So, 9.0.5 is only to address streamers and m+?

Your core base of casual/solo players are leaving in droves, and what is done? Appease streamers and M+. players. I don’t see much of anything to address the over all boredom and lack of rewards that will keep us logging in. Absolutely nothing. It’s a shame because my daughters and I used to enjoy gaming together. Now we cannot even go back to content we blasted through in BFA because of scaling. Daughters quit and my sub ends in 5 days, so it is what it is. We are doing other things now.


dude, casuals got a boost in 9.05 with being able to get two pieces of loot (though at a lower item-level but you still get loot. Also, Defaultly you can get to item level 200 without running keys as an edge (that puts you in the gear range of CN Normal)


Can anyone explain why this patch is allegedly for streamers?


those who want BFA level loot raining?


Hm, that doesn’t really clarify OP’s position, but thanks for the effort (I guess)


Because the current conspiracy theory among forum posters is that they’re the ones designing the game and Blizzard just does whatever they say. So any time you don’t like a change it’s because of THE EVIL BOGEYMAN STREAMERS.


Ah, okay, so it’s a paranoia/irrational school of thought kind of thing. Got it.


Prettymuch. There’s this crazy narrative going around that streamers are threatening blizzard to get blizzard to do whatever they want, and the forum is full gung ho on believing it.

Ya kinda gotta read everything that mentions streamers with a grain of salt and kind of look past the conspiracy narrative to get to the real core of what people think. It’s annoying, but oh well… it is what it is.

I’m going to be blunt and honest. If the game isn’t enjoyable try something different. Minecraft, Valaheim, or even the open source Minecraft called Minetest which is VERY mod’able. WoW isn’t going to change much and you’ll just be the butt of everyone’s mockery here…hic!


Casuals leave in droves every expansion. They get bored until the next patch


It’s really as simple as this. I am returning to WoW just now after a much needed break from BfA. Azeroth is always waiting if you decide to see what else is out there.

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you either get on the streaming bandwagon or get left behind. arena championships, mythic+ competitions… that’s the future of wow. i have no interest in it.

5 man will be the next raid tier when they no longer have the player base to support 25 man. maybe they drop it to like 10-flex and that’s the only tier. it’s coming.


They don’t want to be gear locked, same as any other player. I’ve not seen a single person ask for a handout, but that accusation is thrown around a lot. As it stands, unless you raid/mthics, you hit a gear wall. If there’s no way to overcome that wall without doing raids/mythics, and that’s not your play style, why continue to play the game?

“Why do you need better gear if you aren’t doing that content?”
Because it’s progression from where they currently are. Not only does it make doing current content easier, but it could provide those players with the option of exploring the world of raid/m+. I mean, that’s goal no? To get more people into those environments?

Not a single person is asking for a handout. You don’t hit the gear wall by being lazy.


This is a tuning patch. Not a content patch.

Oh that. Yeah, they won’t fix that. Scaling is apparently “working as intended.”


I wouldn’t have unsubbed if I could solo legion raids.


Everything ActiBlizz does is to address streamers, e-sports(lite) content, and their investors. Don’t expect them to ever make decisions that might just be seen as ‘fun’ or ‘enjoyable’ and for everything to be based on how well it effects the holy trinity of time played metrics, revenue accruement, and the WoW players’ nostalgia for better days to milk them.


Yes. Just like you have before BfA. That expansion threw gear at everyone and destroyed gearing in general.

Shadowlands went too far with the low droprates, but this game has levels of gearing. Always has.

Sorry, but 200+ gets you into raiding and M+ easily. We got our progression. It’s exactly where it should be for world content. You want higher, run higher content. It’s already available to you.


because gear wise it’s doable, what folks were wanting was a mechanics overhaul (the last one they did was for WoD and Hellfire Assault which took a lot of work to rework the mechanics). Folks are mad because they thought by SL they’d be able to Solo Eonar/M Kil’Jaden.
Otherwise, you can solo nearly every fight out there that isn’t mechanic heavy (also they can be dummy easy if you got the Heart of Azeroth)

ya, and then what? there’s no consistent gearing path … because there’s no way to get in groups if you aren’t part of the leet show are already geared up.

One simple solution was to provide a gearign path through torghast/twisted corridors.

But they obviously don’t care about the non leets this expo so we’re mostly quitting.


No,you are wrong. In BFA, M+ rewarded gear that was actually useful so it was easy to pug, Horrific visions provided another gearing path, and invasions also provided useful gear for solo content.

It;s not like one of those things is gone or worse in SL … they are all gone. so, ya, this is nothing like BFA or Legion, or any recent expo.