So, 9.0.5 is only to address streamers and m+?

If you don’t want to do raids, pvp, dungeons, world quests, Torghast, or explore outdoor content… you’re right, there’s no reason to subscribe to this game.

The thing is, Shadowlands has more content than any other expansion at this point in its life cycle (except maybe Legion), so I’m not sure why you’ve been subbed as long as you have.

This is WoW. It’s what WoW is. It’s what WoW has always been.

It’s not the difficulty that’s the problem. It’s the difficulty/reward ratio that’s the issue. If I’m not allowed to mount and I have to make corpse runs to get my currency back after every death, then that currency better give something nice. Instead it gives gems slots on select gear slots.

The lack of balance in Torghast was problematic. There’s no reason that the same content that I’m able to faceroll in healing spec should be a struggle to complete in DPS spec. If I can two shot mobs in resto spec, I expect to be able to do the same or better in DPS spec. Instead I was having to dump multiple rotations worth of abilities into mobs that were going down in two shots as resto. The other issue was that floors exits were being guarded by mobs that spammed skills that took 50% of my health at a pop, and the CD on my interrupts was nowhere near good enough to keep up. That’s not “difficulty.” That’s a straight up wall. I could theoretically, through crazy RNG, acquire the anima powers required to get past that content, but was it worth restarting the instance a bunch of times to do so? Absolutely not. Especially not for just 500 soul ash that’s only usable towards a 1-4 time upgrade on a single piece of gear.

First, The Maw isn’t that big. It’s a quite small zone, actually, and there are teleports to help you take short cuts. Second, if you refuse to do it without a mount, then you’re not looking for challenging content, you’re looking for convenient content. So please don’t say “I want challenging content”, because what you should be saying is “I want convenient content”.

And yes, I understand that the lack of a mount doesn’t make it challenging (it doesn’t), but a challenge isn’t what you’re looking for, since you say that your overriding concern is that things be convenient.

Anyway, get the mount from Torghast. Problem solved.

Way to completely fixate on one irrelevant aspect of the post that was merely intended as an example of the “difficulty” that they’re providing to solo players without actually addressing the elephant in the room, which is the crappy reward/risk ratio. I wouldn’t mind spending three hours by myself in the Maw for exciting rewards. What I hate is grinding trash mobs for a currency that isn’t even useful beyond the first month. That’s how both Torghast and the Maw were implemented. The inconvenience is just the :poop: topping on the :poop: sandwich.


you just keep cherry picking talking points, but it doesnt help that no one really knows what exactly is missing from this expansion.

To me personally, it feels like there is a gaping hole in content. That hole was left by power creep. It’s never felt as steep of a curve to get into the game. The difficulty goes from 0 to 100.

The dedication to get up the hill is just monumental. Torghast would be awesome if there was a reason to do it. I personally havent even crafted a legendary yet, because I don;t have the dedication to scale the cliff of difficulty.

There is just no reason for us normies to do current content.

And it’s whatever… We’ll be gone soon, the next wave of casuals will swoop in and start complaining. You guys will tell them the same thing, “you just dont like WoW anymore if you don’t like the difficulty curve.”

I use the difficulty curve not because the game is too hard. But because it doesnt have a curve.

It’s like your first day at the gym, and they only have 2.5 lb dumbells or 105 lb dumbells

You’re going to think that gym sucks. Right? You might even complain about it on their forums before your sub runs out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


See, this is the problem. But the dirty little secret is: WoW never offered anything more. SL content is on par with every other expansion. The fundamental difference has been the continual shift to quick, “accessible”, content. More and more players are outpacing the content at this point and Blizzard cannot release content on this faster pace.

Those grinds, those attunements, that having to go to instances, finding groups yourself, etc… all of it combined to slow player progression in a fairly impactful way, that was 100% better than weekly time gating. It kept players in the world/game, kept players doing “older” content, and allowed those behind to have a chance to still be making progress without feeling shut out. It spread the players out evenly along the progression path. Now – it’s a race to the max lvl, do the things once and never again.

The dungeons are too short; the leveling is too short; the farming is too quick; the professions go too quickly… everything is … just too quick and “accessible” now.

And just to be clear, wrt to accessibility: Everyone should have the opportunity to get to the content they want – but that doesn’t mean they should be dropped on the front door of that content at a whim. Allowing everyone to get the key to open the door is accessible, leaving the door wide open is too accessible.


Untrue. This is the way WoW has been since WoD. I don’t expect you to read this as you clearly skimmed my last post (i enjoy raiding with my guild, so i do still have a draw to the game) but Ill make the post anyway.

I mean, let’s look at MoP. Leveling took longer and zones had more quests overall. At max level you had daily quests. These were problematic at first due to the sheer number of them plus the fact that they gave you reroll coins which made people feel like they HAD to do them all, but conceptually they had more charm in them compared tp the World Quest system of “Remember that quest you did? Do it again”, plus the reputations regularly gave you story quests to reward the rep grind.

There were 3 raids at launch, Mogushan Vaults, Heart of Fear and Terrace, and while granted they mostly lacked the quality of Castle Nathria, it still helped keep the progression going.

