I am at a loss for what solo players thought they was going to happen. This game has never been overly generous to truly solo players but some how you thought 9.0.5 was going to change all of that?
You can easily do lower tier mythic+ content, there isn’t anyone playing the game that can’t at least unlock the 207 valor upgrade for completing 5’s. That is a trivial challenge that you can complete in PUGs. That unlocks gear upgrades just below the current Heroic raid tier and tosses 213 ilvl gear (which in on par the first 8 Heroic bosses) in your weekly vault.
I do both mythic dungeons and heroic raiding, but do see the logic in this. We already have this nearly every expansion now for at least one piece of “legendary” loot, which is usually acquired via solo or unorganized content.
Torghast COULD have been the perfect kind of place to allow this kind of thing, so long as you were gating new loot out over a significant amount of time. Let solo players get loot, but they have to grind for it, and it takes more time, obviously, than doing organized content.
It’s not an issue of giving people something for nothing, it’s making sure that everyone has something to “work towards”, regardless of their personal schedules. If done right, this would help keep people engaged and stop the mid-expansion dropoff we always see in subscribers.
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That game doesn’t really have… content per say, i mean it does, but it’s kind of like minecraft where the main draw is building and exploring a procedurally generated world
Yeah, I think people are gonna get sick of it real quick, which is why I think it’s funny that folks are peddling it as an alternative to WoW.
I mean, I tell people looking for a new game genre to try Kerbal Space Program, but I’d never suggest it as an “alternative” to WoW. (Except in that it’s even MORE addictive.)
Which has appeal of its own.
I mean, I freakin love Raft even though I go through months of not playing it only to go back to it once in a while. Medieval Dynasty too.
Waiting for that Minecraft itch to be scratched by Hytale if that…ever actually comes out.
You can’t do it for rewards. Leveling alts is not engaging. It’s a miserable two day slog where your character gradually gets weaker and the game gets harder and harder to play. In Classic, the increased difficulty as you level comes from higher level mobs acquiring more diverse abilities that you have to learn to counter. However, you can still go back through Elwynn Forest and roflstomp the murloc camps that were giving you grief those many levels ago. Now the increased difficulty comes from your rotations growing more complex as you level and the mobs scaling disproportionately to your own lackluster growth in power.
I agree.
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Well put! We need engaging /well written story/lore. Many of us dont want to or would only raid at a min.We want our garrisons brought into the current expansion, more character customization for all races…template for random bgs so us casuals can have fun too…fun rewarding quests. I dont think that is too much to ask. The young kids are the future of this game …do you want them all playing Roblox? People of all ages will be happier if you make the non raiders some good content.
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?? you have to care about gear and progression? What about having a fun, engaging role playing game?
Other than trading island expeditions for Torghast, I don’t get what types of activities you could do in BfA that you can’t do in Shadowlands? As before, there is still leveling, world quests, dungeons/M+, raids, BGs, arenas, AH/crafting/economy, transmog, pets battles, and tons of mounts/pets/toys/achievements to collect.
Tryhards burned through the content. Even though the vast majority haven’t made their way through most of the content yet, the devs spend extra time and resources and scramble to accommodate the tryhards.
This despite the fact that the tryhards pay the same $15/month that casuals do. /shrug
Ya you’re right. It was so boring I couldn’t even get started. Friend asked me to raid, I said nah I’m good. Game is so bad all they can do is add 18 levels of the same dungeon. Ya I’m good on that too.
9 million less players than 9 years ago… 1/4 the size. Sounds like a regular ole me problem
The part that stood out for me was:
- Summon Dreadstalkers, Demonic Tyrant, Vilefiend, Nether Portal demons, and Grimoire: Felguard will now listen to primary pet commands.
Nice change, I wouldn’t mind if Imps would do the same as well.
Yes well when they lose all their casuals as a result of this. I hope they will be happy cause casual made this game what is it today and this our thank you stabbed in the back. Ion is a disgrace and so is Blizzard.
No they aren’t.
You know how to get rewards. Go get them.
Right, you and the other people who usually take a break during content lulls.
Classic and SL are both fairly calm right now, so people taking breaks is normal. See you in a couple months.
This game has been losing 1 million subs a year for the last 9 years and people still throw out this cliche. I do have to hand it to the diehards, their fortitude that everything is awesome while wows bleeding out. This game is in such a sad state that people are clamoring to decorate houses just to give them things to do
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Please provide your source for information that isn’t available.
Edit-you can’t, and this is 100% false.
The closest thing we have to accuracy is logs, and the WoW population on retail alone is more than seven million. So try again.
The game is fine. People aren’t clamoring for houses to decorate. They are on the GD forums begging for gear without doing content.
There are loads of things to do in game, but it seems to be more popular to instead hop on the forums and make silly claims, like the one you just made-instead of just playing the game.
Crazy how “streamers” is an insult now a days lol…
Is it the new “neckbeards?”
This patch was primarily to address imbalances in systems and fix a key issue with gearing that exists in M+.
If you are bored 3 months into the season, that’s on you.
Maybe you should pick up streaming as a hobby!
I will when you provide sources that casuals aren’t the majority of players
Ya it’s so bad they don’t even show subs anymore
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