor system of old was a vendor, that also allowed a maximum number of upgrades on gear based on where you got it from.
If you have KSM you barely need the system. It has little value other than for alts or to help you climb marginally faster.
With this change they reverted the weekly keystone reward, which essentially means you need to push your key every week to keep it at a healthy place, or join someone else’s.
All M+ needed was a marginal ilvl bump to gear based on keystone level, with an extra piece dropping at the end of dungeon, for both completion and timing and it was a slam dunk.
They basically made the most obtuse, over complicated and useless improvement possible. I’ll give in to your point that is an improvement over the current state of things, but it feels completely out of touch.
well i def have a ton of pieces i could use to upgrade, and sure you still need the good item to drop, but once it does you have means to upgrade it to good quality eventually. we currently have no way of doing that, and mythic 15 gear isnt very good. ill gladly take being to upgrade my items slowly (once i get the drop yes) over having them stuck at key15 lvl.
ill take anything thats an improvement over what we have now
you can get up to around 200 without ever having to join a group between random BGs, random Arenas, and campaigns. If you want to get higher, you do M+. How do you get into M+ if no one invites you? You make your own group and name the group something obvious to let the applicants know that it won’t be a tryhard group, like +2 NW chillnotryhardskthxbye
You keep banging on about this, but it’s simply not true. You had to play the game regularly to earn the renown to unlock both the campaign (which also required completion) and certain pieces, then you had to grind out the anima to upgrade them all.
By the time casual players had completed and fully upgraded their covenant sets, the “hardcore” were already well past them in gear.
And thanks to world scaling they DIDN’T make content “obsolete” - unless you’re talking about world quests, which Ion has repeatedly said (not that I agree) are now “catch-up gear only”.
Slowing down the covenant set or making it “harder” to obtain would not have magically pushed people like me into raiding or mythic+ - I’m done with that crap, and am just taking the scraps they throw at world players now.
Another myth you keep pushing.
The frustration for world players is the ilvl scaling making it feel like they’ve made no power progression at all, because now, meaningful power progression only happens in instances. So when players hit the brick wall of 197 or so, yes they’re upset, because those world mobs take pretty much the same amount of time to whittle down as they did as a fresh level 60.
Just wanted to add that I spent a lot of time crafting, and building up crafting. Now it’s just junk. I do it out of reflex. I wish they would invest in it once again.