Then you had Halfhill, the farm that felt charming as well as rewarding. There were plenty of rare spawns to hunt for nifty toys, some of which were useful (like the horn that pulled everything around you), while these days most rare spawns aren’t rare at all and are just there for scraps of anima.

WoD was a huge turning point. It was a very troublesome expansion evident by the complete lack of content outside of raiding, and one of if not the worst major “content” patches in the history of WoW. I think there was one that was worse back in BC, but at least there was still plenty to do back then so it didn’t hit nearly as hard.

I enjoyed Legion, it felt like they tried with that expansion, even if the AP grind and Legendary system had some serious initial problems. Everything since then, however, has been bastardizing the things Legion introduced. World Quests have gotten more and more tedious, M+ (which i actually DID like in Legion) has been shaping the dungeons rather than complementing them, particularly with esports in mind, making dungeons more bland and forgettable. Mechagon dungeon lacked a lot of the charm, intrigue and variety that the Karazhan dungeon had, raids lost a lot of their appeal with the removal of class sets and consequently a LOT of armor transmog design was lost… and we have gotten almost no new dun and engaging content since Legion.

BFA tried, but it was fascinated with timers, both actual timers and artificial timers, so Island Expeditions and Visions became races. Warfronts were colossal failures all round. Rather than try to fix them, though, Blizz abandoned them for more layered systems to grind.

Shadowlands meanwhile is taking the drip feed method. Most everything, including purely cosmetic stuff, is time gated to holy hell. So much stuff is locked behind an incredible amount of anima, which is also being drip fed. Torghast promised a lot, but the very limited amount of rooms and powers, the very similar bland environments and the very few different enemies made it have so very little to discover and very quickly became a chore.

I’m still subbed because of my guild, and because I’m giving the expansion a chance to improve in future content patches, but if nothing changes, this will be my last expansion. And all I want is some new stuff to do. Thats all. Just something new.


Couldn’t tell ya.

I think it’s one of those things where a tinfoil hat was a little to tight

no update to the goldshire mailboxes

MoP was not slower to level in, I hit max level the first day, just as I did in Shadowlands, along with many others. If there’s a difference, it’s that fewer people are as bad at the game now as they were, back then. The same reason people used to think vanilla raids were hard (they never were) but now that people understand how the game works, they’re revealed to be easy.

MoP had daily quests. So does Shadowlands (as well as world quests). People stopped doing them as soon as they unlocked the covenant gear recently, and THAT is the core problem: the ease and speed of that covenant gear.

These “there’s no content for casuals!” threads suddenly started when people mass-unlocked the full covenant gear sets, a couple weeks ago, and made much of the game’s entry level content obsolete.

Not a coincidence.

I still struggle to figure out what “casuals” did for the entire course of the game.

There wasn’t an extreme amount to do outside of raids prior to this, games always been kind of “raid or die”

I guess since back in the day leveling took a lot longer they just… leveled?

Well, there’s the proof you don’t read posts. I was talking mostly about MoP, not WoD.

It does have a curve, but that damn covenant gear you’re wearing makes all the entry level stuff you should be doing obsolete.

You SHOULD be doing Normal Castle Nathria. You don’t, because you look at it, and think “my covenant gear is already better.”

You SHOULD be doing low M+ keys. You don’t, because you look at it, and think “my covenant gear is already better.”

You SHOULD be doing elite world quests that give 190-203 gear, but you don’t, because you look at it, and think “my covenant gear is already better, or about the same”.

And because you aren’t doing the entry level stuff - because that stupid covenant armor is already making it obsolete - jumping into higher keys, or Heroic Nathria, seems like an insurmountable jump.

The covenant armor set is the #1 biggest mistake Blizzard made, this expansion, because of this.


You’re right, I typed the wrong abbreviation. I meant MoP.

Go play this :point_up::point_up:

You will get your full moneys worth. The game is epic

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No, this is the problem. Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, Cataclysm, and MoP clearly offered much more, but you’d like to revise history so that you can stand by your crazy belief that this game was always built by no-lifers for no-lifers, as if I hadn’t literally spent over half a year in the 2019-2020 timeframe devouring Classic content before even setting for in a raid. WoW has always offered way more than just raiding, PvP, and timed content. The problem is that you and Blizzard view everything from the perspective that raiding is the end-all be all for all players. If your goal is to enter raids, then I guess you’re right. What SL offers now is a far quicker path to the raid than ever. The problem is that most players care more about the stuff leading up to the raid than they ever cared about the raid itself. For many players, the raid is the crap they tolerate once they’ve exhausted everything else in the game.

Im only staying for while until i get bored now so far im finally feeling the wow storys and likeing it plus i kind of gave away all my money to make my kids happy so all i got is for for one month atleast.

But what did you do? Like I really want to know.

I know one major hit to “casual” players is the quicker leveling, but I really have no clue what else people were doing during all the prior expansions that was so great.

They did not, actually. In addition to daily quests and world quests (the standard non-raid, non-dungeon, and non-pvp fare), Shadowlands also has lots of side stuff (like Steward of the Day), it has Torghast, it has The Maw, it has the covenant side games (Ember Court, etc.), and it has all that covenant transmog to collect.

The earlier expansions had nothing like that.

The difference is: People don’t want to DO any of the Shadowlands content, because they got that set of covenant armor that makes all the gear rewards obsolete.