So, 9.0.5 is only to address streamers and m+?

I agree. This is/was done to attract the “Cyclical Gamer”. The modern gamer who wants to get in, then out - because time is money, friend, and there are other games.

Most of the time I think the big difference is simply that Blizzard sees the numbers, marks the ebb and flow, and is fine with it. While we, the playerbase, seem highly concerned moment to moment over every perceived fluctuation in the population.

They designed this rapid-bite pace for that demographic. Apparently it works for them. It’s a rough fit, for me personally; but man I love it when someone is out for two weeks and then needs to catch up. :man_shrugging:

basic Psychology, they see them as being " people like us " and can relate to them and their wants and needs and be mystified as to why everyone else isn’t just as happy.

Real casuals actually play the game and benefit from some of the changes. The only hit against casuals is the weekly key change.

They can’t. Idiots on this forum just have a raging hard-on for blaming streamers for all of WoW’s problems.

No, there’s nothing wrong with being a streamer if you can make a living off it. The problem is that someone who literally turns the game into their job is not representative of paying customers. Their needs are completely different. Blizzard should absolutely do what they can to keep streamers happy. They just shouldn’t do so at everyone else’s expense.

Asmongold kicked my girlfriend and stole my cat!

So what about 0.5 is keeping streamers happy at everyone else’s expense?

Sylvanas crushing the helm like a beer can was a symbolic passing of the touch. Streamers are the new scourge. A plague sent to destroy us.

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Heres an idea maybe stop acting like casual players incapable of doing anything more than world quests and pet battles and actually play the game.

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The fact that the only changes address streamer staples like raiding and M+ with no adjustments whatsoever for the lackluster casual content suggests that all the developer resources are exclusively going into keeping the streamers enthusiastic rather than making everyone happy. I thought that would be obvious.

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…you can’t be serious.

1 ) “raiding, m+, and PVP” is not “streamer content”. Its end game content.

2 ) Many changes effect people solo-ing or playing casual.

3 ) Why do you think casuals are so bad at WoW they are unable to participate in raiding and m+?

4 ) This is such a stretch of logic even Stretch Arm Strong is in awe.

You issue seems to be " I cant believe they didnt create more content in a 0.5 patch for people that avoid almost all content in WoW". Considering most changes in 0.5 are pretty small…what were you hoping to even get?


Why are you putting words in my mouth? There’s a huge difference between unable and unwilling.

Because I am honestly tired of this narrative that if you participate in m+ or raiding or pvp. Or do literally any aspect of end game content. Ever. You are not “casual”.

Casuals can raid. Casuals can m+. Casuals can PVP. They can do quite well at it also.

I think you are correct about the free epics, brewa. I was saving up to upgrade my sanctums when I found out I could upgrade the convenant set to 197. I then dumped all my anima into that.

Now, I’m not getting more anima, because i dont want to work for 35 anima when i need 50,000+. I’m not making legendaries because I need thousands of the mats and I can only get 1,000 a week right now. I’m logging in, standing around like and then logging out.

Just remember, I’m not logging in to not do anything. I dont want free stuff for doing easy content. I should feel driven to do content. It’s not a active decision I’m making to “not do content”

I personally think, that yea, the welfare epics are a big part of that, but that power creep is what made those epics so powerful. The game has reached the power creep levels of Diablo, without having a difficulty selector.


Been away awhile.

I gotta add, that I solo’d starting with the Burning Crusades and am still at it. And I ran Raids and Dungeons several times until BFA and then I slowed down. I had fun and worked my gear up the old way before “level scaling” which I still dislike. When I hit BFA I did very few Raids and Dungeons, just played solo, but there were way more things to do solo in BFA than SL. (I’m including my main and alts) I’ve been able to work my way up to level 203 with this Toon doing very few Dungeons and a few Raids. I actually like Torghast. Ha. I don’t care for the SL Raids at all. SL has far fewer things to do for a solo player than the expansions before, not counting Raids and Dungeons. The Maw sucks, not worth doing. But like said, I started playing WOW in Burning Crusades. I don’t care for SL much.