No problem, always happy to help.
You’re having some pretty selective amnesia about the constant stream of complaints on this forum about Torghast being too difficult, which resulted in Blizzard nerfing it to the ground.
i’m bored i unsubbed this game is boring. torghast is easy and boring. havent been on in a month. 9 million less players than 9 years ago, keep saying everything is awesome. dont even care to progress never been so bored in 16 years with this game
Okay, just searched this. I did rescue Bain. Don’t remember getting a quest to run Twisting Corridors.
“To unlock Twisting Corridors, you will need to complete the questline given by Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. This questline starts once you complete the Covenant Campaign quest The Search for Baine.”
You haven’t rescued Jaina or Thrall?
Nope. What’s up with that? Man, I’m messed up more than I thought.
You’re almost 3 months behind on the storyline and Torghast content, then. Either you have a quest in your log you just haven’t done, or you haven’t picked up the next one from Bolvar in Oribos.
To the best of my memory, I’ve done all quest given to me. Nothing in my Quest Log. I’m starting to feel lame. Looks like I’ll be heading to Oribos looking for Bolvar.
Only way for blizz to do that is by creating solo content that scales in difficulty just like the rest of grouped content
& they will STILL cry about it. Remember legion mage towers & how much qq that caused by casuals lol
If you’ve rescued baine the next one is something like collecting info and whatnot.
if you can figure out where you are supposed to be, you can get it done over a 2 week period (after you rescue Jaina there is a forced break)
Will that quest show up in my Quests, but what would the quest name be. That’s BFA, correct?
To be repetitive, I have a bit of a problem thinking straight. My heart stopped for over 45 mins. with only CPR and shocks. The lack of CO2 really put a hurt on me!
I’ll be back. Gotta check some things out here to see what I’ve messed up.
no, it’s SL.
Explore Torghast leads to Remnants of Hope leads to Information for a Price leads to Torment Chamber: Jaina
It’s not crazy. It’s pretty much been confirmed that they have a private feedback program for streamers and theorycrafters:
Geeez, now I’m getting all confused. I guess I’ll have to do some web searching to figure this all out.
I’ll be hitting 40 reknown today. So let’s see if honor and fortunes rain down on me.
Just look for any of those in your quest long and if not, go look at bolvar, he’s in the same place he’s always been in Oribos.
If none of that works, put in a ticket, they can tell you exactly where you should be lol.
Okay. Thanks for your help…to all of you. I need all I can get. Peace
Yep Welcome to a repeat of Warcraft Classic status where raiders ruled and casuals drooled.
Difference is, Warcraft is hemorrhaging it’s casual/solo player base. I KNOW, I KNOW - proof. Just wait for Q1 results. Don’t choke on your coffee’s when that bomb drops.
To the rest, please enjoy your beginning status of Wildstars history. Please enjoy your emptying servers and lack of stuff on the auction house or worse gold farmer dream priced items.
/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.
Well Asmongold hasn’t been streaming for a while, if he comes back for 9.0.5 booom there is, theory is proven.
I dunno what everyone else wants, but I want things to do outside of raids. I don’t enjoy PvP, or M+ but even if I did I’d only be able to take so much of that repetition (especially since its get the same loot but at a higher ilvl for the entire expansion). Torghast is just a chore, and there’s only so much one can take of Anima WQ grinding. Even the Maw, touted to be the Timeless Isle of Shadowlands, is just empty.
What else is there to do? Farm old content? I have almost everything from most old raids already and even for the stuff I don’t yet have it’s not exactly fun or difficult. Not to mention its all stuff I’ve done before anyway, I want something new.
It doesn’t even need to give high level gear, I just want some fun, new and engaging content. I had HOPED Torghast would fill this role but it fell very short of the mark. Even the covenant campaigns just didn’t reach the standard class order halls had set, despite there only being 4 covenant campaigns to design. Hell, I would go so far as to say the BFA war campaigns were more engaging than the covenants, ESPECIALLY the Night Fae campaign.
THAT is my problem. Shadowlands just doesn’t offer enough to do at endgame. It’s raid, m+, pvp, and chores. I enjoy raiding with my guild so I have some draw here still but considering we aren’t likely to do mythic raiding (and im fine with that) once Heroic Sire is on farm… what do we do until 9.1 then? And 9.1 feels so very far away, it feels like it’s still being conceptualized based on the extremely vague wishy washy info we got in Blizzcon, so it’s still likely several months away…